Eurasian milfoil treatments resume today
Keith KINNAIRD<br | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 16 years, 8 months AGO
SANDPOINT — Treatment of Eurasian milfoil infestations in the north shore area of Lake Pend Oreille area were delayed this week because signs were not posted warning people herbicides were being applied to the submerged weed infestations
Bonner County Noxious Weed Director Leslie Marshall said the oversight was corrected and the treatments are now set for today. The county originally planned to have Clean Lakes treat the four sites on Monday.
“The guys that they sent out to post the area didn’t post about four areas, so they were were held back,” Marshall said on Tuesday.
Clean Lakes is scheduled to treat the following sites today:
• Ponder Point — 2,4-D and Endothall
• Kootenai Bay — 2,4-D and Endothall
• Ellisport Bay — Triclopyr and Endothall
• Owens Bay — Triclopyr
• Sam Owen — 2,4-D and Endothall
• Denton Slough — Triclopyr and Endothall
Sites involving 2,4-D have a water consumption and restriction for consumption and irrigation for seven to nine days. Triclopyr and Endothall have water use restrictions for three to five days, according to county officials.
Orange warning signs will be removed once the use restrictions are lifted.
On Tuesday, the county treated infestations at Springy Point and Bottle Bay with triclopyr. Infestations at Priest Lake’s Kalispell Bay and the Bear Creek area were also treated with triclopyr on Tuesday, Marshall said.
The public notice gaffe did not sit well with members of the Panhandle Environmental League, which has been a vocal opponent of the county’s reliance on herbicides to combat exotic milfoil.
“Our impression is that the county is not being as diligent as they probably should be,” Dave Hussey of PEL said on Tuesday.
The next round of treatments are scheduled for the week of July 21. Treatment areas include the Pack River, Oden Bay, Sandpoint and the Pend Oreille River.
? More information on the treatment plans can be found on the Public Works portion of the county Web site ( Clean Lakes’ project Web site is
Milfoil treatments set to start in Bonner County
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 16 years, 9 months ago
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