Milfoil treatments set to start in Bonner County
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 16 years, 9 months AGO
SANDPOINT — This season’s first round of Eurasian milfoil treatments using herbicides is slated to start on Monday, June 23, Bonner County officials have announced.
The county plans to treat a number of sites in the Sandpoint and Hope areas, in addition to Kootenai and Oden bays.
Here’s a rundown of the planned treatments:
? Denton Slough area — 29 acres to be treated with a combination of triclopyr and endothall
? East of Sam Owen — 21 acres to be treated with a combination of 2,4-D and endothall
? Owens Bay — 1 acre to be treated with triclopyr
? Ellisport Bay — 12 acres to be treated with a mixture of triclopyr and endothall
? Kootenai Bay — A total of 71 acres in this area, including Ponder Point, are slated for treatment with a mix of 2,4-D and endothall
? Sandpoint — Nearly 20 acres around The Seasons are set to be treated with triclopyr. More than 18 acres around City Beach is also slated for treatment with triclopyr
? Bottle Bay — Almost 33 acres of infestation here is scheduled to be treated with triclopyr
Plans are also in place to begin treating infestations at Priest Lake on Tuesday, June 24, according to Bonner County Noxious Weeds director Leslie Marshall.
Two applications are planned, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Marshall said 2 1/2 acres in the Kalispell Bay area and another 35 acres in the Bear Creek area.
Water restrictions
Below are the water use restrictions for drinking and irrigation:
? Triclopyr — 3-5 days
? Triclopyr/endothall — 3-5 days
? 2,4-D — 7-9 days
? 2,4-D/endothall — 7-9 days
? Diquat bromide — 3-5 days
Stay informed
? Bonner County Public Works — 255-5681
? Clean Lakes, Inc. — 946-8832