Don't drink and drive-through
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 18 years AGO
A McDonald's employee called Kalispell police after spotting a man who appeared to have passed out in his vehicle at the drive-through reader boards. He was arrested for drunken driving.
Less than an hour later, a car left the same McDonald's parking lot and headed for Gateway West Mall. The driver was arrested for DUI and his 12-year-old intoxicated passenger was issued an MIP.
Traffic stops resulted in drunken driving arrests for a man and a woman.
A 14-year-old girl was arrested for alcohol possession after her aunt asked officers to bring a portable breath test.
A resident on Fifth Avenue West asked officers to remove an intoxicated woman from her home. Police told her if she came back, she'd be cited for criminal trespass - which she was later charged with after causing a disturbance at Syke's Pharmacy. Disorderly conduct also factored into her arrest.
Officers looked but didn't find the pair of teens reportedly drinking beer in the bed of a pickup near Main Street and Third Street West.
A man in shorts and a red hat stole a case of beer from the Appleway Conoco.
Most of the car's occupants fled after it tipped onto its side in front of Home Depot, and authorities soon learned why. The driver was arrested when drugs were found in the vehicle.
Police arrested a 19-year-old man on a warrant.
A woman on Sylvan Court wanted police to intervene after the neighbor's loose dogs attacked and injured her cat.
A group of people showed up at a man's Eighth Avenue West home, then called their friends, who arrived with bats. The resident confronted them and later told police the trouble began with an earlier incident at Walgreens.
The five men trying to pick fights with people in the Finnegan's parking lot were gone by the time police arrived.
A woman called 911 from Motel 6, told dispatch she and her baby were in danger, and hung up. Soon after, a man staying a few rooms down called and reported a screaming woman in the parking lot climbing into a green van. She later went to the police station to report domestic assault. The man she was staying with caught a ride to Missoula and hasn't been charged with anything at this time.
The resident on Second Avenue West didn't appreciate the new pink and yellow paintball paint job someone did on his house. Police later counseled the resident and the suspected painter.
Two tires were slashed on a pickup parked in the Tidyman's lot.
Money was reported stolen at Taco Bell.
A bifold wallet was stolen from an unlocked truck on Fifth Avenue West.
Kalispell police helped Montana Highway Patrol end a pursuit Saturday morning. When a trooper attempted to pull over a pickup full of three teenagers near Costco, the driver refused to pull over - he didn't have insurance. The chase ended on Four Mile Drive and Highway Patrol took the trio into custody.