Community notes, July 29
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 14 years, 5 months AGO
Thursday, July 29
Polson Kiwanis
location change
The Polson Kiwanis is changing the location of their meeting for this week only. The weekly meeting will be at noon on July 29 at the First Interstate Bank instead of at KwaTukNuk for this week only.
July 30
Community Bank
In honor of 100 years of business, Community Bank is hosting a barbecue starting at 4 p.m. on July 30 at the Ronan bank. This event will kick off the annual Pioneer Days weekend.
Starting with the first Pioneer Days in 1961 and continuing until the late 1980s, Pioneer Days included a community barbecue.
Secretary of State Linda McCulloch will recognize the Ronan State Bank for 100 years of service by presenting the business owners with the Secretary of State’s Centennial Award at the barbecue. The Secretary of State’s Centennial Award commemorates the momentous anniversary of businesses and organizations that first registered in Montana in 1910. The ceremony in Ronan is among 18 celebrations to be held across the state.
Earlier in the day, Community Bank is hosting a picnic at its Polson facility. For further information on either event, please contact Chris Jackson at Community Bank (676-4600).
Mission Valley Dance
From 10 a.m. to noon on July 30 celebrate National Dance Day at the Polson Farmer’s Market.
Ronan class of 1980 reunion
From Friday July 30 to August 1, the Ronan class of 1980 will be hosting its 30th high school reunion. On Friday, there is a meet and greet, Saturday features a pot luck dinner at the Ronan City Park Pavilion and on Sunday, white water rafting is the activity of choice. For additional information, contact Tami Dolezal Cotton at 676-2154 or
Monday, Aug. 2
Swim program
The Carl Ross Memorial Foundation will be sponsoring the Red Cross Lake County Swim Program the week of August 2. Lessons are approximately one-hour long and will be taught at Boettcher Park in Polson. For information and to register, contact Theresa at 261-5873 or 883-3434.
Vacation Bible school
The Lighthouse Christian Fellowship (formerly First Baptist Church of Ronan) is hosting a vacation Bible school from 6 to 8:45 p.m. August 2-5 for grades kindergarten to sixth at 207 Eisenhower St. SW, in Ronan.
There’s a mystery afoot, and we need your help to solve it! As we explore the marvels of ancient Egypt, we’ll unravel Bible clues that lead us to discover we were specially created by God for the purpose of loving and serving Him. So grab your backpacks and join us as we decode the mystery of life!
Tuesday, Aug. 3
MVBCH meeting
The Mission Valley Back Country Horsemen will be holding their monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. August 3 at the VFW Hall on Round Butte Road in Ronan. The public is always invited to join us.
Any questions? Call, 644-5001 or 883-5876.
Wednesday, Aug. 4
Community dance
Let’s boogie at the community dance from 7:30 to 11 p.m. August 4 at the Elks Club in Polson. Heart to Heart will be playing their special style of tunes and ballroom dancing with swing, waltz, cha cha rhumba and tango. Refreshments will be served and requests are welcome.
Pickin’ in the park
Heads up for all of the old gang to go back “Pickin’ in the park.” Join musicians, beginner or pro, from 6 to 9 p.m. every Friday in Boettcher park.
Loaves and Fishes open
The Polson Loaves and Fish Food Pantry is open from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday mornings in addition to the usual 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Polson Library events
Polson City Library’s annual Family Summer Reading Program invites participants of all ages to stop in and sign up for this popular summer-long event. This year’s theme is “Make a Splash – Read!” and theme-related prizes and reading incentives will be offered.
Anyone who reads, or is read to, is eligible to participate. Readers can register at Polson City Library during regular hours any time until July 31.
Thursday morning programs will also be presented for school-aged children at 10 a.m. at the library or an announced location and will run until Aug. 12, which is the date of the fun-filled annual Bug Race.
The library will be an exciting place on Friday afternoons. “Friday Flicks” and Friday “Game Days” will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. in the library meeting room. Anyone is welcome.
During Friday Flicks, kids will be able to relax with popular movies, refreshing blasts of air conditioning, and snacks. On alternating weeks, Game Days will allow kids to have fun playing Wii, board games, and more.
For more information, please call the library at 883-8225.