Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 18 years, 9 months AGO
| June 6, 2006 1:00 AM

Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on Airport Road.

Area Edward Jones offices offer a free one-hour interactive program, "Making Sense of International Investing," at 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Call a branch near you to reserve a seat.

Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m., Bigfork Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Creston School board meets 4:30 p.m., at the school. Public welcome.

Musical entertainment by Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove during Whitefish Downtown Farmers' Market, 5-7:30 p.m.

Fair-Mont-Egan School board meets 5:30 p.m., in the library.

Red Cross First Aid Basics certification training, 6:30 p.m. at the office, 17A First Ave. E., Kalispell. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.


Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on Stillwater Road.

Evergreen Water and Sewer District board special meeting to discuss administrative and financial issues related to providing sewer service to areas outside RSID, 7 a.m. at the district office, 130 Nicholson Dr.

Senator Conrad Burns' field representative Denise Smith holds community outreach hours 10:30 a.m. to noon, Libby Memorial Center, 111 E. Lincoln Blvd. Call 257-3360 or 800-344-1513.

Children's Story Hour is at 10:30 a.m. in the children's department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.

Red Cross blood drive, 2-5:30 p.m., Lakeside Elementary School.

Lakeside County Water and Sewer district board special meeting 2 p.m., district meeting room, 253 Bierney Creek Road, Lakeside.

Kila School interest based bargaining 5-8 p.m.

Rails to Trails meets at 5 p.m. at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks building, 490 N. Meridian Road, All welcome. Call 257-1932.

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) meet at 6:30 p.m., VFW meeting room, 111 Main St., Kalispell. Call Jerry Collins at 752-0198.

Flathead High School Class of 1957 reunion planning meeting 7 p.m., upstairs at the Eagles. Everyone encouraged to attend.

Somers School board Negotiation Committee meets with Somers Classified Association Negotiation Committee, 7 p.m. Lakeside Elementary School.


Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on Two Mile Drive.

The Flathead County Republican Central Committee meets at noon at the Bulldog.

Red Cross blood drive, 2:30-5:30 p.m., at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell, sponsored by D.A. Davidson.

Montana Quarter Horse Association Stampede today through June 11 Majestic Valley Arena. Call 806-376-4811.


Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on U.S. 93 South.

North Valley Senior Center rummage sale, 8 a.m. today, and 10 a.m. Saturday, 205 Nucleus Ave., Columbia Falls. Call Roxy Larsen, 892-4087.

Older Americans Day Picnic, Flathead County Fairgrounds Expo Building. Doors open 10 a.m.; entertainment 10:45-11:45 a.m.; hamburgers served at noon. Bring a potluck dessert if you can. Call Agency on Aging, 758-5730; or 758-5728 for bus transportation.

Seminar on the constitutional right of Montanans to a clean, healthful environment titled, "the Montana Constitution: Progressive Spirit of the Rocky Mountain West," 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Flathead Lake Biological Station. $10 registration. Call Jeannie Thompson, 406-243-7700.

Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.

Flathead chapter of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees meets at noon, Buffalo Hill Terrace. Lunch is $7.50. For reservations, call Mary Turk 849-5172.

Fourth annual Noxious Weed Pulling Rodeo 5 p.m. Middle Fork of Flathead River. Bring work gloves. Barbecue and awards to follow at Wild River Adventures. Call 387-9453.


AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500.

Whitefish Mountain Mall and Alcohol Enforcement Team present "Breakfast at the Mall," fundraiser, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Huckleberry pancakes, sausage and beverages for $4. Kids 6 and under, free. Call Jan Leddy, 758-5600, or stop by Flathead Sheriff's office, 920 S. Main, for tickets.


"To win without risk is to triumph without glory."

-Pierre Corneille, French dramatist (1606-1684).

Kids Fishing Derby 8 a.m. to noon, Whitefish Mountain Mall pond. Free.

Friendship House 10th annual garage sale fundraiser, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 606 Second Ave. W., Kalispell. Proceeds benefit the nonprofit assisted living facility. Call 257-8375.

North Valley Senior Center rummage sale fundraiser, 10 a.m., 205 Nucleus Ave., Columbia Falls. Call Roxy Larsen, 892-4087.

Fish Trails bike and pedestrian path dedication of BNSF Loop 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Railway Avenue between O'Brien and Lupfer Avenues. Block party, decorated bike parade, barbecue for sale. Raffles. Call Dan Keyes, 863-2471.

Reecia's Salon, 110 Lupfer Ave., Whitefish, fundraiser for Locks of Love, a nonprofit organization that makes and provides wigs free of charge for children who have lost their hair due to cancer and other illnesses. Haircuts $15. Hair must be at least 10 inches in length and free of recent chemical processing. Proceeds go to Locks of Love. Call 863-9900.

Montana Woman Foundation Gardening Gourmet Workshop and fundraiser, 1 p.m., Montana Woman Complex, 1103 S. Main St., Kalispell. Cost $15 for materials. Call 755-5753 to reserve a spot.

Taste of Kalispell 5-8 p.m., KM Building. Live entertainment by Cocinando and Tropical Marimba Band. Tickets $30 available at Red's Wines & Blues, Wheeler Jewelry, Ceres Bakery and Montana Expressions. Call 261-7039.

A Look Ahead

Red Cross blood drive, 2-5 p.m., June 12, at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.

The Flathead Conservation District meets at 7 p.m. June 12, USDA building conference room, 30 Lower Valley Road, Kalispell.

Public is invited to a free community lecture 7:30 a.m. June 13, Pathways Treatment Center, 200 Heritage Way, Kalispell. Topic is "Drugs, Counseling or Both? Which Works Best for Alcoholism?" RSVP to 756-3950.

Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., June 13, in the blood mobile, Rocky Mountain Bank.

Mission Mountain Audubon Society presents a free program by Jim Williams, regional wildlife manager for Montana FWP, titled, "Mountain Lions: A Tale of Research, Management, Ecology and Conflict, 7 p.m. June 13, Polson City Library meeting room. Everyone is welcome.

Diabetes technology update, 6 p.m. June 13, Big Mountain Golf Club, 2950 U.S. 93 S., Kalispell. Learn about latest insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring technology with Terry Van Atter and John Schroeder from Medtronic Diabetes. RSVP to Shelli Hilde, 755-3592. Refreshments.

Deer Park School board meets 4 p.m. June 13 for a special closed session.

Red Cross Adult CPR certification training, 6:30 p.m. June 13, at the office, 17A First Ave. E., Kalispell. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.

Flathead Valley Energy Forum presents a film and discussion, "The Power of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil," 7 p.m. June 13, Whitefish Library.

Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., June 14, in the blood mobile, KALS radio station.

Red Cross First Aid Basics certification training, 6:30 p.m. June 14, at the office, 17A First Ave. E., Kalispell. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.

Flathead Outdoor Club meets 7 p.m. June 14, basement conference room, Flathead County Library, Kalispell. Emergency room physician Dr. Robert Bates will give a presentation on recognizing, treating and preventing hiking outdoor injuries. Public welcome.

Stacia Moore presents a free seminar, "Understanding Hearing Loss," June 15, The Summit, Kalispell. Complimentary breakfast. Limited seating. Reservations required. Call Moore Hearing at 257-2273.

Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., June 15, FVCC, Libby campus, LCC.

Bigfork Land Use Committee special meeting 6 p.m. June 15, Bethany Lutheran Church. Election of officers and other business to be conducted. Call Sue Hanson, 837-5323.

Wa-Chy-Say? Support Group meets 6:30-9 p.m., June 15, Trinity Lutheran Church, Kalispell. Open to anyone who has hearing loss and interested family members and friends.

Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 16, at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.

Bead Stampede, noon to 5 p.m. June 16; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 17-18. Flathead County Fairgrounds grandstand building. Admission $3, good for all three days. Call 752-6669.

Scrapbooking Memoranza workshop 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. June 17, Eagles Nest, FVCC. Includes lunch, idea folder and more. Call 755-4922 to register.

Rocky Mountain Street Machines car show 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 17, Gardner's RV and Auction, U.S. 93 S., Kalispell. All are welcome. Call Kavin at 892-7218.

Seventh annual Dan Fox Run June 17, Mission Bay Golf Community, Polson. One-mile fun run 10 a.m.; 5K walk/run 10:30 a.m. Pre-registration $15 adults, $8 17 and under, by June 15; $18 adults, $10 17 and under, day of race. Call Linda Noble, 406-883-4370.

Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., June 19, at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.

Kalispell Women's Connection invites you to a three-course sit-down dinner by chef Amy Foote, 6-8 p.m. June 19, Rustic Fireside Room, WestCoast Kalispell Center Hotel. Guest speaker is Betty Barnett of Renton, Wash. Live music by Connie Barker. Cost $20 per person. Door prizes. Limited seating. Advance tickets available by calling Rosainne, 257-8098; or Pat, 844-2538.

Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., June 20, Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Kila School board meets 5:30 p.m. June 20.

Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., June 21, in the blood mobile at Best Buy.

Red Cross Adult CPR certification training, 6:30 p.m. June 21, at the office, 17A First Ave. E., Kalispell. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.

Evergreen School District board meets at 7 a.m. June 22 in the administration building boardroom.

Red Cross blood drive, 1-5 p.m., June 23, in the blood mobile, Qdoba.

Red Cross First Aid Basics certification training, 6:30 p.m. June 22, at the office, 17A First Ave. E., Kalispell. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.

Life Line Screening ultrasound tests for heart disease and bone density, June 23, Faith Free Lutheran Church, 405 Liberty St., Kalispell. Pre-registration required. Call 1-877-237-1287.

Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., June 23, Whitefish Mountain Mall.

Mission Valley Speedway in Polson hosts a driver auction fundraiser for Big Brothers/Big Sisters June 24. Racing begins at 6 p.m. Call 406-675-RACE or 406-883-3085.

Spinal Cord Injury Support Group meets 2-4 p.m. June 23, The Summit, Kalispell.

AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 26 and 27, St John's Lutheran Hospital, Libby. $10 course fee. Call 406-293-0100 to register.

AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 26 and 27, Polson Senior Center $10 course fee. Call 883-4735 to register.

Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., June 26, at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.

The Flathead Conservation District meets at 7 p.m. June 26, at its new location, 141 Interstate Lane, behind JoAnn Fabrics, in Evergreen.

Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., June 27, Our Lady of Mercy Church, Eureka.

AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 27 and 29, The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500 to register.

CAP Band plays positive message music for Habitat's Raise the Roof, 5:30-6:30 p.m. June 27, Fourth Ave. E., Kalispell.

Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., June 28, Three Rivers Bank, Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Flathead County Sheriff's office and American Council on Criminal Justice free public safety education course on "Pepper Spray for Citizens," 6:30 p.m. June. 28, Flathead County Justice Center, basement, 920 S. Main St., Kalispell. To register call Detective Travis Bruyer, 758-5709.

Red Cross blood drive, 1:30-5:30 p.m., June 29, at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell, sponsored by State Farm.

Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., June 30, Browning Hospital.

Whitefish Golden Agers Fourth of July pig roast, July 4, Kay Beller Park, 121 E. Second St., Whitefish. Advanced admission before July 1, adults, $10; children 5-13, $5; children under 5, free. After July 1, admission for adults, $12.50; children 5-13, $7.50. Tickets available at Golden Agers, Whitefish Credit Union, Glacier Bank Whitefish, and Whitefish Chamber of Commerce.

Scrapbooking Memoranza workshop 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. July 15, Eagles Nest, FVCC. Includes lunch, idea folder and more. Call 755-4922 to register.

Traveling Lantern Theatre Company performs "The Hobbit," 11 a.m. July 15, KM Building Theater, Second Ave. W., Kalispell. Call Katie Boyes at the Flathead County Library for tickets and information, 758-5713.

Fiberfest Eureka 2006, July 22-23, Lincoln County Fairgrounds. Fiber contests, workshops, demonstrations, auction. Call Lee at 406-882-4939.

Heritage Days parade, 11:30 a.m. July 29, Columbia Falls.

Valley Cruisers annual Car Show Aug. 11-13, Polson.

Pope John Paul II Catholic Church, 195 Cloverdell Road, Bigfork, Oktoberfest noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 1. German food, beer and wine. Music by Don Lawrence Band. Tickets available at the door. Proceeds benefit local charities. Call Dan or Donna Danz at 892-2435.


Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 18 years, 9 months ago
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 18 years, 9 months ago
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 18 years, 9 months ago