Remembering Carol Sherick
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 16 years, 2 months AGO
Paul Fugleberg,
Guest Columntist
What can be said after all the other complimentary and appreciative words and thoughts that have already been offered? That's my dilemma in attempting to add my personal tribute to Carol Sherick's life.
Among things for which I was grateful the past couple of weeks were:
1. That Carol lived long enough to learn of the dedication of the Carol Sampson Sherick Memorial Trail, and of the hundreds of folks who attended that dedication honoring her.
2. The overwhelming attendance at her memorial service last Saturday. The standing room only group of people at the Immaculate Conception Church certainly was affirmation of the love, respect and appreciation of the entire community for the type of person Carol was.
3. Carol's note of appreciation that she had asked Emily River to read at the close of the memorial service. The note conveyed Carol's appreciation for her hometown and its residents. The work of all professions, organizations, occupations and services were gratefully acknowledged.
Three incidents I fondly recall involving Carol were:
1. A few years ago I snapped a picture of her at the Polson Fly-in as she was getting into the plane that would take her to 10,000 feet for a tandem parachute jump. After her chute opened, you could hear her joyfully screaming all the way to ground.
2. She appreciated so much the opportunities that high school girls have now in sports activities. That wasn't the case when she was in high school. She commented wistfully, "If we'd had those sports, I would have been soooo good…" I bet she would have too. But she was "soooo good" at building great relationships with people of all ages and positive influences that will last for generations.
3. After Keenie Christopher's recent memorial service, I told Carol that I was sorry to learn that she was facing serious health problems. Yet with that sunshine of a smile, she replied, "Well, everybody has to die sometime. This is just my turn."
Such were the lessons of life - love, respect, responsibility, appreciation, courage and dignity - that were reflected by Carol Sherick's life.