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Family, friends honor Sgt. Josh Kirk in Maine run

Julie GOLDER<br | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 14 years, 6 months AGO
by Julie GOLDER<br
| September 16, 2010 9:00 PM

In August, the late Sgt Josh Kirk’s family participated in Run for the Fallen Maine, an event honoring soldiers born or raised in Maine whodied in the line of duty.

The run was held at Veteran’s Park in Oqunquit, Maine.

Sgt. Kirk, 30,  was among eight soldiers from Fort Carson near Colorado Springs, Colo., who came under fire by as many as 300 insurgents at two remote outposts near in Nuristan province on Oct. 3, 2009, according to reports. 

Kirk’s mother, Bernadette Kirk-Bonner, sisters Liz Fulton, Jennifer Solt, Jessica Tingley and her boyfriend Adam Arthur traveled east to participate in the event.

 Family members were able to walk/run the kilometer specifically assigned to Kirk in his honor.

 “It was quite emotional pulling up to Veteran’s Park,” said Tingley. “They had full color posters of the men and women who lost their lives. It was very moving in particularly because they were all so young. Imagine 65 pictures of so many young people who died.”

The participants met former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura at the event.

Kirk, who served in the Army, was assigned to the 3rd Squadron 61st Calvary Unit. He had been deployed for the second time to Afghanistan in May 2009 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, according to a link on

  The Nuristan battled marked the deadliest fighting seen by Fort Carson soldiers since Vietnam and the largest loss of life for the post in single battle in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The troops were attacked in broad daylight.

Kirk was born in Maine and moved to Bonners Ferry in 1983 with his family. He was home schooled and graduated in 1997.

He  served as team leader for 1st Platoon, B Troop at Combat Outpost Keating in the Kamdesh district.

Kirk is survived by his wife Megan, and a 2-year-old daughter. His siblings are Jennifer and Josiah Kirk, and Jocelyn Fulton, all of Bonners Ferry; Johnna Sohner of Florida; and Jessica Tingley of Newport News, Va.

Also killed in the attack were Spec. Michael P. Scusa, 22, of Villas, N.J.; Spec. Christopher T. Griffin, 24, of Kincheloe, Mich.; Pfc. Kevin C. Thomson, 22, of Reno, Nev.; Staff Sgt. Vernon W. Martin, 25, of Savanna, Ga., Spec. Stephen L. Mace, 21, of Lovettsville, Va., Sgt, Justin T. Gallegos, 27, of Tucson, Ariz., and Joshua M. Hardt, 24, of Applegate, Calif.

Kirk’s  awards include two Bronze Star medals, a Purple Heart and an Army Commendation Medal with Valor award.

The 65 kilometer walk/run was in held in memory of the 65 soldiers who were born or raised in Maine and killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom.

The run began in Veteran’s Park in Ogunquit. The park was filled with pictures and biographies of the soldiers.

“It was gratifying to know that all these men and women were being honored in this way,” said Kirk-Bonner. “People say they will remember and mean well but don’t end up remembering, this is a wonderful way once a year to remember and honor them.”

Tingley said there was a reading of the names of the fallen, accompanied by a ringing bell. Each kilometer was marked by a soldier’s picture and biography, with family members and friends gathered at each marker.

“We ran two of the 65 kilometers, the first in honor of Joshua and the second in honor of Benjamin Keating, said Tingley.  “Combat Outpost Keating, is where Josh died, and was named for Ben Keating, who was also from Maine.”

After the run, family members gathered at Monument Square in Portland for a short closing ceremony before going to a traditional lobster bake at Fort Henry in Cape Elizabeth.

Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura attended the lobster bake, taking time to speak one on one with each of the 65 families, take pictures and give each of the families a keepsake coin.

One of the Run For The Fallen  organization’s goals is to have a run in every state on the same weekend in August. A number of the events already are held throughout the United States.

Kirk -Bonner and Tingley plan to organize an Idaho “Run For The Fallen” for next year. They have already begun  the process of compiling a list of soldiers born, raised or stationed in Idaho.

“We have been working with General Gayhart in Boise,” said Kirk-Bonner. “He helped us put lists together so could begin contacting family members of fallen soldiers for Idaho so that we can honor them in the same in way in our state.”


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