Community Notes
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 15 years, 3 months AGO
Dec. 10
Thursday, Dec. 10
North Crow Creek Club Christmas Program
North Crow Creek Club is celebrating 80 years. So, we want to invite all young people to come and perform for our annual Christmas program at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10, at the North Crow Creek Club house. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 676-3024.
Masumola Club meeting
The Masumola Club meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 10, at the clubhouse. The holiday social gathering, with music, begins at 5:45 p.m., potluck at 6:30 p.m. and program at 7 p.m. Entertainment will feature the music from the Fiddlesticks School of Music. The clubhouse is located on Masumola Road. Turn onto Rocky Point off of US Highway 93 and after the three-mile marker turn right onto Masumola Road. The clubhouse is on the right. Anyone in the community of Polson and the surrounding area is invited to attend this meeting as a guest or to join the club and enjoy friendship, meetings and interesting programs. The only requirement for new guests is to bring your own utensils and a dish to pass if you wish. For membership information contact Irene Marchello at 406-883-6184.
Home school choir concert
Mission Valley Home Educators will not be meeting for their regular First Friday Fellowship in December or January. Instead, all are invited to attend and enjoy the Home School Christmas Choir Concert. Selah will be performing at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10, at the New Life Christian Center in Polson with a brief reception following. The next home school meeting is planned for Friday, Feb. 5, 2010 with a potluck dinner, fellowship, announcements and an information exchange at the New Life Christian Center in Polson. Those new to home schooling, veteran home educators and anyone interested in pursuing the idea of teaching their own children are all invited to participate. Come — get to know other home schoolers, ask questions, give support and enjoy fellowship! For more information, please contact John and Connie Doty at 849-5169 or Frank and Dana Brown at 676-5067.
Child safety seat check-up
Child Safety Seat Check-Up will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Dec. 10 at the Polson Fire Department. Polson Buckle Up Montana will have technicians available to provide on site child safety seat inspections and education. Installation will be reviewed for each child safety seat. For more information, call Diane @ 883-7373. Drop-ins welcome.
Community Spirit Basket
Community Bank is hosting and sponsoring the third annual Community Spirit Basket project. Merchants or individuals are asked to donate a basket filled with items representing their business or organization.
Baskets will then go on display Nov. 2 through Dec. 10 in the designated Community Bank lobby of their choice. Raffle tickets are available at bank lobbies. If interested in donating a basket, please contact Chris Jackson in Ronan, 676-4600 or Mandy Smith in Polson, 883-0600.
Friday, Dec. 11
Historic living windows
Bring the family downtown to enjoy the decorated store windows on Friday, Dec. 11. See the nativity scene, live mannequins, antique displays and much more. Businesses will be serving refreshments and ready to help you with your holiday shopping till 7 p.m.
Pachyderm Club
The regular meeting of the Lake County Pachyderm Club will be from 12:05- 1 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11, at Papa Don’s Restaurant. Will Deschamps, State Chairman of the Republican Party, will be the speaker. Those wishing to have lunch, arrive at 11:30 to order from the menu.
Glass jewelry benefit
On Friday, Dec. 11, Deveer Designs Fused Glass Jewelry will hold a one day only sale at Rod’s Harvest Foods in St. Ignatius from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Shakespeare in the Schools. Come and see us there! For more information please contact Kristie at 745-4888.
Free dinner
Have dinner with us on Friday, Dec. 11, and the second Friday night of each month at our Friendship Table. Everyone in the community is welcome. Bring your friends, enjoy a hearty meal and fellowship from 5-7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of First Presbyterian Church, 301 4th Avenue East (across from the main entrance to Linderman School).
Saturday, Dec. 12
Arlee’s Parade of Lights
The Second Annual Arlee Christmas Parade of Lights will be held Saturday, Dec. 12 in Arlee. This year’s theme is: “Let Your Light Shine!” Entrants are asked to meet and line up at 6 p.m. in the Arlee High School parking lot. The parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will follow a Christmas Luminary lit parade path. The parade will end at the Jocko Valley Library located in the basement of the Brown Building. Christmas carols will be shared along with hot chocolate and cookies inside or outside the library, depending on the weather. Join the Arlee community in this beautiful event to welcome the Christmas season to our town. Please come out and “Let Your Light Shine!” For more information please contact Sally Cordier at 726-4390.
journeyBe Christmas Bazaar and free lunch
Join us from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12, in the Wander Inn, at 101 7th Ave West. There will be baked goods, handcrafts, etc. and free chili and corn bread lunch. Proceeds to support our free lunch program.
Worthy Grand Matron visitation
Billeta Swallow of Harlowtown, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in Montana, will make her official visit to the Mystic Chapter No. 53, Polson at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12. She will be accompanied by Worthy Grand Patron Donald Kimmell of Roundup. All members of the Eastern Star are invited to attend. The meeting will be held at the Masonic Temple in Polson, 1102 4th Ave. E. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. Mystic Chapter No. 53 of Polson was chartered on Nov. 15, 1911. The currently Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron are Olive “Tootie” Frey of St. Ignatius and Douglas Stam of Polson. The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest organization in the world to which both men and women may belong. HTe order has more than 2 million members with projects inovlved millions of dollars that benefit many people.
Sunday, Dec. 13
Choral society Christmas concert
The Mission Valley Choral Society Christmas Concert will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 13 at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 409 4th Ave. E., Polson. Contact the Choral Society at 883-1086 for more information. In addition to the Sunday concert, the choir will this year sing at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12 at the Mission in St. Ignatius.
Valley View Potluck
Valley View community potluck will be held at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 13, at the Valley View Clubhouse, 40762 Valley View Road. Bring your favorite dish to share and come and enjoy visiting with friends. If you have a event coming up and need a place to rent call Kelly Bailey 883-2910 to rent the clubhouse.
Christmas music service
Celebrate Christmas with music at our annual all music service at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 13, at the First Presbyterian Church, 301 4th Avenue, E. Worship in music will be led by the Copeland Memorial Bell Ringers and the 20-plus voice Chancel Choir. Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall immediately after the service. Everyone is welcome to this special time of praise to our Lord.
Heffer benefit
A benefit for Kiley Heffer, 6-year-old who has been diagnosed with leukemia, will be held from 2-6 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 13 at the Polson High School Gym. There will be an Indian taco/potato bar, family photo’s (just in time for Christmas), massage corner, silent auction, entertainment and balloon animals for the kids. There is a saving account set up at First Interstate bank, 106 2nd E. Polson, MT 59860. Anyone interested in donating items for the indian taco’s/potato bar or silent auction or for more information please contact Raelynne Peterson at 529-5765 or Amber Ashby at 212-3464.
Monday, Dec. 14
Free Monday meals
Four churches in St. Ignatius have come together to provide free dinners in St. Ignatius from 5-7 p.m. on Monday nights. The tribe is allowing us to use the community center to prepare and serve the meals. We have had three dinners so far. Our first week, 72 meals were served. The second week, we served 196 meals, and last week we served 109. We are very excited and the plan is to do it as long a we can. We would love to share more with you about this you can contact us through me Teresa Larivee 676-0921 or Or just come join us for dinner any Monday. This week were having hamburgers and next week soup and or chilli.
Tuesday, Dec. 15
Polson choir show
The Polson Public Schools will present the annual 2009 Christmas Choral Concert at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 15, in the PHS Auditorium. This Choir Concert features the Middle School through High School choir students. The Seventh and Eighth Grade Choirs will share three Christmas pieces including “White Christmas” and an arrangement of Dona Nobis Pacem with several carols. The Junior High Choir will also sing a Russian winter celebration song that will feature several dancers. The Junior High Choir will be accompanied by Miss Karissa Koberg. The select HS group Connection will perform “Let It Snow” and “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer” along with some “choralography” that will prove to be highly entertaining. All three High School Choirs; Concert, Select and Mixed Choirs will sing individually. Several carols will be shared along with other songs that will celebrate the arrival of winter. Silent Night, the Carol of the Bells, an original arrangement of a Finnish carol, and the Carol of the Drum are just a few of the songs the students will sing. The High School Choirs will combine to present “A Winter Holiday Spectacular” a rousing arrangement that will be sure to get your toes tapping. Mrs. Karla Gallatin, Karissa and Kelsey Korberg will both help accompany the high school groups.
Wednesday, Dec. 16
Community dance
This is the holiday dance for 2009. Put on your red outfits and come celebrate from 7:30-11 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 16 at the Polson Elks Club. Ballroom dancing to the music of Heart by Heart. Guess what? You are all invited!
LC Democrats meeting
The December meeting of the Lake County Democrats will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 16, at the Polson City Library Conference Room. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with a special holiday gathering complete with homemade chili, corn bread and treats. At 6:30 p.m., Carolyn Beecher will lead a discussion focusing on whether water is a common resource or a corporate commodity. Then, Dave Hadden will present information relating to the potential coal mining in Canada that could affect the North Fork of the Flathead River and impact Flathead Lake and the Mission Valley. Everyone is invited to take part in the scrumptious food and lively discussions.
No polar dip
Organizers said there will be no Polson Polar Bear dip put on this year.
“Here We Come A Caroling”
Arlee Schools invites Arlee school-aged children from kindergarten to sixth grade to attend the December Friday Free Three Activities Day from 9 p.m. to noon on Friday, Dec. 18. This event day will include Caroling to the down town businesses of Arlee, then returning to the school for hot chocolate, cookies and a Christmas movie. Join us and bring along your grownups.
Bird count
A Christmas bird counts is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 20 at theNinepipe National Wildlife Refuge. Contact Jim Rogers at or 883-3611 for more informaiton.
Free yoga
Free yoga will be offered from 7:30-8:45 on Tuesday, Dec. 22 and every second and fourth Tuesday. Introduction/Level 1 Yoga at the YogaHeart Studio “Purple Door. Across the street from the health food store, at 314A Main Street, Polson. Contact Bonnie 253-0177 for more information.
Soup kitchen opening
Starting on Dec. 1, our Soups On! program, sponosored by Faith and Community Outreach Partners, continuing Monday-Thursday every week. Look for the open sign lit up in the window. Hours are 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with homemade soup, pie, bread, coffe milke and juice served. Dessert follows. FCOP is a non profit progressive assembly on a journey. We are committed to vibrant worshipping, honest learning, serving, caring and doing good things. The Wander Inn is located on the corner of 7th Ave. and First St. West, Polson, just north of Cherry Valley School. Everyone is welcome. For more information please call John at 270-7538, Sharon at 883-2072 or Sandy at 871-1109.
Adult ed teachers needed
Do you have knowledge or a skill that you would like to share with other adults? If so, the Polson Adult Education Program is always looking for new classes. All classes are offered in the evening on week nights. To find out more contact Marsha at 883-6355, ext 601.
Polson international stroll
Enjoy an internation stroll down main street from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 18. New this year will be the International Stroll, with each business picking a country and offering food, music, and traditions.
Soroptimist awards
Soroptimist International of Polson is seeking qualified applicants from the Mission Valley area for the following awards: Fellowship Award of a $1,000.00 scholarship for a woman who is seeking post graduate education. This woman must live in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Alaska or Oregon. She must be established in business or a profession, conduct business or practice her profession competently and according to high ethical standards, and hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from an accredited college or university. A plan for post graduate study is required. If the applicant wins her application, she is eligible for a $4,000 regional award. The application is due by Jan. 15, 2010. If you are interested in applying or need more information, please contact Dorothy Ashcraft at 982-3366.
Vocational-Technical Award of a $1,000 for a woman or man who is enrolled in a professional/technical or vocational program leading to a certificate or license. The recipient must be approved and/or registered at the school or college. The recipient is also eligible to receive more money in regional Soroptimist competition. The application is due Feb. 1, 2010. If you are interested in applying or know a woman or man who fits the requirements for this award, contact Melinda Leas at 883-7587. Soroptimist International is a volunteer service organization for women who work to improve the lives of women, girls and children in local communities and throughout the world.
Ronan Parade of Lights
Celebrate the new Winter Season and our community Spirit with the Ronan Parade of Lights will be at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 23.
Bon Fire in the park after the parade. Santa will be on hand for pictures with the kids
All parade entries are welcome! All floats, carolers and entries line up behind hospital at 5:30 p.m. Dress warm and bring your holiday spirit. For more info please call Jennifer at 676-0211 or Carlene at 676-0646.
Kile benefit
There will be a benefit to help defray medical expenses for Jane Kile of Dixon, from 4-7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 18, at Leon Hall, Charlo. A spaghetti dinner will be held for a small ticket price. The silent auction will be from 4-9 p.m., followed by a Contra Dance from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. For more information or to donate, contact Delene Tufly 246-3271. An account, Jane’s Healing Circle Fund, has been set up at Valley Bank, P.O. 637, St. Ignatius, MT 59865.
Christmas calendar for Mission, Sacred Heart, St. Berchman
Dec. 13: Anointing of the Sick, 9:15 a.m. Mass; Dec. 16: Reconciliation, 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 20: Christmas Play and Decorating Party, after the 9:15 a.m. Mass; Dec. 24: Christmas caroling, 11p.m.; Dec. 24: Midnight Mass, 12 a.m.; Dec. 25: Christmas Mass, 10 a.m.; Jan. 1: New Year’s Day Mass, 10 a.m.; Arlee, Sacred Heart Mission — Dec. 9: Reconciliation, 7 p.m.; Dec. 13: Anointing the sick, 11:15 Mass
Dec. 20: Christmas Play, after the 11:15 a.m. Mass; Dec. 24: Christmas Caroling, 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 24: Christmas Mass, 8 p.m.
St. John Berchman/Jocko Mission; Dec. 13: Anointing of the Sick, 4 p.m. Mass.
Hot Flash Blues
Ninepipes Lodge will host Hot Flash Blues!, fireside dining with Diane Torres, Carol Loza and Carol Roberts from 6-9 p.m. on Tuesdays in the lounge.
Winter season at the Bison Range
Visitor Center hours at the National Bison Range are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. Stop by to view the displays and watch the 15-minute video. Staff will be available to answer questions and direct you to the drives, trails and activities. And during the holidays, the Visitor Center will be closed for Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26-27), Christmas (Friday, Dec. 25) and New Year’s Day (Friday, Jan. 1). Please call 644-2211 for up-to-date information, road conditions and Visitor Center hours.
Women’s award nominees sought
Women’s Opportunity Award is for women who are the financial head of their household and wish to further their educational or vocational training but do not have the financial resources to do so. The award may be used for tuition, books or other costs associated with her education like childcare or car expenses. The award recipient receives $1,500 and the runner-up receives $1,000 respectively. The recipient will also become eligible to receive more money in regional and international Soroptimist competition. The application is due Dec. 15. If you are interested in applying or know a woman who fits the requirements for this award, contact Karen Radcliff at 250-2420. Soroptimist International is a volunteer service organization for women who work to improve the lives of women, girls and children in local communities and throughout the world.
Jocko Valley Library fall hours
Fall/Winter Hours are Monday, 2- 5 p.m.; Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Wednesday. 1-4 p.m.; Thursday, 3-6 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday, 9:30 -11:30 a.m. (Only open the first and second Saturdays of each month.) The mentioned hours are filled by community volunteers and are subject to change without notice. Please feel free to return your checked out materials by putting them in the drop-box at the front gate of the library. The books are perfectly safe in that drop-box and it will save you from accruing a fine.
If you would like to volunteer at the library - call the library at 726-3572 and leave your name and phone number.
Sjogrens support group
Sjogrens syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes certain parts of the immune system to attack and damage the glands of the body and can also damage other organs, causing a variety of symptoms. We would like to start a support group in Polson and the surrounding areas. A great deal can be learned from others and the national foundation. If you’re interested, call Jo Weaver at 883-5401.
Line Dancing
The Polson Senior Center is hosting line dancing from 5-6:30 p.m. on Mondays. Join anytime on a weekly basis. Contact Hazle at 319-2424 or e-mail for more information.