Friday, January 24, 2025

Does Character really matter in the race for the White House?

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 16 years, 3 months AGO
| October 22, 2008 12:00 AM

F. Annette Rinker

This election has sparked more conversation among people than we have seen in past elections. I am a former resident of Polson, but I now live in Seattle. Everywhere I go; the bus, grocery store, my place of employment and even my son's soccer games, people are talking about this election. History is being made with the election. We have the first African American on the Presidential ticket and the first female Republican on the Vice Presidential ticket. No matter who wins the election history has already been made. I believe this election has been more powerful to the extent that we are seeing an enormous amount of people registering to vote; of course there are those who believe they need to register multiple times.

Our country is facing the biggest financial crises we have had to face in many years. Our economy is a mess. People are scared and are feeling very vulnerable. Many families have lost their homes, jobs and health care insurance. I believe in this election people demand, more than ever, strong leadership to lead our country through this crises. We have two parties, each claiming that they are the one who can deliver, who can lead our country and fix this mess. We have heard a lot of promises from each candidate. To be honest, no matter who wins this election, those promises will most likely not all be met.

In looking at each candidate, I believe it is important to take into consideration their character and their judgment as a leader. Senator McCain's life has been open book. We know so much about Senator McCain because of his years of service to our country. Senator McCain remains a key focal point in his own party because he is not afraid to tackle tough issues even if it means going against his own party. Senator McCain's years of experience have never come into question either has his loyalty to our country. Senator McCain has given more than two decades in service to our country,

Little is really known about Senator O'bama prior to becoming the Democratic nominee for President. Senator O'bama's years of experience have come into question even by his own running mate. Senator O'bama is asking me to trust him as a voter, yet I cannot help but feel that he would prefer to keep some of his past hidden.

Senator Obama had a twenty year relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright; this fact has been established and cannot be disputed. Rev. Wright not only married Barack and Michelle O'bama but baptized their two children. I believe this is very signifant because this represents a relationship of trust between Senator O'bama and Rev.Wright. When Senator O'bama made the decision to run for President of the United States, that relationship came under scrutiny. Senator O'bama made the decision to denounce Rev. Wright and he played down their relationship. I would have actually denounced Rev. Wright years ago. I cannot imagine sitting in church and listening to my pastor talk about my country with such hatred. We have all seen the video of Rev.Wright giving his powerful speeches, which were so appalling. There is no doubt of Rev. Wright's feelings towards white people. Rev Wright was obviously very important to Senator O'bama to be a member of his congregation for all of those years. I find it hard to believe that Senator O'bama did not know Rev Wrights feelings toward our country, this simply astounds me. I truly believe had Senator O'bama made the decision not to run for president that relationship would still be intact. Senator O'bama even mentions Rev. Wright in his book.

The other relationship that has come to light in recent months is Senator O'bama's relationship with William Ayers. It is a fact that William Ayers, a known domestic terrorist, and Senator O'bama knew each other a little more than just living in the same neighborhood, as Senator O'bama indicated. Senator O'bama's political career was launched at a dinner that was given for the Senator at William Ayers house. I realize that William Ayers' acts of domestic terrorism happened when Senator O'bama was eight years old, but when Senator O'bama made the decision to have dinner with William Ayers, he was an adult. I find it hard to believe that Senator O'bama knew nothing of Ayers' past, given the fact that they served on the same board together. I am still trying to figure out how William Ayers was hired at a University as a professor. William Ayers still does not like our country and has been quoted saying that he wished there had been more bombings. William Ayers has not reformed; his feelings are still the same as they were forty years ago. I do not believe that Senator O'bama is a terrorist, but the relationship between William Ayers and Senator O'bama is very significant.

Then there is Tony Rezko, who donated money to Senator O'bama's campaign when he ran as a senator. Tony Rezko is a convicted felon accused of being a "slumlord." Why would anyone, much less a Senator, want to be associated with a person like Tony Rezko? In June of 2005, Senator O'bama and Tony Rezko purchased adjoining parcels in Kenwood. At the time of the purchase, Tony Rezlo was already under investigation by the U.S attorney's office. These two became neighbors.

Then there is the question of ACORN. We have heard a lot about this organization in the media, especially the last several weeks. We know that Senator O'bama has had a relationship with ACORN in the past. ACORN is the largest radical group in America. Senator O'bama's campaign donated $800,000 to a subsidiary company of ACORN. This organization has committed registration fraud and in some cases, this has led to voter fraud. According to ACORN, Senator O'bama - before he was a senator - trained its Chicago members in leadership seminars. In turn, ACORN volunteers worked on his campaigns. Senator Obama also sat on boards of the Woods Fund and Joyce Foundation, both of which poured money into ACORN coffers. Senator O'bama's relationship with ACORN goes back as far as 1992 when he worked on "Project Vote." I really believe that Senator O'bama's relationship with ACORN runs deeper than he has led us all to believe.

Many people may not be bothered by any of these relationships, but to others these relationships are important. When making the decision in who should lead our country, a person's character and honor need to be looked at. It also becomes an issue of trust. The people that Senator O'bama has chosen in the past to surround himself with; a known domestic terrorist, a pastor who hates white people, a known convicted felon and ACORN, a known radical group, shows a pattern. As adults, we have the power to decide who we choose to associate with. I believe that Senator O'bama made a conscious decision when he forged relationships with all of these people. In turn we have the right, as voters, to question these relationships. I refuse to give Senator O'bama a free pass on any of these issues as some of the media has done. If Senator McCain had a relationship with any of these people, every single network would be talking about it and Senator McCain would not be given a free pass. If Sarah Palin had a relationship with any one of these people, I most certainly feel she would have been asked to be removed from the Republican ticket.

I cannot help but wonder; should Senator O'bama win this election and become our leader and chief, who will he surround himself with in the White House?


Our votes count, so people must pay attention
Hungry Horse News | Updated 16 years, 2 months ago
Our votes count, so people must pay attention
Bigfork Eagle | Updated 16 years, 2 months ago
Sarah Palin is definitely a real woman, candidate
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