Bad call leads to unfair suspension
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 19 years, 4 months AGO
I am a Sanders County resident. My oldest son attends Charlo High School, home of the Charlo Vikings. Both of my sons have played every sport offered to them since they were very small boys. I am not a poor sport, however, it is beyond my capabilities as a dad and an old-school player to sit back and let this one go.
A Sanders County Ledger article stated my son, Bo Herak, Charlo Viking quarterback, was ejected for intentionally elbowing his Noxon opponent. The referee claimed this occurred in the last play of the first half in the Noxon-Charlo conference game. Bo was automatically thrown out of this game, and prevented from playing in the Montana State Class C playoff game against Twin Bridges.
The Noxon coach and Charlo head coach conferred after the game and the Noxon player Bo was accused of intentionally elbowing was asked (I was witness to this question) if he was elbowed. The kid said he was not.
I confronted the referee who threw the flag on Bo and he remarked that Bo is too cocky. Bo is an honor roll student. Bo is the Charlo High School student body president, voted in by good kids because he appreciates the good in all of us. He has never been kicked out of a game in his life. The referee was given the opportunity to watch the video replay. I drove up to Libby to watch the video with the referee boss. There was no contact. Period.
Bo, along with every kid who chooses to play sports, deserves better in this age of video playback. Is it too much to ask the Montana High School Sports Association to get off their dispassionate duffs and get involved, whether as said to me "they will be watching video forever," or not? Isn't their job to ensure fair play and good sportsmanship? What message was sent here?
Let me tell you. A Montana high school football game does not merit an even playing field. Not when the injustice of an automatic ejection (no warning) does not warrant a replay, a second look by the officials of this great game. Especially when it concerns a playoff game. The right should be every kid's to potentially overturn one referee. Conclusion: It should be easier than hiring a lawyer to do it.
Every player, every team has the right to demand respect, honesty, and appreciation for their efforts as an individual and a team, from all adults and officials involved in high school sports. They work hard for it. They earn it. Am I sore loser? Maybe.
I am proud to say my son is a better person than I am. On that admission let me say, short of a four-letter word, the ref knows why I know we should all feel sore.
John Herak
Editor's note: Unfortunately for Bo, the Montana High School Association does not allow appeals on judgment calls by officials. While there are situations when coaches or players can file an appeal, such as a misinterpretation of the rules, those calls that are simply the opinion of the referee cannot be appealed.