Wednesday, March 19, 2025

News briefs, June 24

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 14 years, 8 months AGO
| June 23, 2010 10:32 AM

Leader takes home seven accolades

BOZEMAN — The Lake County Leader took home seven awards at the annual Montana Newspaper Association awards banquet last Saturday in Bozeman.

Current reporter Sasha Goldstein took home third place in Best Feature Picture while former reporter Aimee Niles took third in the Best Sports Picture category.

Former reporter Ty Hampton took first place in the Best Spot News Coverage. Former editor Jenna Cederberg took home two awards, honorable mention in Best Front Page and honorable mention in Best Feature Story.

The Leader staff took third place in the Special Section category and second place for Best Outdoors Section/Page.

-Editor Heidi Hanse

Montana Tech honor rolls announced

Spring 2010 semester honor rolls are broken up by the Chancellor’s Honor Roll, Dean’s List and Honor Roll. A full-time undergraduate student enrolling in and completing a minimum of 12 credits, earning a 3.25 GPA or above during the semester, is listed on the semester Honor Roll. Those earning a 3.5 GPA or above will receive recognition for being listed on the Dean’s List. A student who earns a 4.0 GPA is placed on the Chancellor’s Honor Roll.

Jeremy C. Basler, of Polson, placed on the Chancellor’s Honor Roll.

Cameron S. Shepherd, of Polson, and Brandon M. Rollins, of St. Ignatius, were placed on the Dean’s List.

Kendra M. Woldstad, of Polson, and Roger S. Lambson, of St. Ignatius, were placed on the Honor Roll.

-Courtesy of Montana Tech

Ronan student awarded scholarship

DILLON — Lauryn Lynch, of Ronan, a health and human performance secondary education major at the University of Montana Western, is the recipient of the $700 Wallace and Ersel Webb Sharples scholarship.

Lynch, who maintains a 3.8 GPA, was selected to the Dean’s List, and is a student assistant for the women’s basketball program. She is a 2006 graduate of Ronan High School and is the daughter of Jamie and Chris Lynch.

This past year a total of 375 scholarships totaling more than $275,000 were awarded to deserving students at Montana Western.

-Courtesy of Wally Feldt

Covert graduates from Black Hills State University

Brie Covert, of Pablo, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in History and American Indian Studies from Black Hills State University in Spearfish, S.D.

She graduated Cum Laude, with a GPA of 3.5 to 3.699.

-Courtesy of Susie Pratt

Anglers: Consider donating fish to food banks

Anglers are reminded that Fish, Wildlife & Parks is teaming up with Flathead and Mission Valley Food Banks to provide incentives to donate lake trout from Flathead Lake. There are seven area food banks where fish can be dropped off. Contact FWP (752-5501) or your local food bank for a list of locations, times and fish preparation guidelines. Generally the food banks will want the fish dressed and either fresh or frozen in meal-size packages.

Anglers dropping off lake trout at the food banks will receive a ticket for each fish for a random drawing for fishing tackle and gift certificates at local sporting goods stores. The next drawing will be the end of June. Tickets will only be given for lake trout from Flathead Lake but the food banks are in need of meat and will gratefully accept donations of any fish.

Contact: Jim Vashro, FWP Fisheries Manager, 751-4550.

-Courtesy of John Fraley

Blevins to exhibit Angus cattle

Michaela C. Blevins, of Ronan, will exhibit Angus cattle at the National Junior Angus Show at the National Western Stock Show Complex from July 11-17 in Denver, Colo.

Michaela, a junior member of the American Angus Association, is one of 613 young Angus breeders from 34 states and Canada who have entered a total of 1,350 head in the show.

The National Junior Angus Show is the largest single-breed registered beef cattle show in the world. This year’s event will host a beef cook-off, team sales competition as well as public speaking, photography, graphic design, writing, poster and other contests in addition to the traditional cattle show.

The National Junior Angus Show is sponsored by the American Angus Association and the National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) and hosted by the Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska Angus and junior Angus Associations this year. The NJAA serves a membership of nearly 6,500 junior Angus breeders in the United States and Canada.

-Courtesy of Robin Ruff

Vandervurg honored

ARLEE — The Montana Indian Education Association honored Arlee’s Frances Vandervurg with the Indian Elder of the Year Award for 2010 at the organization’s annual conference in April.

Vandervurg, who taught Salish language for 16 years in Arlee, retired last year.

“Valued for her ancestral knowledge, students are honored to have her in their presence,” MIEA said in its award brochure. “Frances is a cultural leader, raised enthusiasm for life-long learning and enjoys teaching to all of those around her.”

-Reporter Ali Bronsdon

Polson’s Skalsky is a member of Gold Humanism Honor Society

GRAND FORKS, N.D. — Nine senior medical students from the University of North Dakota (UND) School of Medicine and Health Sciences were inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society on June 17, including Morgan Skalsky, of Polson.

Fifteen percent of the class was selected through a process that included peer nomination and subsequent confirmation by the school’s Gold Humanism Honor oversight committee. Each student’s clinical performance and record of community service was considered.

-Courtesy of Denis F. MacLeod

Bauer receives scholarship

Caitlin Bauer, of St. Ignatius, received the Earl and Lois Ringo Scholarship from the MSU College of Education, Health and Human Development. Bauer is a senior in elementary education.

-Courtesy of Carol Schmidt

Eight Charlo students compete in SkillsUSA

CHARLO — Eight students and three chaperones from Charlo High School traveled to Kansas City, Mo., this week for the National SkillsUSA Championship, where more than 5,600 outstanding career and technical education students — all state contest winners — will compete hands-on in 96 different trade, technical and leadership fields.

Students work against the clock and each other, proving their expertise in occupations like electronics, computer-aided drafting, precision machining, medical assisting and culinary arts.

Charlo, who took first in two events at the state competition in Havre at the end of March, will compete in the Quiz Bowl and Chapter Display. The theme for their chapter’s display is “Champions at Work: Connecting the Opportunities” and is a project involving various skills and techniques in the industrial arts field.

Contests are run with the help of industry, trade associations, labor organizations and test competencies are set by industry. Graduates Houston Blevins and Stephanie Maughan, senior Joel Lewis and juniors Danny Blevins, Dillon Delaney, Stephen Delaney, Colton Andrews and Dawn Blevins join the more than 15,000 people, including students, teachers and business partners, who are expected to participate in the week-long event.

SkillsUSA serves more than 300,000 students and instructors annually. The organization has 13,000 school chapters in 54 state and territorial associations.

-Reporter Ali Bronsdon


News briefs, Sept. 30
Lake County Leader | Updated 14 years, 5 months ago
School news
Hungry Horse News | Updated 10 years, 8 months ago
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Bigfork Eagle | Updated 10 years, 8 months ago