Senior news
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 13 years, 9 months AGO
A few things going on this month here at the Center is the Veterans Aide on Thursday the 14th, Birthday Dinner and Blood Pressure Clinic on Friday the 22nd, Hearing Aide and Hearing Screening on Tuesday the 26th, and great lunches every Monday thru Friday all month long. Come on in and join us for some good food and great company!
Mary and Betty have just about completed another beautiful quilt. If you haven’t been in to see the quilts in the display case you are really missing something. Mary is more than happy to show them off at any time and don’t forget that they are for sale also.
If you haven’t been in for a while, Jo is back from vacation and reports that a good time was had by all. She was missed and it is great to have her smiling face back.
Now, for some card scores. Bridge scores for April 1st were Ruth Baer first and Max Neeley took second and April 5th had Dean Greiner first and Bob Gorsuch second. The Pinochle winners for April 7th were Alice Johnson first and Duane Johnson second, and those getting 1500 Trump were Ward Grilley and Carol Daniels.
Lunch this week: Thursday 4/14 Pork Chops, Friday 4/15 Baked Fish, Monday 4/18 Turkey Noodle Soup, Tuesday 4/19 Chicken Fried Steak, Wednesday 4/20 BBQ Ribs.
St. Ignatius
Country music artist Tim Ryan will entertain in the St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center on Wednesday, May 5. Ryan’s appearance will be in conjunction with the roast beef dinner to be served in the center at 5:30 p.m. The public is invited to come and enjoy the meal and the entertainment provided by this home-grown country favorite. A $5 donation per person is suggested. The center will add a second evening meal monthly, beginning in April, with a ham Easter dinner on Wednesday, April 20, at 5:30 p.m.
The following are the remaining April senior center activities: April 14 quilters, 10 a.m., April 15 porcupine meatballs lunch, April 19 lasagna lunch, April 20 baked ham Easter dinner, 5:30 p.m., April 21 quilters, 10 a.m.
For more information about the center and its activities and services, call the center at 745-4462 or Mack McConnell at 745-4151 or write to St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center, Box 758, St. Ignatius, MT 59865. Bingo is played after almost every lunch.
Do you think that the nice weather will ever show up to stay? It seams that Mother Nature sure likes to tease us.
Don’t forget that our pork roast dinner is this Thursday (14th) at 5 o’clock. All are welcome to come and join us. The Veterans rep has not been here for several weeks, but hopefully they will be here that afternoon from 1 until 3.
The AARP tax people will be here again this Friday, as they have extended it to cover this week. There are still some appointments left, so give us a call if you need one. Our number is 676-2371.
We will be having our Easter dinner at noon on Wed. the 20th, and will be serving ham. The card players have gone back to their summer schedule, and they will meet here at the Ronan center at 7 p.m. on Monday the 18th.
The foot clinic will be here on Wed., the 20th, from 10:30 to 12 noon.
The COA had a very good turnout for their spaghetti dinner, and have been planning a Mother-Daughter luncheon for May 7th. They will be serving “Le Chicken Courdon-Bleu.” Call the COA at 676-2367 for more information and to purchase tickets.
The Council on Aging is located here at the Center, but serves the needs of Seniors in all of Lake County. They offer a variety of services, such as transportation and homemaking, They are also a great source of help and information that you may need in dealing with all aspects of Social Security, Medicaid and all programs that are available to Seniors. If you need their help, give them a call at 676-2367.
The Shepherd’s Table is going strong here at the Center on Tuesday nights, They serve from 5 to 6 p.m., so come in and join them and have a good time visiting with friends, both old and new. There is no charge for this meal, but donations are gladly accepted.
Our menu for the rest of the month is: Wed. (13th) is chicken, Thurs. (14th) is pork roast at 5 p.m., Fri. (15th) is sweet and sour pork, Mon. (18th) is sloppy Joes, Wed. (20th) is ham for our Easter dinner, Fri. (22nd) is soup and sandwiches, Mon. (25th) is tater tot casserole, Wed. (27th) is hamburgers, and Fri. (29th) is our roast beef birthday dinner.
We serve our noon meals on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Everyone is welcome to join us. The pool table is always ready to use, we have BINGO each Mon. and Fri. following the noon meal, and there is always someone to just sit and visit with.
Have a good week, and remember to do a good deed for someone.