Teens can spread wings with local Phoenix Project
Julie GOLDER<br | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 14 years, 11 months AGO
BONNERS FERRY—The Phoenix Project wants teens 13 though 18 to “Be Here Now.”
This is a monthly event free to teens held from 4 :30 to 8 p.m. giving teens a chance to interact with other teens in a positive environment.
March’s event took place at the Rex Theater where the teens watched a free screening of The Blind Side.
There are adult chaperones at the events and they are there to help the teens with the troubles they face and steer them in a positive direction toward healthy decision making.
The Phoenix Project in Boundary County welcomes Bonners Ferry High School sophomore Michael Schmidt as their youngest board member.
Michael, 16, is no stranger to volunteerism. At 9, he began volunteering at the San Bernadino Sheriff’s Office. He helped a dog groomer and volunteered at a church is eastern Washington.
“I think this is a great opportunity to get more youth involved,” said Michael.
Michael’s mother, Elaine Martinez, is also involved with the Phoenix Project and is very proud of her son.
“He is very excited about this opportunity to be involved in community service and be the voice for youth his age,” said Martinez.
Michael wants teens to know that they are seeking all teens to get involved and volunteer.
“It isn’t just honor students we are seeking,” said Michael. “We want all teens from Boundary County, Bonners Ferry High School, Riverside, home schooled anyone who wants to help.”
The important thing Michael wants to get across is that places to have their monthly events are needed. A place where the teens can hang out, play games have lock-ins.
Last February the Phoenix Project hosted a successful lock-in that 80 local teens attended.
“It would be nice to have a secured location for our monthly events,” Michael said. “Our goal is to have teens organize, promote and run things.”
The monthly events feature games, movie nights, lock-ins, wii night and there is always a meal and soda. The next meeting will be game night and prizes can be won. The Dollar Store donates items and the organization is always looking for donations.
“We can always use more bags of gum and candy, chips soda anything we can use to feed everyone at events,” said Michael. “The board members have been pouring out of pocket to feed the kids, so we are definitely looking for donations and ways to pump money into the project.”
Michael wants to get teens involved with creative ideas on fundraising and is open to suggestions on how to raise money for this organization.
The next Phoenix Project meeting is at 4:30 today at Bonners Ferry Visitor’s Center. The board members welcome all interested parties to attend.
For information, call Michael Schmidt at 307-677-4720 or Diane Charter at 267-5756.
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