Legal expenses a fact of life
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 16 years, 9 months AGO
During our school district Board of Trustees meeting on April 8, one of the attendees in the audience took us to task about the fact that we were spending taxpayers' funds on legal fees. That is, unfortunately, a fact of life in our ever-increasingly litigious society. That public attendee, Cesar Hernandez, stated among other things, something to the effect that it seems a terrible waste to spend money in such a way when it would be much better used on the children in the classroom. I couldn't agree more! . . . and have said so often over the past eight years.
I do, however, find it more than a little ironic to hear such comment coming from Mr. Hernandez who, as I recall, was one of, if not the prinicipal leader, of the citizens' group which filed legal action against the district last summer (and cost the taxpayers at least $10,000 to defend against that litigation before his group withdrew their suit).
I did not initially intend to write this [letter to the editor], but since Mr. Hernandez has decided to seek a seat on the board of trustees, it seems appropriate to make sure that such dichotomy between what one says and what one does deserves to be aired. As usual when I write letters to the editor, I did not consult with any of my colleagues on the board, nor did I ask their opinion of the utility of such a letter. I speak only for myself.
Bob Hanson
Polson School
Board Trustee, Polson
Teachers: Give tolerance and time
This letter is directed to all teachers, whether you teach in the public schools or spend time with our youth. I encourage you to see each student as a unique human being.
See their challenges as a challenge to you to help them through hardships. Support them by asking how they are doing. Acknowledge their small successes. Provide simple tasks that make them feel you care enough to ask them to do something for you.
If you see they are struggling, offer your ear and your expertise. We lose too many wonderful kids by not looking them in the eye and acknowledging their individuality. I encourage you to rethink your relationship with those who frustrate you; they are the ones who especially need your patience, tolerance and time. Communicate that you care.
Julia Roberts
Thanks for Griz support
To the city of Polson and the Mission Valley:
On behalf of the Grizzly Scholarship Association (GSA) and the Grizzly football team at the University of Montana, we would like to thank the city of Polson for your warm hospitality this past weekend as your city hosted the 2008 Griz football spring scrimmage.
Our coaches, players and administration could not have been more impressed with the city's enthusiasm and support for Grizzly football. It was definitely a fun-filled weekend for everyone who was involved.
I would like to recognize and thank the GSA Mission Mountain Chapter for their countless hours of preparation and hard work to make this event such a success! I would also like to thank the individuals and businesses for their generous donations. The support of Grizzly athletics in the Mission Mountain Valley is simply amazing.
We look forward to seeing you all this fall in Missoula!
Greg Sundberg
Executive director,
Grizzly Scholarship
'Wake up, America'
America's education system, news media and the entertainment realm have become "dumbed" down and perverted by hostile forces. Americans have read such books as "Masters of Deceit" by J. Edgar Hoover. They haven't read of the Crusades where Muslims learned to plant young boys in foreign schools to enter politics and be a sleep cell ready to assassinate important people. The book "Dungeon, Fire and Sword" tells how a thousand years ago young Mamlukes were doped on hashish, deposited among prostitutes for a few days, then when they sobered up they were told that Allah had given them a foretaste of heaven. Word soon spread so all Muslim soldiers wanted to die and inherit his harem. Tactics have not changed in the 21st century.
Americans are ignorant of "Color, Communism and Common Sense" by Manning, a black man involved in the investigation of the first communist cell in America last century. The book revealed how black pastors were lured by evil women and caused to compromise and turn black church leadership over to such as J. Jackson.
Another revealing book, "Trade Unionism," is the first series of communist lecturers in America laying plans for unions to through strikes, make such demands that American businesses would fail or sell out to the workers.
Anaconda Aluminum Company is such an example. This has forced many to go overseas.
Today we have the media strongly supporting one candidate for president who was vitally involved in a communist front and who promotes total socialized medicine. We have another who will not be identified with the American flag while claiming to qualify for president. He wouldn't even qualify for Boy Scouts. He could be a sleeper cell judging from his actions.
In his book Manning revealed the proposed communist target date for establishing civil rights in America. When I read it my hair stood on end. Senator Mansfield had just made a motion that the U.S. Congress pass the Civil Rights legislation in honor of President Kennedy, who had just been assassinated.
It was carried unanimously. They missed the target date set up 50 years before by only one week.
Wake up, America. A president who promotes privatization, industry, prayer and ends his speeches with "God Bless America" is maligned as an incompetent idiot. Such reaction to him has to have its origin in the pit, not in true Americans.
Ernest Seablom
Middle school PAC thanks wall donors
On behalf of the Polson Middle School Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) and the middle school students, parents and staff, a sincere thank you so very much for the support and generous contributions from the following organizations: Lower Flathead Valley Community Foundation, 1st Interstate Bank, Glacier Bank, 1st Citizens Bank, Polson Outdoors, Inc., Polson Rotary Club, Coldwell Banker, Gateway Realty, Wal-Mart, LifeTouch, CenturyTel, the Polson Middle School librarians and one very special science teacher! We especially thank Polson Rotary for contributing to and adopting this effort as their "signature project" for the 2008 year!
With this support, the PAC is now very close to constructing a climbing wall in the middle school gymnasium that students can enjoy. The obvious immediate benefits include having fun, learning something new, building self confidence, increasing self esteem, and providing a safe and fun means of exercise. Your contribution is meaningful and thoughtful. It contributes and supports not only the students and their parents but also the entire Polson community. On behalf of our PAC organization, thank you.
Nancy P. Hemphill, PAC president
and John Laimbeer, PAC member