Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 17 years, 8 months AGO
In cooperation with federal and state agencies, Bonner County Public Works has arranged for herbicide treatment of Eurasian Milfoil infestations of approximately 1900 acres in Lake Pend Oreille and Pend Oreille River, the treatment areas have been surveyed by a team contracted by the State of Idaho and identified for herbicide treatment due to the dense populations of the plant.
The products to be used are Sonar PR, Sonar Q and Renovate OTF, all systemic herbicides. The active ingredient in Sonar is Fluridone and in Renovate it is Triclopyr. These products are fully approved for use by governmental agencies in Idaho waters for the control of aquatic weeds. They are mostly target- specific for aquatic plants and have no off-target impacts on fish or wildlife when used according to the label. The company contracted to perform the treatment is Clean Lakes, Inc. This company is licensed to provide aquatic herbicide application in the State of Idaho and they are experts in the use of aquatic plant management technologies.
The sites to be treated with Sonar PR and Sonar Q are scheduled for the weeks of July 9, July 30 and August 20, 2007 weather permitting. Sonar PR is applied in three separate applications, every three weeks. The areas designated for this product are LaClede including Hoo Doo Creek(167 acres), Cocolalla Slough above the bridge (77 acres) Sand Creek Slough-Cedar Street Bridge to Hwy 200 (57.4 acres) and Oden Bay -west side (11.1 acres).
With the use of Sonar PR and Sonar Q there are NO restrictions for drinking water, irrigation, swimming or fishing.
Target dates for the treatment of Renovate will be the weeks of July 9, July 16 and July 23, 2007, weather permitting.
Water Use Restrictions are as follows:
Human consumption-
5 days
Irrigation- 5 days
The orange signs will be removed when the concentration of the herbicide has fallen below the required level for human consumption and irrigation.
The areas of treatment with Renovate OTF will be officially identified from the final information provided by the survey team. The areas will be noticed in the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Bonner County Web Site (www.co.bonner.id.us), on Clean Lakes web site at www.pendoreillemilfoil.com , or by contacting the following: Vicky Carding at 946-8832 or Bonner County Noxious Weed Department - 255-5681. Clean Lakes has a local office located at 104 Pine Street, STE C with all treatment information and they will be providing project boat tours on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15 p.m. with advance sign-ups at the information office.
Bright orange signs will be placed along the shorelines of affected areas at least 48 hours prior to treatment to inform you that herbicide application will soon occur and the restrictions are in place. Watch for these signs if you use the water from the lake for any reason. Water tests will be conducted according to label and state requirements. The orange signs will be removed when the concentration of the herbicide has fallen below the required level for human consumption and irrigation.
The following are identified areas of herbicide free locations: Sandpoint City Beach, Sam Owen Park, Bonner Park West, Riley Creek Camp Ground and the Mud Hole in Priest River.
Legal SNP 8749
June 22, 2007