Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 17 years, 6 months AGO
3 Eureka Montana Quilt Show today through Saturday. Outdoor show with more than 400 quilts and workshops with nationally recognized instructors. Call 406-297-3677 or e-mail
3 Swan River School board special meeting 8 a.m. to re-evaluate a two-year leave of absence for a teacher.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Kalispell VFW, First Ave. W.
3 Red Cross certified course, "CPR Pro Part One and Two," continues at 6 p.m. at the Kalispell Service Center, 126 N. Meridian Road. Call 752-6433 to register.
3 Lakeside Parks Advisory Committee meets 7 p.m. Lakeside Community Chapel.
3 Mountain Thunder Radio-controlled Jet Rally 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and Saturday; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 5, Glacier RC'ers field, off Whitefish Stage Road, one and a half miles south of U.S. 40 intersection. Parking $5 per carload, courtesy of Civil Air Patrol.
3 Shire of Crystal Crags Raven's Faire, today through Aug. 5, Castle Silver Oak, 286 Trap Road, Columbia Falls. Re-enactment of Middle Ages with games, archery competition, merchants. Auction on Aug. 4. Camping available. Site opens 10 a.m. Call Thorfrida, 862-5044; or Lord Renfield, 752-3273.
3 Red Cross certified combination course in standard first aid and adult CPR, 9 a.m., Kalispell Service Center, 126 N. Meridian Road. Call 253-4067 to register.
3 Adult GPS workshop 9 a.m. to noon Lone Pine State Park Picnic Shelter, Kalispell. Cost $5. Call Melissa Sladek, 751-4589.
3 Evergreen "Show & Shine" car show, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Army-Navy superstore parking lot on U.S. 2 E. Open to all classes of cars. Call Dan Demars, 837-4814.
3 Flathead Chapter of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees potluck picnic 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Lawrence Park, Kalispell. Bring side dish o r dessert and soft drinks. Call Bill Driver at 837-2744.
3 Red Cross blood drive 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1380 Whitefish Stage Road. Walk-ins welcome. For an appointment call Terry Bennett, 756-1832.
3 Benefit pig roast and poker run for Kalispell Veterans Food Pantry, VFW Post 2252, 330 First Ave. W., Kalispell. Registration 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pig roast 6 p.m. Rocky Mountain Roadhouse, Ferndale. Call Rebecca, 871-5189.
3 29th annual Festival of the Arts, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. downtown Bigfork. Over 125 artisans; entertainment, food, children's activities; 837-5888.
3 Biennial Somers reunion; potluck begins noon, Somers Fire Hall. Bring comments on past years. Donations accepted to replace historic Somers sign on U.S. 93. All welcome. Call Fran, 857-3801.
3 Free horsemanship clinic on beginning level safety, partnership and communication, 4-6 p.m. All horsemanship levels welcome. Call Alora Dyer at 755-6266 for information and directions.
3 North Fork Land Use Advisory Committee workshop 5 p.m. Sondreson Community Hall, (North Fork Road at Whale Creek) to update and assure its compliance with new Flathead County Growth Policy.
3 Yellow Ribbon Rally and worship service with Duane Hull of Revival Fires Ministries, 10 a.m. 1075 Foy's Lake Road. All veterans will be recognized and honored. Public welcome. Call 257-9315.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell. Root beer floats to donors.
3 Glacier Stamp Club meets in the basement meeting room of the Flathead County Library, Kalispell. Stamp trading and talk at 7 p.m.; short business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Topic is "What are Revenues?" Visitors welcome. Call Gail Long, 752-6110.
3 Montana Board of Housing meets 8:30 a.m., Glacier Bank training room, south building, 202 Main St., Kalispell. Open to public. Call Diana Hall, 406-841-2840.
3 Children's Story Hour, 10:30 a.m. in the children's department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.
3 Rails to Trails meets at 5 p.m. at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks building, 490 N. Meridian Road, All welcome. Call 257-1932.
3 Red Cross certified course in adult CPR, 6:30 p.m., Kalispell Service Center, 126 N. Meridian Road. Call 752-6433 to register.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today and Aug. 9, The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500 to register.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m., Bigfork Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
3 Red Cross certified course in standard first aid, 6:30 p.m., Kalispell Service Center, 126 N. Meridian Road. Call 752-6433 to register.
3 Free BodyTalk Lecture and Clinic, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Imagine Health Wellness and Wisdom Center, 305 First Ave. W., Columbia Falls. Call 471-7029.
3 Evergreen Water and Sewer District board meets at 7 a.m. at the district office, 130 Nicholson Dr.
3 Children's Story Hour, 10:30 a.m. in the children's department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Flathead County Health Department, Kalispell. Root beer float day.
3 Flathead Lake Biological Station open house 2-5 p.m., Mingle with staff and researchers; nature walks, boat trips on research vessel. On Montana 35, 14 miles south of Bigfork on east shore of Flathead Lake. Call 982-3301.
3 Whitefish Chamber of Commerce Gone Fishin' 5-7 p.m. at Funtastic Finds, Sixth and Nucleus in Columbia Falls. Refreshments served. Call 862-3501.