St. Ignatious Candidate Surveys
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 15 years, 4 months AGO
Clarence “Mack” McConnell, St. Ignatius Councilmember
What is the main reason you are running for city government this year?
I am running this year because I believe St. Ignatius is in need of some common sense, progressive and responsible representation on its town council.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you:
First, my education and many years of experience dealing with agencies, boards of directors, businesses and the public makes me qualified to serve on the council. Second, I have illustrated my concern for the community by serving on local and state boards and by donating many hours of volunteer work at the local senior citizens center.Third, I have promised to endeavor to make sure that all citizens whose issues come before the council receive fair and equal treatment and that all council business is conducted in an honest and open manner with a willingness to listen to citizens’ concerns.
What are your top two goals if elected?
My most immediate concern is to improve the conditions under which St. Ignatius police serve so we can end the excessive turnover of personnel in that department and provide the quality, stable law enforcement presence that this town’s residents deserve. Secondly, I believe [that] there needs to be a reestablishment of trust between the town council and city employees and the town’s citizens.
Age: 66 years old.
Occupation: I am a retired communications director and journalist.
Civic Involvement: I am on the boards of directors of the St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center, the St. Ignatius Cemetery Association, the Area 6 (state) Agency on Aging and the Mission Valley Chapter of the University of Montana Grizzly Scholarship Association.
Daren Incashola, St. Ignatius Councilmember
What is the main reason you are running for city government this year?
I have always been interested in our city government, and try to attend meetings when I could but work seemed to always get in the way. After purchasing The Malt Shop and retiring after 16 years of law enforcement related service, I feel I now have adequate time to devote to the job.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you:
I have many years of experience preparing and managing budgets in a government setting. My time spent working for Lake County Sheriff’s Office has taught me how to work successfully with many local, state, and federal agencies.
What are your top two goals if elected?
To try and find a way to provide a competitive wage and benefits for city employees. To try and make sure that growth in St. Ignatius is balanced and affordable for the residents and businesses already here.
Age: 38 years old
Occupation: Owner of The Malt Shop
Civil Involvement: I have been a member of the St. Ignatius volunteer fire department and the Mission Valley Ambulance, the St. Ignatius police departments reserve office program and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office reserve deputy program.
Sharon Richardson, St. Ignatius Judge, incumbant
What is the main reason you are running for city government this year?
I have been involved with the Court system for several years. I like working with people.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you:
I am experienced, have common sense and am fair.
What are your top two goals if elected?
Just to be a good judge for all the people and to uphold the law.
Age: 67 years young
Occupation: Town judge for St. Ignatius, also a rector.
Family: Married to R.L. Richardson. I have two sons and grandchildren.
Civic Involvement: I am on the board of trustees for Polson Library, I have served on the board of trustees for senior center and SAFE Harbor (in the past), past Kiwanis president.
Charles J. Gariepy, Mayor of St. Ignatius, incumbant
What is the main reason you are running for city government this year?
Because I care about this town and the people of this town.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you:
First, my experience
Second, my dedication to this town
Third, to continue ongoing projects
What are your top two goals if elected?
To improve and build up the St Ignatius Police Dept.To open up the doors of communication with the citizens of the community of all ages.
Age: I am 49 years old, a lifetime resident of the town of St. Ignatius
Occupation: Road Foreman for the Lake County Road & Bridge Dept, having worked for Lake County 21 years.
Civic Involvement: I have been Mayor the last 2 years. Served as a Council member for 8 years (4 of those serving as President). 25+ years on the St Ignatius Volunteer Fire Dept., serving as president and a captain. I was also instrumental in fundraising and placement of the jaws of life. I am a Board of Director for Lake County Bank. Former YMCA board member. Former volunteer with the St Ignatius summer rec. program. Volunteer for the Chamber of Commerce and Catholic Church during the Christmas Holidays. Pete Gariepy Memorial Park. Volunteer construction of the St Ignatius School Pavillion & addition on the St. Ignatius Fire Hall.
Joseph Mitchell, Mayor of St. Ignatius
What is the main reason you are running for city government this year?
Infrastructure is an issue that has been plaguing St. Ignatius for years. There are streets in town that need to be re-built; not just paved. Our water system is out dated and needs some renovations. I will look for additional sources and funds to ease the financial burden on the taxpayers.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you
My dedication to citizens and to the town. St. Ignatius is my favorite place in the world, and I believe it deserves much more than it has received in the past. I think that since this is our town, we should all have a say in how it’s managed. I think that everyone’s opinions matter, and I promise that I’ll listen. My beliefs. I believe that if we want St. Ignatius to be a great community, all of us need to contribute. Every one of us has a stake in how the town is managed and we need to work together to achieve a common goal. I also believe in personal accountability. If I do something wrong, I expect to pay for it. If you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price. I also believe that our taxes should not go up. We, as a small community, should look for ways to ease the financial burden on ourselves, not just for one demographic, but for the community as a whole. My community. I want to see this town flourish. St. Ignatius could be a model community for other small rural town across the nation. We have what it takes. We have the people to make it happen. We have the location, and we also have the dedication and the perseverance to make it happen. I would also like to look for avenues to sponsor a scholarship for a student whose senior project beautifies or benefits the town.
What are your top two goals if elected?
Public safety should be at the top of everyone’s list. We have a small police department, fire department, and ambulance that volunteer more time and man hours than most citizens recognize. The city can’t afford to pay law enforcement officers what they are worth, so they frequently move away after they find a better paying job. If we do not come up with the funds for our police department, this situation will continue. I will look for other sources of funding so the city can address this problem. I would also like to see community members get together with emergency responders one day a year, just to get to know each other. I think that it would be beneficial for people to know the name and face of the person who may save their life. Another goal that I would like see happen is community involvement. I can remember when Good Ol’ Days was the talk of the valley. Now it is just another thing to do on a busy summer weekend if there’s nothing else to do. Community members need to get involved. I would also like to set aside a day a year when members of the community get together and do some community improvement projects such as picking up garbage, staining benches, planting flowers in Taelman Park, or just removing sticks from the sidewalks.
Age: 21
Occupation: Bank Teller
Family: Parents: Tim and Katherine, sisters Sarah (Steve) Miller, Katie (Doug) Sutich, Annie (Jeremiah) Morigeau and nieces and nephew Emily, Adeline, and Erich.
Education: Graduated from St. Ignatius High School with Honors.
Community and professional involvement: Along with fellow a classmate, raised funds for and built the St. Ignatius Veterans Memorial. I am also a member of the St. Ignatius Volunteer Fire Department and interning with Mission Valley Ambulance.
Community activities: Assisted with the Annual St. Ignatius Volunteer Fire Department picnic and auction since its inception, a co-coordinator of the St. Ignatius Catholic Mission Vacation Bible School, worked booths at Good Ol’ Days for various organizations, assisted with the After School Program at the St. Ignatius Schools, and was a Sunday-School aide.
Roger D. Lemon, St. Ignatius Councilmember
What is the main reason you are running for city government this year?
I began thinking seriously about running for a seat on the council last year.I had a lot of opinions about how our town was being ran, but didn’t really have any idea what was involved in the process.I’ve all ways thought that if you have enough guts to complain, then you better have enough to get involved.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you
First, I am not a politician.
Second, I love our town, and feel that I can bring some new ideas to the board. I’m not saying that every idea that I have are even feasable, but at least they are things that I feel are worth looking at.
Third, I will do my damndest to improve our town and not to harm it.
What are your top two goals if elected?
I have several goals, and even understanding that we do not have a great deal of resources to draw from, I believe that some things can still be accomplished.(1) Even in an economy such as we have now, and I do not look for any improvement for some time, there are things we can do- little by little- to better our community and our way of life.We need to do more for our senior citizens. They are the reason we are here, and they have earned our respect.(2) Our Police department needs all the support we can give it.It’s drawn a lot of criticism of late, much of which I feel was unwarranted. We ask a great deal of them.I will work to improve their situation any way possible
Age: 64 years old
Family: I am married, I have four children— Terry, Aaron, Christy and Sheena.
Occupation: My wife (Tootie ) and I own the Tepee Lounge and Cafe here in Mission. I have considered Saint Ignatius my home for the last thirty-five years.I was in the United States Air Force for four years- honorably discharged in 1967.
Rod Arlint, St. Ignatius Councilmember, incumbent
What is the main reason you are running for city government this year?
Serving on the town council is a small way we can give back to the community.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you?
Having lived and worked over 30 years in St. Ignatius, I have a lot of history with the
community members, enjoy living in a small community and recognize you cannot have
it all and probably do not want it all.
The Town Council should take care of the basics: water, sewer, police protection and
streets. I represent those in the community who desire a limited and a fiscally
conservative government, never spending monies we do not have. We do not need to be “saved” by the federal government. We can and should take care of ourselves.
What are your top two goals if elected?
We are in need of a new well and additional water distribution lines. This project is important and I will/would like to see it finished. Generally, things and people are never as bad or good as some may think them to be. If a community member would like someone on the council who feels St. Ignatius has a lot of problems, things are going down the tubes and something must be done, they should vote for one of the other fine candidates. I like St. Ignatius the way it is: not without challenges but a great place to live.
Age: 53
Family: Married, lots of kids and grand kids.
Occupation: grocer
Civic Involvement: I have served as a board member and as president of the Montana Food Distributors, many years as a scoutmaster for BSA, served in many positions in my church and currently teach, with my wife, a family and marriage relations class.
John Wayne Mitchell, St. Ignatius Mayor
What is the main reason you’re running for city government this year?
My main reason for running for mayor is to give the citizens of St. Ignatius an actual voice in the city government. The town of St. Ignatius belongs to all the citizens and I will have an open door policy for everyone.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you
Citizens of St. Ignatius should vote for me because:
. I will work to insure that all citizens will be treated with respect and dignity by all city employees.
. I want police officers that are qualified and community oriented with a small town appeal. It is important that we make sure that all streets in our town are being patrolled and not just Highway 93. I was raised in a law enforcement environment, have worked many years as a reserve officer in Ronan which will be an asset to the community and the Police Department.
. As a business owner I have supervised many employees. Owning a business and working with local employees has given me the ability to understand the problems and trials of those living in St. Ignatius. Those trials and problems are not the same as in larger communities. St. Ignatius must be united in our goals to provide the best for our families and communities.
What are your top two goals if elected?
My top two goals if elected would be:
. To improve the Police Department and insure long-term protection. We need to be able to keep our officers long term with fair wages and benefits.
. Other cities are capitalizing on all the free grant money that is available year round and we need to look into getting this money to better our streets, sidewalks, street signs, police department, fire department, water system, city equipment and city parks.
Age: 43
Family: Wife, Wendy, and three children, Jesse, Justina and Robyn and one grandchild, Matthew.
Occupation: Own and operate local cleaning company.
Civic involvement: Ronan Reserve Police Officer. He is a member of the Cornerstone Faith Center.
Sheriff and county commissioner candidate surveys
Lake County Leader | Updated 14 years, 9 months ago