Senior news
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 14 years, 2 months AGO
With Martha Swonson: The Dixon seniors and others from the community were recently treated to a special event! The entire Dixon school joined us after lunch, sat in front of the onlookers and enjoyed a media presentation of past years of their school. Joyce Decker, retired superintendent of Lake County Public Schools, has authored a very thorough history in words and many pictures, of the story of the schools on the reservation, from the very beginning.
Credit for the book was shared with the many contributors who sent remembrances and were interviewed about tales of life in the “good old days.” A special treat for we Dixonites was seeing old pictures showing some of the current staff, including Charlotte Morigeau and MaryAnn Johnson, along with former school secretary, Della Wipplinger, and pictures of the school. Many of the contributors have signed the book, including senior Allene Cole, who attended oldtime Glacier View School near Ronan.
If you are a longtime reservation resident, or even a newcomer, there is a lot of interesting history of schooling on the reservation. Another volume focusing on the northern part of the area is awaiting help from book sales to get published. Volume I would make a great Christmas gift for someone you know. You may even find some relatives quoted or in some of the pictures. I did! By the way, the children were so well behaved and respectful, we were all proud!
Our Thanksgiving turkey dinner will be Thursday, Nov. 11. Please come join us for a friendly, delicious meal at noon. The center will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Meals for the rest of November will be:
Mon. Nov. 22, spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, bread pudding; Mon. Nov. 29, broccoli and rice soup, ham sandwiches, cake.
Election of officers will be this Thursday, Nov. 18. All members are encouraged to be here to vote.
Our next pinochle party night will be after dinner on Monday, Nov. 29. The scores from last time are: Louie Palmer was high scorer; Marlys Hoedlt was low player; Ruby Macabee had the most double pinochles; and Don Siers took home the door prize.
The Arlee Senior Citizens Center announces its Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner schedule. The Thanksgiving meal will held on Friday, Nov. 19, at noon. Turkey, potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls, cranberry sauce, fruit and pumpkin bars will be served along with your choice of beverage.
The Christmas meal will be on Sat., Dec. 25, from 3-5 p.m. The community is invited to join seniors in celebrating the holiday. Turkey, dressing, ham, potatoes and gravy, yams, rolls, fruit salad and pumpkin dessert and beverage choice will be served. (The regularly scheduled lunch on Friday, Dec. 24, is cancelled.)
The center will hold a Christmas gift silent auction from Dec. 1 to Dec. 11 and a candy/cookies sale from 1-6 p.m., Sat., Dec. 11, before the Sat. dinner at the center. Come on in and get some Holiday shopping done…then take some sweet treats home to the family!
St. Ignatius
Senior citizens will enjoy an early Thanksgiving day dinner in the St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center. The turkey dinner with all trimming will be held tomorrow, Friday Nov. 19, at noon. For more information about the center and its services and activities, stop by the center at 212 North Main or call the center at 745-4462 or center president Mack McConnell at 745-4151 or write to the center at Box 758, St. Ignatius Mt. 59865.
The schedule of activities at the center for the rest of November is as follows: Nov. 18 quilters; Nov. 19 roast turkey Thanksgiving dinner lunch; Nov. 22 pinochle, 7 p.m.; Nov. 23 baked salmon rolls; Nov. 26 center closed; Nov. 30 swedish meatballs and noodles lunch.
With Linda Schoon: It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just a week away, and that in another month, it will be Christmas. After that, we have the cold, dreary days of January and February to contend with. If you get tired of sitting home, come join us here at the Center for food, visiting, pool and BINGO. We are always happy to make new friends and to be reacquainted with old ones. We will be closed on Thanksgiving day, and on the Friday afterwards to give our cooks a break.
There are going to be several changes in the Medicare supplemental insurance in Lake County. If you are as confused as the rest of us, give the Council on Aging a call to set up an appointment, and they will explain things to you. The insurance companies are also holding meetings at various places in the county. Either check your local newspaper, or call your carrier to find out when and where these meetings will take place.
If you have a Doctors appointment, (or need to go shopping) and need a ride to it, give the COA a call at 676-2367 to set up a ride with them. They have the drivers and the vans to get you where you need to go.
We are still recycling the aluminum cans, and appreciate all the donations that are given to us. This is a joint effort between the Senior Center and the COA to raise the funds to keep their programs going.
Our menu for the following week is: Fri. (19) is hamburgers, Monday (22) is pork roast, Wednesday (24) is elk stew, and we are closed on Friday (26). Have a good week, and remember: “What counts in making a happy relationship is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with in-compatibility.”
With Cathy Corrigan: The Blood Pressure Clinic will be held on Friday, Nov. 19 from 10:30 to noon. So come on in and say hi to Shirley and have your pressure taken.
The Community Thanksgiving Dinner will take place here at the center on Thanksgiving from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is open to the public and the dinner is free but donations are gratefully accepted. They will have home delivery and rides, but the requests must be made by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 24. Please call 883-4735 for requests. This dinner is sponsored by Polson’s Senior Citizens’ Center and Polson Ministerial Association’s Helping Hands Fund. Come join us for the food, fellowship and entertainment.
Friendly reminder, birthday dinner is this Friday, Nov. 19.
Now for some card scores: The bridge scores for Nov. 5 had Millie Mielke first and Joe Woodword second. Bridge scores for Nov. 9 were Max Neeley first and Marilyn Griener second and Nov. 12 was Chuck Aker first and Jack Rupe second.
The pinochle winners for Nov. 11 were Ward Grilley first and Jan Kaschke second. Those getting double pinochles were Ward Grilley, Grace Schumacher, Pete Daniels and Carol Daniels. Dwight Graham, Bruce Elliott and Bob Cooley had Double Pinochles twice and Duane Johnson got them three times.
Luncheon menu: Thursday (11/18) cheese burgers; Friday (11/19) birthday dinner; Monday (11/22) lasagna; Tuesday (11/23) baked ham; Wednesday (11/24) navy bean soup and sandwich.