Groundwater issue not answered by opponent
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 17 years, 3 months AGO
The only thing I can say to Liz Sedler, Steve Potter, Pierre Bordenave, NICAN and the Association of Concerned Businesses is: If you truly have the good of this town at heart, you will not pursue legal action. Mr. Bordenave has little credibility after the recent revelations in this paper anyway. You may just want to consider fomenting good will instead of an ill wind with the majority on this.
However, if you take this to court, I hope the justice system will impose a $11,000 daily bond for as long as you delay the project start. I'd ask the court to dismiss without prejudice your action, so you cannot continue to file and re-file your nuisance actions.
And to Mr. Potter, a mechanical, not civil engineer: What happens in California can stay in California. The Montera tunnel is through rock and level with the surface. Your tunnel is solely on the backs of tunnel area residents in with none of the downtown "interests" bearing any sacrifice. How many in your group own property there or is even a town resident?
You never answer the groundwater issue and need for constant pumping. Your tunnel would be about 3,400 feet long, taking into consideration the 1,100-foot-long, 5-percent grade for the 55-foot depth at each end. Of course, there is not the physical room for such an extended grade at the south approach.
People, it's over. ITD agrees to the conditions for construction set forth by the Army Corps; final approval by all agencies is there. The fat lady has sung.