Community Notes
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 15 years, 4 months AGO
Nov. 19
Thursday, Nov. 19
Child safety seat check-up
Buckle Up Montana will have technicians available to provide on-site child safety seat inspections and education from 10 a.m. to noon today, at the Polson Fire Department. Installation will be reviewed for each child safety seat. For more information, call Diane at 883-7373. Drop-ins are welcome.
Friday, Nov. 20
Friday Free Three
Friday Free Three is three hours of free fun. Arlee Schools is excited to announce its next Friday Activities Program from 9 a.m. to noon on Nov. 20 in the old Arlee Elementary Cafeteria, we will pay honor to November being “Native American Heritage” month. We invite all the Arlee students in grades K – 6 to join us for three hours of beading, fry bread making and drumming, singing and dancing. We hope you will join us for this special day of celebration. If you have questions contact Kim Folden at 726-3216 ext. 2307.
Barber Shop music in Big Arm
Barber Shop Musicians will be visiting the Big Arm Association’s potluck supper on Friday, Nov. 20, at the Big Arm Fire Hall. The group is called Flathead Valleyaires of Columbia Falls and their leader is Richard Lienesch. Whether you are interested in participating or just want to listen to some good music please join us Friday night! If you would like to share in the potluck please arrive at 6 p.m. The association will be providing the pulled pork, please bring a complimentary dish or a dessert. The music begins at 7 p.m.
Gallery open house
The Main Street Gallery & Framing is celebrating the completion of its first year in business at 400 Main Street SW, downtown Ronan, with a Christmas Open House from 4-8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20.
Saturday, Nov. 21
Holiday market
Mt. Calvary Preschool’s annual Holiday Market is set 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21. There are new vendors at this year’s holiday market featuring lots of unique gift ideas including “Fill a Basket” where small items are selected to fill a decorated basket at a reasonable price. Lefse and some baked goods will be available as well as stocking stuffers and fun ideas for the grandkids. Lunch for a small cost will be served starting at 11 a.m. to include soup or chili, a homemade roll, drink and pie. A free drawing will be held in the afternoon for a gift basket of goodies and a holiday lighted block, so be sure to stop by and sign up! The market is located in the Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church Missouri Synod on 2nd Street West across from Polson High School. Proceeds benefit the nonprofit Mt. Calvary Lutheran Preschool.
Arlee CDC meeting
The November meeting of the Arlee Community Development Corporation will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21 at The Hangin’ Art Gallery & Coffee House on Hwy 93 in Arlee. The meeting is open to the public. For more information contact Kelley at 726-5550.
Inaugural Polson Cross Rumpus Race.
On Saturday, Nov. 21, Polson will be hosting the first cyclocross bicycle race at the Riverfront Fairgrounds. This race will showcase a good mix of terrain with wide-open, fast flats, tricky corners, barriers, and one steep run-up. Registration for the race will start at 10:30 a.m. with races starting 12:00 p.m. Spectators welcome. There will be a First Timers and Mountain Bike Race. For more information contact Matt Seeley at 883-9264.
Sunday, Nov. 22
Music at The Red Poppy
At 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 22, The Red Poppy presents a program of classical music with strings, flute, and piano playing Vitali, Bach, Haydn and Brahms. A reception for the community will follow the performance. As always, this afternoon is free. Also, The Red Poppy’s Fifth Annual Christmas Boutique continues, offering locally made holiday gift possibilities, such as felted homemade soaps, beautiful hobbie horses, small to large quilts, hand knitted items, toys, dolls and doll clothes, turned wooden pieces, buckskin tree ornaments, as well as a wide variety of pottery and art. The Red Poppy is open from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday and is located in Ronan at 1st St. SW and Eisenhower (on Highway 93, south stoplight, across from True Value Hardware). Call 676-3010 for more information.
Fiddlers Jam
A Fiddlers Jam will be held from 2-6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 22 at the Miracle of America Museum. Come one come all for free music at Memory Lane, south of Safeway, just up the hill on Hwy 93. Pickin’ in the Park music group will be playing every Saturday through the winter from 1-5 p.m. Anyone can come to join in and play, sing or just listen for free. Songs may be requested. If we know them we will play them, if not we will try and learn them for your next visit. Of course, if you like old history, you will want to spend some time visiting this Museum. If you have any questions please contact the Museum at 883-6804.
Holiday decorating
The Polson business community will be decorating downtown for the holidays from 11-2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 22. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the fun of getting downtown ready. Please bring gloves, wire cutters, portable drills, and dress warm. Homemade chili will be served when done. Meet in front of Jackie M’s Footwear. For more information call Jackie at 883-5800.
Wednesday, Nov. 25
Free preschool day
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Preschool is offering parents of 4 and 5-year olds a free day of preschool from 8:30-11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 25. Any preschool-aged child is invited to come enjoy a morning of Thanksgiving Day stories, games and crafts in a fun and safe environment. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Preschool was established in 1992 under the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, known for its great background in education. Mrs. Joyce Shima, a longtime Polson resident, brings experience, creativity and fun into a nurturing classroom setting. The classroom itself features a playhouse, musical instruments, painting corner, reading nook, and many fun and educational toys and manipulatives as well as a fenced outside play yard. The school is located on 2nd Street West across from Polson High School and the fun starts at 8:30 a.m. For questions, please call Mrs. Joyce Shima at 883-4041.
Worthy Grand Matron visitation
Billeta Swallow of Harlowtown, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in Montana, will make her official visit to the Mystic Chapter No. 53, Polson at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12. She will be accompanied by Worthy Grand Patron Donald Kimmell of Roundup. All members of the Eastern Star are invited to attend. The meeting will be held at the Masonic Temple in Polson, 1102 4th Ave. E. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. Mystic Chapter No. 53 of Polson was chartered on Nov. 15, 1911. The currently Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron are Olive “Tootie” Frey of St. Ignatius and Douglas Stam of Polson. The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest organization in the world to which both men and women may belong. The order has more than 2 million members with projects involveing millions of dollars that benefit many people.
Free Yoga
YogaHeart Studio is offering free yoga every second and fourth Tuesday (Nov. 24) from 7:30-8:45 p.m. Introduction/Level 1 Yoga will be at YogaHeart Studio “Purple Door” at 314A Main Street in Polson.
Free community dinner
A free Thanksgiving community dinner will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 26 at the Polson Senior Citizen’s Center, 504 3rd Ave. E. There will be food, fellowship and entertainment. Dinner is free but donations are gratefully accepted. Place home delivery orders by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 25. The dinner is sponsored by the Polson Senior Center and Polson Ministerial Association’s Helping Hands Fund.
Arlee drug and alcohol survey
The American Drug and Alcohol Survey will be conducted at the Arlee schools on Dec. 1 for fourth through 12th graders. Parents wishing to withdraw their child from participation may do so by contacting elementary secretary Shara Espinoza at 726-3216, ext. 2200, junior high secretary Melinda Pablo at ext. 2404 or high school secretary Val Espinoza ext. 2300.
MM Quilt Guild meeting
The Mission Mountain Quilt Guild will have its regular meeting at the Ronan Alliance Church at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 1, to have a sit and sew evening (bring what ever you would like to work on to finish or have help with). Bring a dish for the potluck. We will be having a Christmas show and tell. Please invite anyone you would like to have join us for the evening.
Hot Flash Blues
Ninepipes Lodge will host Hot Flash Blues, fireside dining with Diane Torres, Carol Loza and Carol Roberts from 6-9 p.m. on Tuesdays in the lounge.
Winter season at the Bison Range
Visitor Center hours at the National Bison Range are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. Stop by to view the displays and watch the 15-minute video. Staff will be available to answer questions and direct you to the drives, trails and activities. And during the holidays, the Visitor Center will be closed for Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26-27), Christmas (Friday, Dec. 25) and New Year’s Day (Friday, Jan. 1). Please call 644-2211 for up-to-date information, road conditions and Visitor Center hours.
RHS speech and drama meet
Ronan High School is hosting a Speech, Drama and Debate tournament on Saturday, Dec. 5. We will need a tremendous number of judges to fill approximately 350 judging slots. We are requesting your help for a single event, several events, or the full day. Any of your time would be greatly appreciated. Rounds begin at 8 a.m. for debate. All other rounds begin at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for judges on the day of the tournament. If you are anxious about judging for the first time, never fear! We will hold a judges’ clinic at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 3, in Ronan Middle School room 209. Please call Melissa Knabe 676-3390 ext. 3419 or Amy Miller 676-3390 ext.3533 or e-mail to donate your time for judging.
RSVP training
Lake County RSVP Volunteer Center is sponsoring a community training to assist. any nonprofit and community organizations interested in learning how to engage the talent and energies of the Baby Boom Generation as volunteers that enrich their organization and build a stronger community. How can your organization attract and retain “Boomer” volunteers. The event is from 8:15 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at the Lake County Health Building conference room. 812 Main St. Polson. Registration closes on Tuesday, Nov. 24. Call Maxine at 883-7284 for more information.
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
The Ronan Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held Thanksgiving day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ronan Community Center, 300 3rd Ave NW, Ronan. This traditional dinner began many years ago by Marie Cowan. Over the years, it grew too large for her café and it was moved to the Ronan Community Center and is now sponsored by the Ronan Area Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Ronan Community Volunteers. More than 280 were served in 2008 with the help of local volunteers. The Lake County Commissioners donate the Ronan Community Center for this annual event. The day will include a traditional Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. Entertainment starts at 11:30 a.m. and goes to 2:30 p.m. with a variety of bands starting every half hour. Volunteers are needed to help set-up, decorate, cook and serve. Turkeys, pies and rolls and are also needed. If you are interested in volunteering, entertaining, donating turkeys, pies or rolls please call Adina Fox at 676-9228 or 207-2973 or e-mail at
Financial donations are welcomed and appreciated. They may be sent to: Ronan Community Volunteers at PO Box 751, Pablo, MT 59855
Christmas tree lighting
The St. Ignatius Christmas Carnival and Tree Lighting will be held this year on Saturday, Dec. 5. The Fifth Annual Christmas Carnival will start at 2 p.m., and go tell about 4 p.m. The tree lighting service will be start at 5 p.m., at the town christmas tree. Hot drinks and cookies will be served, and a Hay ride and caroling will follow the tree lighting.
Rost Rochin fundraiser
Donations for Mark and Lisa Rost Rochin, to help with costs as Lisa is being treated at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, can be sent to First Citizens Bank, 213 First St. W, Polson, MT 59860.
SKC Holiday Bazaar
SKC’s Student Senate would like to invite you to a Holiday Bazaar from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 6, at the Joe McDonald Gymnasium on the SKC campus in Pablo. The proceeds will be used for the campus toy drive, as well as other events. This is the third year that Student Senate has been doing this toy drive and it just keeps growing every year. This toy drive focuses on student families and helping them out with the holidays. It is something that brings a lot of joy to the students and their families at SKC. We will be collecting donations of toys at the bazaar. Please bring new, unwrapped gifts. There will be food and pictures with Santa Claus. For more information, please contact Gen at 275-4853 or Angie at 275-4840 or e-mail
Festival of the Trees raffle
The tree is up and the youth home festival of trees raffle Is rolling. One of the most popular events at the Lake County Youth Home’s annual Festival of Trees is the drawing for the raffle tree donated by Glacier Bank. It will be given away at the Festival, but you don’t have to be present to win. In fact, the winning ticket includes free delivery on Sunday, Dec. 6. The raffle tree is valued at more than $500! You can see it up close and personal all during November at Glacier Bank. Raffle tickets can be purchased at Glacier Bank. Tickets will be available from now until the raffle is held on Saturday, Dec. 5. The Lake County Youth Home Festival of Trees will be held at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 5 at the KwaTaqNuk Best Western Resort in Polson. The town that this Glacier Bank is located is Polson, MT. The Festival will feature a reception to view the trees, a dinner and a live and silent auction of the trees, wreaths, and many other items. The auction will be followed by a dance to the music of the award winning Wilbur Rehmann Jazz Quartet. The quartet will also play during the opening reception and dinner. The tickets are limited to 230 people and are usually sold out within 48 hours of going on sale the last week of October. There is a waiting list for tickets in case of last minute cancellations, 883-7264 will reach the Lake County Youth Court where you can get on the waiting list.
Suicide oversight meeting
The next oversight meeting is scheduled for noon on Wednesday, Nov. 25, (the day before Thanksgiving) at in Polson at the Lake County Health Building Conference Room which is located at 802 Main Street.
St. Ignatius Christmas carnival
The st. Ignatius Christmas carnival and tree lighting will be held this year on Saturday, Dec. 5. The Fifth Annual Christmas Carnival will start begin at 2 p.m., and go until around 4 p.m. The tree lighting service will be begin at 6 p.m., at the town christmas tree. Hot drinks and cookies will be served, and a hay ride and caroling will follow the tree lighting.
Crown Financial Freedom Seminar
Polson Alliance Church will hosting the Crown Financial Freedom Seminar from 8 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 5. Registration for this event inclues lunch. Whatever your age or income, this seminar will help you to start on the road to financial freedom. Register today by calling 883-4179.
Women’s award nominees sought
Women’s Opportunity Award is for women who are the financial head of their household and wish to further their educational or vocational training but do not have the financial resources to do so. The award may be used for tuition, books or other costs associated with her education like childcare or car expenses. The award recipient receives $1,500 and the runner-up receives $1,000 respectively. The recipient will also become eligible to receive more money in regional and international Soroptimist competition. The application is due December 15. If you are interested in applying or know a woman who fits the requirements for this award, contact Karen Radcliff at 250-2420. Soroptimist International is a volunteer service organization for women who work to improve the lives of women, girls and children in local communities and throughout the world.
Volunteer positions available
Lake County is accepting applications for the following board positions. The positions begin on January 1, 2010.
Postions available on: The Lake County Planning Board is comprised of volunteers who advise the Lake County Commissioners on planning issues. The Board regularly meets on the second Wednesday of each month to review and make recommendations to the County Commissioners on subdivision proposals and to work on long range planning documents such as local subdivision and zoning regulations, as well as the County Growth Policy. Applicants from all parts of the county are encouraged to apply. The Lake County Board of Adjustment is comprised of five volunteers who hear and decide land use and zoning related issues such as conditional land uses, variance requests and citizen appeals. The Polson City/County Planning Board is comprised of volunteers who advise the City and County on planning issues, which typically include subdivisions, special use permits and zoning regulations within the Polson Planning Area. Applications for the above referenced positions may be submitted to the Lake County Planning Department prior to November 19, 2009. The application should include a letter of interest and brief background history detailing experience relevant to the review of land use and growth management issues. Applications should be sent to the Lake County Planning Department at 106 4th Avenue East, Polson, MT 59860, 883-7235, or
Jocko Valley Library fall hours
Fall/Winter Hours are Monday, 2- 5 p.m.; Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Wednesday. 1-4 p.m.; Thursday, 3-6 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday, 9:30 -11:30 a.m. (Only open the first and second Saturdays of each month.) The mentioned hours are filled by community volunteers and are subject to change without notice. Please feel free to return your checked out materials by putting them in the drop-box at the front gate of the library. The books are perfectly safe in that drop-box and it will save you from accruing a fine.
If you would like to volunteer at the library - call the library at 726-3572 and leave your name and phone number.
Reduced meal applicants sought
On Nov. 2, the Polson School District is launching a new breakfast program at the High School: Grab and Go Breakfast. Students will have a choice of healthy and delicious breakfast foods, packaged in a paper bag. The Polson School District is encouraging all qualifying parents to apply for the Free and Reduced Meal program. Many sources of government funding, as well as private grants, are based on the Free and Reduced Meal count. Applications are available at all schools, the district office or can be downloaded from the district’s web site: A family of four may qualify if they have an adjusted gross income of $40,793 or less. Families of other sizes can consult the sliding scale to see if they qualify. The application process is not complicated and is totally confidential. For more information, contact any school principal or superintendent, David Whitesell, 883-6355 ext. 600.
Community Spirit Basket
Community Bank is hosting and sponsoring the third annual Community Spirit Basket project. Merchants or individuals are asked to donate a basket filled with items representing their business or organization. Baskets will then go on display Nov. 2 through Dec. 10 in the designated Community Bank lobby of their choice. Raffle tickets are available at bank lobbies. If interested in donating a basket, please contact Chris Jackson in Ronan, 676-4600 or Mandy Smith in Polson, 883-0600.
Soroptimist scholarship
Soroptimist International of Polson is committed to making a difference for women through projects that help women and girls lead better lives. To that end we participate in the Violet Richardson Award program. The program began in 1999 and recognizes and honors young women between the ages of 14 and 17 who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts. The Violet Richardson Award honors women between 12 and 17 who make the world a better place. The program begins at the local Soroptimist club level where in Polson the award is $1,100, with 75 percent going to honor the winner and the other 25 percent going to the winner’s volunteer organization. Applications have been made available at high schools in Polson, Ronan, Charlo, Two Eagle River and St. Ignatius, or by contacting Maria Bishop, Violet Richardson Award chair at 883-5372 or 883-0417. Applications are due on Dec. 1.
Sjogrens support group
Sjogrens syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes certain parts of the immune system to attack and damage the glands of the body and can also damage other organs, causing a variety of symptoms. We would like to start a support group in Polson and the surrounding areas. A great deal can be learned from others and the national foundation. If you’re interested, call Jo Weaver at 883-5401.
Lion King bus
Community Bank is sponsoring a trip to the Saturday evening, Dec. 5 performance of Broadway’s Award-Winning Best Musical “The Lion King.” The seating for the play will be in the orchestra section rows 10-13. Overnight accommodations will be at Spokane’s premier hotels, The Davenport. The bus will depart at Community Bank in Polson at 8:30 a.m., Ronan 9 at a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 5 and return Dec. 6. Please call Nellie 883-0600 or Anne 676-4600 for reservations and package pricing.
Line Dancing
The Polson Senior Center is hosting line dancing from 5-6:30 p.m. on Mondays. Join anytime on a weekly basis. Contact Hazle at 319-2424 or e-mail for more information.