Can your cell phone create brain damage?
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 13 years, 11 months AGO
Even low-level radiation from mobile phones zaps the brain.
This just in: Wednesday's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports that simply holding an activated cell phone next to your head for less than an hour (50 minutes to be exact) changes brain metabolism - and you don't even need to be talking on your phone!
Nora Volkow, MD, lead researcher of the National Institutes of Health and the Brookhaven Nation Lab team that reported the study, said in JAMA that the "regions expected to have the greatest absorption of RF-EMFs from the cell phone exposure were the ones that showed the larger increases in glucose metabolism."
Volkow also explained to the New York Times, "The study is important because it documents that the human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by cell phones."
"Even though these are weak signals, the human brain is activated by them," she said.
This stunning new study underscores the research that I presented in Zapped - which suggests that the human body is really the "body electric." Human beings are exquisitely sensitive to even the slightest radiation exposures, like the non-ionizing radiation emitted from cell phones and cordless phones. It's not the power that's the problem (non-ionizing radiation does not actually heat tissue), but the pulsating signal which negatively impacts the body. These artificial, man-made frequencies are picked up by the body as "normal" and become intertwined with our own bodily functions, misdirecting cellular communication in a myriad of ways - creating a biochemical stress response.
While this new research does not explore long-term effects, The Swedish National Institute for Working Life has found that, among more than 900 people diagnosed with brain tumors, those who used their mobile phones most often and for the longest period of time had a 240 percent greater risk for malignant brain tumors.
"The only honest way to think of our cell phones is that they are tiny, low-power microwave ovens, without walls, that we hold against the sides of our heads," says journalist Christopher Ketcham. Recent Austrian research shows that exposure to mobile phone base stations - considerably lower than current guidelines allow - "may influence psychobiological stress markers," including the stress hormone cortisol and important immune factors.
And a double-blind peer-reviewed study in the European Journal of Oncology exposed its subjects to radiation generated by a digital cordless phone for 3-minute intervals. The results link cordless phones - which transmit pulsed signals similar to WiFi networks - to heart palpitations and other autonomic nervous system problems. Even low-level electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from all our electrical wiring, and electrical and wireless gadgets are associated with elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol, aches and pains, depression and anxiety.
In addition, "There are actually quite a lot of studies showing cell phone radiation associated with other events, like sleep disturbances," says Henry Lai, Ph.D., at the University of Washington. Even low-level radiation - found in cell and cordless phones, microwaves and wireless - is linked to the formation of free radicals, damaging DNA and leading to mutations that can cause cancer.
What's the answer?
As exclusively reported by Microwave News, Dr. Volkow believes in adhering to the precautionary principle. "Because we are uncertain of whether there are or are not long-term consequences," she said, "My recommendation is to use a wired earpiece, use the cell phone in speaker mode or text messages."
Interestingly, also reported by Microwave News, "The closing sentence of the original version of the JAMA paper advised cell phone users to keep the antenna away from the brain by using a wired earpiece. This was edited in the review/revision process."
Regardless, I would go one step beyond the wired earpiece. I believe that the air-tube earpiece is even safer than the wired headsets. It separates your head from the wires and the speaker! I use this all the time. It is very light and actually quite comfortable. You can check out it out at I am also a huge believer in fortifying the system from the inside out, which is why I am such an advocate of Oxi-Key, the supplement that contains the highest doses of SOD and Catalase - antioxidants that are destroyed by all kinds of EMFS. Its sulfur-rich amino acids help to detox most other pollutants and environmental toxins that are contributing to modern-day toxic overload.
n Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution
Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman is the award-winning author of more than 30 books on health and nutrition and guest on many TV and radio programs. She resides in Kootenai County. Information: