Project's opponents often have their own agenda
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 17 years, 4 months AGO
Mr. Steven J. "The Tunnel" Potter states the ITD doesn't care a bit about the byway's safety. Wrong. Does he know that two-lane roads rarely would have median dividers? Well, maybe in San Francisco where they do strange things.
ITD would be very happy to widen the middle paint stripe to accommodate him if that would solve his phobia of head-on crashes.
A better defense of accidents would be to crack down of DUIs and cell phone use while driving (and not only on the byway).
His alternative to the byway as planned is the unfeasible tunnel proposal. I do not remember any anti-byway comment mentioning feasibility, from him or anybody else.
The civil engineers, not mechanical types, penciled out the tunnel cost at three times the byway cost. Now that's a real unfeasible alternative. Since Idaho doesn't have the funds to build a four-lane divided byway, let's take the nice byway plan as it stands since we do have the funding.
Even the Sandpoint merchants are changing their opposition to the byway now. The byway opponents, by and large, were not residents when the various alternatives were proposed and have their own agendas. Potter's agenda seems to be keeping the byway away from his Seasons at Sandpoint spendy condo, even though the byway was already planned when he bought.
Instead of blocking our progress, he ought to sue his Realtor.