Senior news, Sept. 23
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 14 years, 4 months AGO
St. Ignatius senior center
The St. Ignatius senior citizens center will hold its fall rummage and bake sale on Oct. 5 through 9. The sale will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The bake sale will be on Friday only. For more information call 745-4462.
Schedule: Thursday, Sept. 23, quilters; Friday, Sept. 24, porcupine meatballs lunch; Tuesday, Sept. 28, baked fish lunch; Wednesday, Sept. 29, health screenings, 8 a.m.; Thursday, Sept. 30 quilters.
Ronan senior center
With Linda Schoon: We have had a very busy week here at the center. In order to make things more efficient, we have been moving things around and cleaning things out at the same time. A big thanks to all who have helped us.
Don’t forget the yard sale at the center today and tomorrow. If you come to the sale on Friday, come on in and join us for our birthday dinner at noon. We will be serving roast beef and there will also be live music before lunch, and BINGO afterwards.
On Sept. 25, the Sterling Insurance agents will be at the center from 10 a.m. until noon.
We are still re-cycling the aluminum cans and appreciate any donations that we receive. We have a place out back where you can leave your donations.
The Council on Aging is still in need of volunteer drivers to take seniors to various appointments. Give them a call at 676-2367 or 2368 if you can drive for them, or if you need a ride.
Menu: Friday, Sept. 24, roast beef; Monday, Sept. 27, soup and sandwiches; Wednesday, Sept. 29, pork chops.
Come on in and join us, and meet our new cook, Lori.
Have a good week and enjoy what is left of the good weather.
Arlee senior center
The Arlee Senior Citizens Center invites the community to attend its bake sale/garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 25 at the center.
After the sale, join us for dinner at 6 p.m. The menu is swiss steak, potatoes and gravy, salad, rolls, fruit tray, orange cake and your choice of beverage. The public is welcome. You do not have to be a member of the senior center to attend.
Looking ahead, the senior center will have a silent auction from Oct. 9 to Oct. 23. Come in and bid high on one or more items.
Call the Center at 726-3213 if you have any items to donate.
Dixon senior news
With Martha Swonson: Remember our dance is Sept. 24, the first one of the season. It starts at 6 p.m. Come join your friends and make some new ones, at the Dixon Senior Center. On Sept. 27, there will be pinochle right after the 5 p.m. meal. New players are always welcome.
Our fall schedule for breakfast will be from 7 to 10 a.m. Come enjoy some good food of your choice, off the menu, cooked the way you like! If you’re early enough you might catch the coffee and conversation regulars and learn the news and philosophy of the day. Then come back for lunch at noon on Thursdays, and dinner at 5 p.m. on Mondays.
Menu: Thursday, Sept. 23, barbecue chicken; Monday, Sept. 27, beef stew and fry bread; Thursday, Sept. 30, ham and potato with rolls.
It’s sounding like fall recipes. I’m still hoping for a coming-back of some sunny weather. I’m not finished with summer yet! It’s time for planting bulbs and iris, bringing in the harvest, if you got any, and digging out some warmer clothes. The bears seem to be very active this season, so be careful if you’re a bird hunter around our area!
Polson senior center
With Cathy Corrigan: Our brunch here at the center last Sunday was a great success. If not for the volunteers this wouldn’t have taken place. Miss Mary sat at the bake sale table while Joe W., Ann B., Clara S. worked in the kitchen, and “White Gloves Greiner” and his side kick Marilyn did a great job on the pancakes. Garnett C. was at the cashier table and Dave M. was our meeter and greeter. Also, a big thank you to our Nutrition Director, Jo.
Last but not least, thank you to all of you who came in and ate and bought the goodies at the bake sale. We appreciate your support and to all who baked the goodies, thank you very much.
We are having a raffle here at the center, contact the center for more information. Come on down and have a look and get your ticket.
Flu shots will be available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 29 at the center.
Now for some card scores. The bridge scores for Sept. 14 had Stan Peterson first and Dee Peterson second. Bridge scores for Sept. 17 were Dean Greiner first and Betty Schuba second. The pinochle winners for Sept. 16 were Ward Grilley first and Carol Daniels second. Those getting double pinochles were Alice Johnson, Carol Daniels, Ward Grilley, Janet Kaschke, Pete Daniels, Dwight Graham Joe Woodworth and Grace Schumacher.
Menu: Thursday, Sept. 23, Polish dogs; Friday, Sept. 24, roast beef Birthday dinner; Monday, Sept. 27, beef stew; Tuesday, Sept. 28, baked chicken; Wednesday, Sept. 29, baked ham.