Letters to the Editor
Hungry Horse News | UPDATED 15 years, 11 months AGO
Words hurt
This past February, we held our 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise/Sun Valley/McCall, Idaho uniting nearly 2,000 athletes from nearly 100 countries. As part of these historic Games, we gathered 130 young people with and without intellectual disabilities for a week-long activation summit and thousands more at a youth rally. The motivation of young people to make change in the world for people with intellectual disabilities is inspiring.
On Feb. 9, during the week of activities, Dick Morris used the word 'retarded" in a demeaning way on the O'Reilly Factor. The students of the Youth Activation Summit acted swiftly and reached out to FOX and Bill O'Reilly to educate and engage them on this blunder. On February 12, Bill O'Reilly gave an on-air apology.
Recently, I received an e-mail showing an expired 1985 Montana license plate that says "Retard" on it and apparently is (or was' for sale on eBay.
On March 20, President Obama made regrettable remarks on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno to which Special Olympics Inc Chairman/CEO Tim Shriver responded.
Words hurt. Words matter. It is time to put an end to discriminating, hurtful language.
Young people have found their power and are leading an effort for Special Olympics called "Spread the Word to End the Word." Students across the country are planning local events for March 31 to end the use of the R-word and to garner more pledges of support. The goal is 100,000 online pledges by the end of March at http://www.r-word.org.
I invite everyone to join us as we "Spread the Word to End the Word" this month. Help the youth spread the word by mobilizing your athletes, volunteers, coaches, staff, families and local youth to support their efforts. Graphics, tools and resources can be found at http://www.specialolympics.org/stw_resources.aspx
Let's make Montana (and every other state) a voice of acceptance, inclusion, unity and community. Be a fan and "Spread the Word to End the Word."
Bob Norbie
Special Olympics Montana
Time is money
These are tough economic times for our country, especially tough for non-profit groups. When families are having trouble paying rent and buying food, finding a few dollars for their favorite charity is impossible. As important as your dollars are to these groups, please remember your time is equally important. Non-profit organizations are successful because of the loyalty and determination of their volunteers.
Whether you have a few spare hours a month or several hours a week, please consider volunteering. The Flathead Valley is rich with organization that can use your help. This is a great time to discover your passion and the rewards will be immeasurable.
Debbie Ingram
A blitzkrieg
With lightening speed and surprise, the Obama administration, along with their co-conspirators in the media, in the circles of the hyper-rich elites, and on Capital Hill, has mortgaged our futures to create The United Nanny States of America (UNSA). The effectiveness of the Blitzkrieg relied on similar tactics in order to overrun allied defenses during WWII. Will the American people be overrun on the battlefield of ideas and silenced? Or will the 'sleeping giant" finally awaken from his media induced slumber to snatch the reins of government from self-serving politicians and give them back to "We The People?"
Are you angry that Congress forced upon you the debt of the economic stimulus bill that no one, including Congress, had time to read and understand?
Are you angry that Congress passed a bloated budget containing thousands of earmarks from both sides of the isle?
Are you angry that Congress sees fit to pass unconstitutional bills of attainder in order to punitively tax a certain, politically incorrect, segment of society?
Are you angry that the Secretary of the Treasury was incapable of paying his own taxes and then goes on to ask for a massive power grab to control private business?
What about members of the Senate and House who are at the center of the economic collapse? Why do Senator Dodd and Congressman Frank still hold on to their powerful chairmanships? And they sit in judgment of others on this issue? Are you angry about that?
These are but a few. If you are downright ticked off about any one of these issues, please join us at the Flathead Tea Party at Depot Park, in Kalispell, on April 4 at 12 Noon. Bring a sign, bring a chair, bring a tea bag (or more), and bring your voice. Enjoy speakers, food, music and relish the fact that "We Are NOT Alone."
Chris Amyes
Eliminate therapy cap
The "therapy cap" is an arbitrary limit that has been placed on rehabilitation services covered by Medicare in all outpatient rehabilitation settings. This cap applies to physical therapy, speech language pathology and occupational therapy services. This cap will directly affect people by limiting the amount of therapy they can receive in one year to $1,840 for physical therapy and speech language pathology combined and a separate $1,840 cap for occupational therapy.
If someone exceeds this cap, the therapy cost responsibility is theirs. This becomes a big issue when therapy is needed for a long period of time (perhaps following a stroke or a rotator cuff tear) or if multiple episodes of therapy are needed (often with chronic low back pain).
Please contact our representatives in Congress, Senator Max Baucus, Senator Jon Tester and Representative Dennis Rehberg and ask them to support The Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act (H.R. 43 / S. 46) which would repeal the arbitrary therapy cap.
Anyone can download a letter to send to Montana's three representatives by logging on to the SPORT Center website at http://www.whitefishsportcenter.com and go to the news section.
Scott Ruta, PT
SPORT Center