Senior news, Aug. 12
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 14 years, 5 months AGO
Arlee senior center
The Arlee Senior Citizens Center announces its August menu:
Monday, Aug. 2, pork roast, potatoes and gravy, corn, fruit, cake and ice cream; Wednesday, Aug. 4, braised beef over noodles, vegetables, lemon bars; Friday, Aug. 6, hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad, three-bean salad, fruit, ice cream bars;
Monday, Aug. 9, hobo dinner with vegetables and meat, fruit, cupcakes; Wednesday, Aug. 11, chefs salad with lettuce, ham, turkey, cheese and tomatoes, rhubarb crisp; Friday, Aug. 13, goulash, garlic bread, salad, fruit, raisin bars; Saturday, Aug. 14, at 6 p.m., baked ham, scalloped potatoes, buttered carrots, strawberry shortcake;
Monday, Aug. 16, spaghetti with meat sauce, Texas toast, green salad, fruit, cookies; Wednesday, Aug. 18, barbecue chicken, potato salad, vegetable tray, peach cobbler; Friday, Aug. 20, Polish sausage, sauerkraut, fried potatoes, fruit, cookies;
Monday, Aug. 23, tacos with meat, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cheese, fruit/cottage cheese, cake; Wednesday, Aug. 25, cowboy beans, corn bread, cheese and veggie tray, fruit, brownies; Friday, Aug. 27, fish/fries, salad, fruit tray, jello, cookies; Saturday, Aug. 28, at 6 p.m., roast turkey breast, potatoes and gravy, green beans, fruit, cheesecake;
Monday, Aug. 30, pork chops, potatoes and gravy, beets, fruit, cake.
The public is welcome to attend. Lunches are served at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and dinners are served at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. All meals are served with milk, juice, coffee or iced tea. Take-outs are available, too. Call 726-3213 if you have any questions.
Polson senior news
With Cathy Corrigan: Just a friendly reminder that the AARP Driving Course will be Aug. 17 at the Polson Senior Center. We still have some spots open for the class, so if you are interested give us a call at 883-4735 and we’ll sign you up.
We are still in need for Meals on Wheels delivery persons. If you are interested and can spare an hour or so, give us a call. The number is 883-4735.
I hope you are having a safe and wonderful summer. There sure have been some dandy thunder storms. You all have a really great week.
Now for some card scores. The bridge scores for Aug. 3 had Jack Rupe first and Paul Doolittle second. Bridge scores for Aug. 6 were Fred Sego first and Paul Doolittle second. The pinochle winners for Aug. 5 was Pete Daniels first and Duane Johnson second. The only one getting a double pinochle was Grace Schumacher.
Menu: Thursday, Aug. 12, steak and gravy; Friday, Aug. 13, chef salad; Monday, Aug. 16, meatballs in gravy; Tuesday, Aug. 17, baked ham; Wednesday, Aug. 18, stuffed tomatoes.
St. Ignatius senior center
Hundreds attend Mission pancake breakfast: About two hundred people came to the St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center for the Good Old Days Pancake Breakfast. Special thanks are due to Peggy Johnson and several volunteers for making the event a social and financial success.
There is a need for volunteers at the center to help with setting tables and helping with the cleanup after the two weekly lunches. Even occasional assistance would be very helpful.
For more information about the center and its activities and services, call 745-4462 or visit
The following is the schedule of activities at the St. Ignatius center for the rest of August: Thursday, Aug. 12 quilters; Friday, Aug. 13, baked chicken and birthday cake lunch and board of directors meeting, 10 a.m.; Tuesday, Aug. 17, hamburger casserole lunch; Thursday, Aug. 19, quilters; Friday, Aug. 20, chicken casserole lunch; Tuesday, Aug. 24, “porcupine meatballs” lunch; Thursday, Aug. 26, quilters; Friday, Aug. 27, baked potato and salad bar lunch; Monday, Aug. 30, pinochle, 7 p.m.; Tuesday, Aug. 31, meat loaf lunch.
Dixon senior center
With Martha Swonson: August brings smoke from fires to the west and Canada; celebrations and festivals all over the valley, huckleberries and Flathead cherries, bear stories, camps and youth activities, wonderful fresh produce and farmers’ markets, dying flowers and countless mosquitoes (at least around my house), picking, weeding, watering, reunions and visits.
The days of summer are closing down, with the realization of those words, “Back to School”, but also the fairs are starting! What a grand place we live in!
Past (and acting) president Jim Barnes recently returned from a long 6,700-mile visit throughout the Midwest. With him was his daughter Karen McCullough and grandson David. Recently visiting Allene Cole was Kathy Martin Pucci, from Washington state, and daughter Amanda. Kathy is the daughter of our late past president Bill Martin. They took Allene with them to a family reunion in Victor.
Dixon Melon Days is coming up on Aug. 28. The senior center is again furnishing a delicious roast beef dinner after the parade at 11 and into the afternoon. Informational fliers are out. Be sure to come out for another experience in small town Americana!
Menu: Thursday, Aug. 12, baked chicken and gingerbread; Monday, Aug. 16, stew with cornbread; Thursday, Aug. 19, tamale pie and pineapple upside down cake; Monday, Aug. 23, ham.
Pinochle will be enjoyed after our dinner on Aug. 23. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. each Monday and lunch is at noon on Thursdays. Do you know that the center is open at 7 a.m. Monday through Friday for breakfast and lunch off the menu board? Come for the early coffee group, or drift in when you need some nourishment.
Joyce Siers very capably handles the pinochle sessions at 6:30 p.m. every fourth Monday. The scores for last month are Peg Johnson with the high score, and Todd Myhre with the low. Carrie Faulkner won the door prize and Ruby Macabee came up with the most double pinochle’s. Don Siers had a most unusual hand: He got 800 jacks plus 100 aces! Congratulations, Don!
Ronan senior center
With Linda Schoon: Now that Pioneer Days and the Lake Co. Fair are over, a lot of people can sit back and relax a little. Perhaps you can even find the time to join us at the center for lunch. We serve at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and you do not have to be a senior citizen to join us. We also serve one evening meal a month, and we alternate between pork roast and chicken. That meal is at 5 p.m. on the second Thursday.
If you are looking for a gift for the person who doesn’t need anything, a meal ticket to the senior center is a great gift. Just give us a call at 676-2371 for more information.
Our evening meal for August is tonight, and we will be serving pork roast.
The Veterans Representative will be here this afternoon from 1 until 3 p.m. Come in and see her if you have any questions about your benefits.
The Ronan center will host the weekly card games at 7 p.m. on Aug.16.
The foot clinic will be held at the Ronan Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. on Aug. 25 and you don’t need an appointment.
We have had some visitors here at the center this past week. We would like to thank you for coming to join us, and we hope to see you again soon.
We have BINGO on Mondays and Fridays following our meal, and the pool table is always ready for use. We also have puzzles out to work on, and books and puzzles for you to borrow or exchange.
Menu: Friday, Aug. 13, stew and cinnamon rolls; Monday, Aug. 16, pizza; Wednesday, Aug. 18, chicken; Friday, Aug. 20, fish.
Come in and join us for a good meal and visit with your friends.
Remember, if you’re bored and need something to do, become a volunteer. Your local senior centers, food banks, museums and the Council on Aging can always use you.
Have a good week, and enjoy what is left of summer.