Senior news, Aug. 19
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 14 years, 5 months AGO
Arlee senior center
The Arlee Senior Center is planning its fundraisers for the fall. The first will be the sale of baked goods at Ewam’s Peace Festival, scheduled for Sept. 11, then a combination yard/bake sale at 9 a.m. Sept. 18 in Arlee’s park. The center will conduct a silent auction from Oct. 9-23, a pie sale/auction on Nov. 13 and a silent auction and candy sale from Dec. 1-11, just in time for your Christmas gifts. Come visit the center, have a delicious meal and bid during one of our silent auctions. Meals are posted each month on Just click on Menu under Arlee Senior Citizens at the left of the Home page. If you have any questions about the meals or want to order takeout, please call the center at 726-3213.
The July disbursement of commodities went well and the next one scheduled for the center is Sept. 22. If you think you may qualify for free food every two months, stop by the Center on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays at noon and pick up an application. Approvals are based on income level.
The senior garden is beginning to produce beans, beets and zucchini for the center’s kitchen as well as for sale at the Arlee farmers market. We’ve been able to keep up with the weeding and hope that the grasshoppers aren’t as ferocious as last August!
St. Ignatius senior center
Plumbing prohibits meal at center: Plugged plumbing disabled the kitchen at the St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center on the morning of Aug. 10. There were no meals produced that day. The center apologizes for the inconvenience that caused some people. The plumbing has been fixed and everything should be back on schedule.
For information about the center and its activities and services, call 745-4462 or go on the Internet to The following is the schedule of activities at the St. Ignatius center for the rest of August.
Schedule: Thursday, Aug. 19, quilters; Friday, Aug. 20, chicken casserole lunch; Tuesday, Aug. 24, “porcupine meatballs” lunch; Thursday, Aug. 26, quilters; Friday, Aug. 27, baked potato and salad bar lunch; Tuesday, Aug. 30, pinochle, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, Aug. 31, meat loaf lunch.
Ronan senior center
With Linda Schoon: Where has the summer gone?
It seem like Memorial Day weekend was just last week, and now it’s almost time for Labor Day. I guess it’s true that the older you get, the faster time goes.
We had five people join us for our evening meal last Thursday. Our next evening meal will be on Sept. 9, and we will be serving chicken.
The foot clinic will be held at the Ronan Center from 10:30 a.m. until noon on Aug. 25. This is a service offered through Lake County Home Health, and is available to any senior who needs it.
Our monthly birthday dinner will be held at noon on Aug. 27. Come in and enjoy a great roast beef dinner with us. We will have “old time” music before the meal and BINGO afterwards.
We still have the aluminum can recycling going and appreciate all of the donations that we receive. We have a drop-off box behind the center.
The Council on Aging, the Bread Basket and the local museums are always looking for volunteers to help them out. If you have extra time on your hands, give them a call.
Thanks to Betty for the fall floral arrangements on our tables, and to Lorna for the fresh flowers.
Menu: Friday, Aug. 20, fish; Monday, Aug. 23, barbecue pork ribs; Wednesday, Aug. 25, potato bar; Friday, Aug. 27, roast beef. Feel free to join us for any of our meals, even if you don’t feel that you are old enough to be a “senior citizen”.
Have a good week.
Polson senior news
With Cathy Corrigan: On Aug. 28, we are kicking off our annual Membership Drive with Banana Split Day. It will start at 1 p.m.. and go till 3 p.m. There will be free banana splits for all. So stop on by and take a look at our facility and meet our board members. Come join the fun and renew your membership or become a new member. We look forward to seeing you all.
Don’t forget that we will have election of officers and board members on Aug. 27, right before our birthday dinner. Be sure to attend so you can take part in the selection.
On Sept. 7, senior bowling league begins. Now for some card scores. The bridge scores for Aug. 10 had Ken Schuba first and Stan Petersen second. Bridge scores for Aug. 13 were Stan Petersen first and Rachel Valett second. The pinochle winners for Aug. 12 were Bruce Elliott first and Elsie Culver second. Those getting double pinochles were Bruce Elliott, Alice Grilley and Dwight Graham had two.
Menu: Thursday, Aug. 19, hamburger steak; Friday, Aug. 20, barbecue sandwich; Monday, Aug. 23, chicken cordon bleu sandwich; Tuesday, Aug. 24, barbecue ribs; Wednesday, Aug. 25, brunch for lunch.