Sheriff and county commissioner candidate surveys
Sasha Goldstein | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 14 years, 9 months AGO
LAKE COUNTY — On Tuesday, June 8, many candidates are up for election during the primary election. Those positions up for vote include sheriff, county commissioner, U.S. House District 1, State Senate District 8, State House Districts 11, 12 and 15, and various county-wide positions.
The Lake County Leader encourages all residents to vote in the election. In addition to a civic duty, many of this year’s races are hotly contested.
To help voters sort through the candidates and their views and backgrounds, the Lake County Leader has compiled a questionnaire for the sheriff candidates and county commissioner candidates. What is printed is what was turned in as of press time.
Please get out and vote at your polling location on June 8. Check out after the ballots are counted for election results.
Sheriff candidates
Steve Kendley, Ind.
What is the main reason you are running for sheriff this year?
I did not believe the best candidate was yet listed on the ballot. I realized I was in a unique situation to do something to improve the situation and I knew that I could either do nothing and complain, or step up and make a difference.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you.
As the chief law enforcement officer of Lake County, I will stand firm on my oath of office to protect citizens’ rights by defending the Constitution of Montana and the United States.
I am an experienced peace officer (current Lake County Detective), yet I have more than 40 years of experience outside of the law enforcement fraternity, where I worked with people as a private citizen, giving me good communication, a private citizen’s viewpoint/experiences and an openness that people will finding refreshing.
I understand that the Lake County Sheriff’s Office is the Citizen’s Office — I will not forget who elected me — and I will work with citizens, Tribal Law Enforcement, the Montana Highway Patrol, the various city police departments and other agencies to improve relations and responsiveness to all the citizens we serve.
What are your top two goals if elected?
1. Increase efficiency, effectiveness and communication within and outside of the office to continually improve citizens’ service from the sheriff’s office.
2. Provide Lake County with a first class sheriff’s office and provide Montana with another Constitutional sheriff so that honest, hard working employees will hold themselves to a high standard of honor and have pride to work for this office, serving all citizens equally.
Your age occupation, family information and civic involvement and organizations you’re associated with:
My age is 52. I have been married 25 years and have a 12-year-old daughter at home. I can trace my family in Montana to the 1860s, but I understand that everyone has a right to be here. I am a member and a trustee of the First Baptist Church of Polson. I am a member of Gideon’s International. I teach hunter education through Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. I am a life member of the National Rifle Association. I am a life member of Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. I am a member of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. I am a member of Oath Keepers. I am a Lake County Sheriff’s Office Detective, a Special Response Team (SRT) member and SRT Sniper/Observer Team Leader (P.O.S.T. certified for both SRT positions).
Jeff Kingery, Rep.
What is the main reason you are running for sheriff this year?
Some time ago, people began asking me to consider a bid for Sheriff. They apparently saw the character and leadership qualities they desired for their sheriff in me.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you.
I am a citizen sheriff who has a true concern for the welfare of the great people of Lake County; I have the management and relational skills and experience to give effective team leadership to the Sheriff’s Office; I am a man of integrity, what is on the inside, plays out on the outside, a man of true moral and ethical behavior and lifestyle, with an unimpeachable reputation and very well respected by my peers and community.
What are your top two goals if elected?
The Sheriff will become actively involved in the lives of the citizens throughout Lake County; will restore and build an office where the employees and staff are valued and where they enjoy their vocations, causing the Lake County Sheriff’s Office to become the most desired office to serve in throughout the state of Montana.
Your age occupation, family information and civic involvement and organizations you’re associated with:
My name is Jeff Kingery, presently the Lake County Sheriff’s Chaplain, pastored two churches for 17 years. I have one wife of 28 years, named Deb, one son, Jordan Kingery in the US Navy, one son, Jared in the US Marine Corps, and one daughter, Jesse Kingery who just graduated from Charlo High School. I am very active in my church, a member of the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association, an active member of the American Legion, an active mentor with the Montana Youth Challenge and endorsed by the Montana Shooting Sports Association.
Arthur Walgren, Rep.
What is the main reason you are running for sheriff this year?
The main reason I am running is for the people of Lake County. I enjoy serving the people and they were the ones who came to me asking me to run for sheriff. The people need someone who is willing to listen to them. I will restore integrity, honesty, and leadership to the Sheriff’s Office, giving the people input into what happens with the department in the future. I will also ensure that the staff gets out and talks to the people, building partnerships for the future. The people deserve better than the service they have been getting. I am confident I can give them the leadership needed as their Sheriff.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you.
The first reason is my training and experience that includes over 20 years of law enforcement experience. Six years of supervisory experience, 10 years of budget experience, five years of civilian management experience and 2,500 hours of training that includes my recent graduation from the Montana Executive Leadership Course, a 180-hour command officer’s school. This gives me the requisite knowledge, training and experience to handle this important position that will give the department a foundation to build from in the future.
I also have experience as an EMT, 911 dispatcher, volunteer firefighter and have worked in a Sheriff’s Department before, so I am familiar with all aspects of the job.
Second is that I will implement Community Oriented Policing. This would include assigning deputies to a section of the county that they will “call their own”.It will then be their job to work more closely with that part of the county to develop partnerships and become more proactive at addressing problems in order to make our community safer. This way, the citizens should see and talk to deputies at community meetings more often than just when the Sheriff’s Office is asking for something or during election season.
The third reason is one of the most important. It is that I am not from within the Sheriff’s Office and so I will be able to make the needed changes without worrying about old allegiances. This is also why I will open up the position of undersheriff to candidates both within and outside the agency, to ensure that the best possible person to assist in running the office is selected.
What are your top two goals if elected?
These are both big issues for me. A change in attitude is at the top of things I would like to see. Let’s get rid of the US (LCSO) vs. THEM (public and everyone else) mentality that exists at the department. The staff needs to realize that they are part of this community too. All people should be treated with dignity and respect, even if you are arresting them. I think a lot of this goes back to the lack of training, so improving training will be a big priority of mine if elected.
Another major goal would be to become more efficient with the money and resources we now have. Money is tight for everyone and being reckless with it is just not an option. Therefore, I will look at all aspects of the department to make sure we are being the most efficient we can be with taxpayers money. Part of being more efficient will be to implement strategic planning, which will involve the community and many other partners of law enforcement to plan for the future.
Your age occupation, family information and civic involvement and organizations you’re associated with:
I am 46 years of age and currently the Assistant Chief of Police with the Ronan Police Department. I am married to Hannah and we have three children who attend Ronan Schools. I have a long history of being involved in the community and charitable events. I belong to the Fraternal Order of Police and the Ronan Police Association. I have also been involved with many charities such as Montana Special Olympics, Easter Seals, Relay for Life, Bigs in Blue (Big Brothers/Big Sisters for law enforcement) and many more. As your sheriff, this will continue and I will encourage my staff to do the same.
Dan Yonkin, Dem.
What is the main reason you are running for sheriff this year?
Lake County is a great place to live and raise my children. I want to ensure that Lake County continues to be a safe place to live and to visit. I began my career in law enforcement to make a difference in my community and as sheriff, I know I can make the greatest difference.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you.
Protection - Properly protected personnel through adequate training and equipment are an asset to their community’s safety.
Prevention - Active efforts on behalf of law enforcement and community members will catch criminals and slow crime.
Participation - Community involvement is paramount to successful law enforcement. Your Sheriff’s Office is all of Lake County’s business and will be run by me accordingly. Everyone has stock in it and when it is run efficiently, we all profit.
What are your top two goals if elected?
1.) Build upon the good things that the Sheriff’s Office already does and increase the communication within the department and with the public we serve.
2.) Increase the community’s participation in their own protection.
Your age occupation, family information and civic involvement and organizations you’re associated with:
I am 39 years old (until September); married 16 years to Sun Chin Yu; currently have five children; Lake County Detention officer and reserve deputy for one year; Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy for 10 years with six years as a detective; Assistant Scout Master for five years Foster Parent for 13 years; Member of the Foster Care Review Committee, Fetal Infant Child Mortality Review, Montana Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association, Former Lake County Deputy Sheriff’s Association President.
Jay Doyle, Rep.
Jay Doyle did not return a survey as of press time.
Commissioner candidates
Roy Anderson, Rep.
What is the main reason you are running for county commissioner this year?
At 50, I am fortunate to be raising my children on the same Mission Valley farm that I was raised on. I have a son in the National Guard, another in the Army now serving in Afghanistan, and a daughter stationed in San Diego as a helicopter mechanic for the U.S. Navy. I still have children in the local schools and one in the local college. I am married to my best friend, Sophia Anderson.
Becoming a commissioner is a good fit for me, as I enjoy the challenge of multitasking and serving people. It was my friends that approached me and asked if I would seek this commissioner seat.
I have enjoyed my experience serving on the local school board. I spent over 10 years as a 4-H livestock coach and have been actively involved in, and part owner of a milk marketing co-op for the past 25 years here in Montana.
I have a foundational belief that county government has a unique and direct ability to enhance our quality of life. Whether it be our education, guarding our safety, sanitary services, or improving our transportation routes, roads, bridges, and walkways.
I will do all I can to help people accomplish their goals and dreams. I believe in people. They know what they need, whether it is building a home, or a business. It will be my goal as a public servant to help make things possible. To help you get it done.
If the commissioners need to get involved and make the process simpler and do-able, they should. But mostly, when ever possible, as your commissioner I will get out of the way. Let the farmer farm, the logger log, and the main street business’ run their business. Let the builder build his or her dream.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you?
You should vote for me on June 8 because 1.) I know how to get the big things, the important things, done. 2.) I know how to identify the big things. 3.) I know there is nothing more frustrating than to have people who are supposed to serve and help you, say “can’t” and “don’t.” All who work under the county umbrella should strive to say, “let me help”, “lets get it done,” let me show you how.”
What are your top two goals if elected?
My top two goals are first, to learn my job as commissioner as quickly and thoroughly as possible so I can best serve Lake County and secondly, make the processes of working with the county as efficient and painless as possible.
Ann Brower, Rep.
What is the main reason you are running for county commissioner this year?
Local government is where we should see results from those we elect to serve us. I believe I offer experienced, effective problem solving skills necessary in serving the residents of Lake County.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you?
In order to be effective, we need to look at our issues with objectivity and without bias. I offer the effective, problem solving skills necessary for a County Commissioner. I offer trust, openness and transparency in government as core beliefs. I offer the experience necessary to understand how county government operates. Having worked with budgets, laws and personnel, I provide knowledge that should be required.
What are your top two goals if elected?
My goals are to look past the issues to the solutions. To preserve our past, secure our future and improve our present.
Your age occupation, family information and civic involvement and organizations you’re associated with:
Age: 32
Currently serves as an Election Clerk, a Ronan City Council member, treasurer for Lake County Search and Rescue, and a member of the Ronan Parks Board and a Committeewoman for Precinct 9.
Ann is a lifetime resident of Lake County. Her husband, Chuck, was born in St. Ignatius, and they are raising their two daughters, Leslie and Alexis, in Ronan. Ann has made it a priority to serve Lake County. For many years, Ann has participated in multiple groups and service organizations that support and provide educational, recreational, civic, and safety programs within our county. These include:
Past Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) Treasurer/Secretary; Past Ronan Softball Association Coach; Past Breadbasket volunteer; Project Kid Care volunteer; Current Member of Lake County Search and Rescue and Treasurer for last six years; Current Ronan City Council Member since 2007; Current Member of Ronan Parks Board; Current Committeewoman for Precinct 9.
Ron Merwin, Rep.
What is the main reason you are running for county commissioner this year?
I am running for County Commissioner so I can serve the residents here in Lake County. The travesties that are taking place at the national level and even at the state level are destroying the country that I served and defended for 21 years as a member of our armed forces. To try and bring about real change, and not the change the current administration in D.C. promised us, we have to start here at home to try and bring common sense solutions to the issues that are vital to restoring our country.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you?
I have the education and experience: I have corporate and government experience; US Navy Department Head, Westinghouse Lead Training Engineer, United Nuclear Training Engineer, Long Island Lighting Supervisor in Corporate Quality Assurance, Olin Chemical consultant for technical certification.
I am responsible: As Navigator/Operations Officer on a Nuclear Missile Submarine I was responsible for the safe navigation of the ship (surfaced and submerged) and for patrol planning. I have been responsible for development and implementation of training programs. I have been responsible for my own successful business for 17 years.
I support the constitution: I will work for you to protect your rights and freedom. I will not compromise (an agreement whereby both parties get something neither wanted).
What are your top two goals if elected?
Serve the residents: Protect their individual property rights and work closely with state legislators to decrease property tax and encourage business growth that will result in good jobs for our residents.
Work with all Lake County Departments: Cooperate to create a responsible budget that is conservative and that will provide essential services without excessive burden to taxpayers.
Your age occupation, family information and civic involvement and organizations you’re associated with:
Age: 67, born in 1942 at Jordan, Mont.
Education: High School - GCHS, Jordan, Mont.; BSEE - 1971 University of Idaho; MEd Adult Ed - 1986 Eastern Washington University
Military Service: US Navy (1960-1981) Retired as LCDR (SS)
Occupation: Owner/manager of Merco, Inc.
Family information: Married to Jessie (Boughton) 1960; three sons, nine grandchildren, three great-grand children
Civic involvement: Involved in all aspects of service to veterans and military families.
Organizations associated with: Member, Ronan Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA), past deacon and elder; Life Member, VFW Post 5652 Ronan, Vice Commander; Member, American Legion Post 0138 Ronan; Life Member, United States Submarine Veterans Inc. (USSVI); Charter Life Member, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA); Member, Board of Directors Ninepipe Museum; Member Montana PGR; Member Lake County Pachyderm.
Paul Tryon, Rep.
What is the main reason you are running for county commissioner this year?
I feel it is time for the county to do something for the people. The county needs to listen to and be sensitive to the people’s needs and step up to make things better. I enjoy helping people, and I want people to be happy. I desire the opportunity to serve people in achieving these goals.
Name the top three reasons why residents should vote for you?
First of all, I have the skills and knowledge to best serve the county as commissioner. I began my employment with Lake County 11 years ago. While working in the Weed Department, I wrote and managed grants, taught education courses, and worked with the local Tribal, State, and federal agencies. Currently, I work in the Bridge Department. Through my work, I have created revenue and improved services. As president of the Road and Bridge Union, I work to improve communication and working relationships, as well as provide better services to county residents. Working for Lake County has provided me with a wealth of knowledge, as well as the skills and working relationships necessary to increase revenue and improve services without increasing taxes.
Second, I am committed to positive working relationships with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, state, and other entities for the betterment of all residents. From my experience, I know that through a cooperative effort, pooling resources and acquiring grants, we can obtain the resources necessary to support common efforts and improve county agencies, so that the needs of all Lake County residence are better served without raising taxes.
Finally, my considerate and concerned nature makes me care about people’s needs and concerns. I listen, I care, and I act upon people’s expressed needs and concerns.
I work my hardest to fulfill those needs and resolve issues.
What are your top two goals if elected?
Commissioners must work in a variety of capacities to meet the needs of citizens. Although the duties of a commissioner are multi-faceted, there are areas that can be focused on to improve and maintain county services across the board without focusing on personal agendas.
One of my goals would be to work on communication between the Commissioners and County residents. When issues are brought up, all residents need to be notified and informed of the issues, as well as have the opportunity to express concerns, ask questions, and provide input. The commissioners need to make sure they are aware of residents’ viewpoints and make decisions based upon the views of the people.
Another goal would be to address revenue issues to improve overall county services.
Revenue is a huge issue facing the county. Costs continue to rise; yet, the county faces losses in the tax base due to the current economy.
First, the county needs to work hard to support local businesses and help sustain the local economy. We need to look to local businesses rather than employ the services of out of area businesses to provide goods and services.
Second, the County needs to take proactive steps to secure funds from grants and other available sources. Many state grants are tax dollars distributed through the State to provide services to the taxpayers. However, the only way to obtain the money and return it to the local area is to ask for it back through the grant process. The county must work to ensure the acquisition and retention of available funding sources, rather than relying on increased funds from taxpayers, to meet increasing financial needs.
Third, current budgets need to be evaluated and adjusted to ensure funds are allocated in the most effective and efficient manner to meet county needs. In doing this, the county needs to plan not only for the upcoming year, but also for the future.
Finally, the county must commit to positive working relationships with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, the State, and other entities for the betterment of all Lake County residents. By pooling resources and working together, rather than duplicating efforts, everyone benefits through improved services and lower costs.
Your age occupation, family information and civic involvement and organizations you’re associated with:
Age: 37
Occupation: Lake County Bridge Department Employee and Rancher / Farmer
Family: My wife of 13 years, Amie, and our four children, Lindsey (12), Ashley (11), Bowen (7), and Shelby (6)
Civic Involvement/Organizations: Active member of the Lake County Odd Fellows, assist with 4-H, coach high school and semi-pro football, board member of the Bitterroot Blaze semi-pro football team, former Vice-President of the Western Montana Weed Council.
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