Pirates Outduel Vikings in Early Season Clash
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 16 years, 6 months AGO
by John Heglie for the Leader
The opening round of the perennial "Battle between the Bays" goes to the Pirates. But instead of a clash featuring the wielding of swords and the parry of rapiers, as might have been the case if these respective mascots fought one another on the high seas in ages gone by, the participants in question faced off against one another with drivers and putters in their first engagement, an encounter which inaugurated the Fall golf season at the Polson Bay Golf Course this past Thursday, August 28. The boys and girls varsity golf squads from Bigfork and Polson squared off in a dual that would provide both players and coaches a glimpse into where strengths lie and which areas warrant further attention. The Polson ladds posted a team score of 351, just edging out the Bigfork boys by eight strokes at 359. Polson senior Tyler Engebretson took medalist honors with a round of 75. Bigfork's Steve Schuster (82) and Kyle Parker (83) placed second and third respectively. Polson sophomores Dakotah Jensen and Justin Evertz tied for fourth with identical scores of 90. Bigfork's Zach Bruer (95) placed fifth and Polson freshman Cody Fischer came in sixth by posting a 96. Bigfork's Cole Francisco (99) and Ben Sandry (102) followed suit, with Polson sophomore Jesse Alfiero likewise just topping the century mark with a round of 102. The Polson boys field a young squad, but head golf coach Bill Owen was pleased with their performance at such an early stage in the season.
The ensuing engagement between the Lady Pirates and the Valkyries was not as close as that of their counterparts. The Polson girls posted a team score of 358 in comparison to 456 turned in by Bigfork. Polson senior Julia DiGiallonardo took medalist honors with a round of 82. She was followed by sophomore teammate Heather Mathison, who posted an exceptional score of 86. Bigfork's Sarah Keenan was the top scorer for the Vals with a round of 91 that captured third. The Lady Pirates swept the next three places. Sophomore Amy Williamson placed fourth with a round of 92. Junior NaTalia "Tali" Arlint posted a 98 to take fifth. Senior Cali Hislop followed closely behind with a round of 101 to capture the sixth spot. Bigfork Val Carson Harris turned in a round of 108 and senior teammate Amy Gembala (123), Miranda "Keiko" Sagami (134) and senior Caitlann O'Dell (144) finished out the remainder of the scoring at the meet. Coach Owen was very pleased with the mid-80's performance of Heather Mathison, thus far the best game she has played in the course of her young high school career. In view of their performance, the Lady Pirates would seem to be on track for matching up well for a showdown against the Whitefish girls squad. Both look to be talent-laden teams who will eventually square off against one another later in the season in an effort to usurp the other's dominance in the division.