Community Calendar
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 13 years, 3 months AGO
Toys for tots
The Polson Chamber of Commerce Office has a drop box in the lobby for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys-For-Tots Toy Drive. Contact Mauri Morin at 406-249-2250.
Holiday display
Bring your family and friends to our special holiday exhibit. Miniature rooms and doll houses created and collected by Toni and Louise Hier are on display Dec. 1 through Jan. 1 at Page by Page Books at 220 Main Street, Polson.
Christmas village
There is a lovely Christmas village set up at the Ronan City Library. This gorgeous village is up for silent auction. Stop by the library, take a look and place a bid. All of the village pieces, including houses, town buildings, waterfront scene, characters and lights are all part of the package. The village is being revitalized for this purpose. Some of the pieces may have slight wear. There are over 20 different buildings in the set. Use it at home, at your business, or as a gift for the holidays. All proceeds will be split between Ronan City Library and Safe Harbor.
President lecture
Professor Libby Rutledge and Amy Stiffarm, an SKC student, will present “Collaborative Relationships Between Faculty and Students” on Friday, Dec. 9 at the Johnny Arlee/Victor Charlo Theatre at noon. Light refreshments will be served.
Christmas exchange
Clean out those closets! Drop off anything you no longer want at Linderman Elementary in Polson, Dec. 2-9 so other families can get the things they need for free! Used toys, blankets, games, clothes, kitchen items, coats, hats, gloves, tools — you name it, we want it! The event will be Saturday, Dec. 10 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Linderman gymnasium. Families can pick out toys and “stuff” for the whole family for free. There will also be free gift wrapping and a turkey drawing. Children can make Christmas cards while their parents shop! For more information, contact Jolene Brackey at (406) 883-3770.
Share the spirit
Make a child’s Christmas a bit brighter by taking a tag from a Share the Spirit (STS) tree located throughout Lake County. Unwrapped gifts need to be returned by Dec. 15 to a tree location or taken to STS Santa Headquarters in the former DRS building on South Hills at the top of Polson Hill. Tags for children, ages 12 and under, are hanging on Christmas trees located in local businesses. Santa’s STS workshop will begin operation during the week of Dec. 12. To volunteer or for more information call STS at 883-1046.
Valley View meets
The Valley View Women’s Club monthly meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 8. If you would like to attend, call 883-2910. The Valley View Potluck will be Sunday Dec. 11 at 5 p.m. at the clubhouse, 40762 Valley View Road. Bring your favorite potluck dish to share. The Valley View School holiday program will be at the clubhouse Thursday, Dec. 22. Call the school for more information 883-2208. Happy Holidays!
Masumola meets
The Masumola Club meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 8, at the Masumola Clubhouse on Masumola Road. The social gathering begins at 5:45 p.m., potluck at 6:30 and program at 7. The program will feature music by the Fiddlesticks School of Music.
Cub Scout cheer
After school until 4:30 p.m., Cub Scouts and the families of Polson Pack 4947 will sing carols in Polson. From 5:30-6 p.m., we will sing at the bonfire on Main Street. Also look for the Webelos Scouts’ “Living Window” demonstration from 5-7 p.m. Please drop off non-perishable food to the scouts in downtown Polson. They will deliver items to the Polson Food Pantry. The Cub Scouts are proud to call Polson home and want to thank all the people and places that make Polson so special!
Living windows
Bring the family downtown to enjoy the decorated store windows. See the nativity scene, live mannequins, antique displays and much more. Most of your favorite businesses will be serving refreshments and ready to help you with your holiday shopping until 7 p.m. Dec. 9.
Holiday memories
The Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana is opening its doors for courtesy tours the weekend of Dec. 9 and 10 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Saturday at 1 p.m., short stories submitted by Charlo third and fourth grade students to the Museum’s “Holiday Memories” contest will be read for everyone to enjoy in front of the fireplace. Homemade cookies, hot chocolate, coffee and tea will be served. Come and enjoy a relaxed afternoon of holiday festivities and shopping at the museum. The museum will be closed for the winter season starting Dec. 11 and will reopen in April. However, if you would like to schedule a group or school tour during the winter, please call 644-2558 or 644-3435 to schedule a day and time.
Choral concert
The Mission Valley Choral Society presents their annual Christmas concert with musical offerings ranging from Handel to contemporary pieces. This year the MVCS will be performing under the direction of Mason Niblack and will be accompanied by the Copeland Memorial Ringers and the Flathead Flute Choir. The concert will be held on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 3 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Polson. The concert is, as always, free to the public, but a goodwill offering will be taken. For more information contact Jason at 883-1086.
Christmas program
Everyone is invited to come to the North Crow Clubhouse on Monday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. for the North Crow Ladies Club Christmas Show. It is located on Foothills Dr. We invite kids and adults to do a talent or enjoy the show. I understand Santa will be there with bags for the kids. There will be hot drinks, cookies and popcorn balls for all. Hope to see you there! For more information, call Marge Fay at (406) 676-3380.
Christmas concerts
The Ronan School District Music Department is having four Christmas concerts this year. All groups will be performing a wide variety of sacred and secular Christmas music. Admission is free and the public is cordially invited to attend any or all of the concerts. Tuesday, Dec. 13 the middle school bands and choir will perform in the Ronan Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15 the high school bands and choirs will perform. Friday, Dec. 16 K.W.H. Kindergarten will have a concert at the RPAC at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20 choirs from K.W.H. will present two concerts. Grades 1 and 2 will perform at 9:30 a.m. Third and fourth graders will perform at 2 p.m. in the RPAC. Wednesday, Dec. 21 Pablo Elementary School will have its Christmas program in the Pablo school gym at 9 a.m. Students from kindergarten through fourth grades will perform using a variety of instruments.
Audubon meets
“Conservation Values of Roadless Areas in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem” by Dr. John Weaver will be the next evening program of the Mission Mountain Audubon Society on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Polson Library Meeting Room. Dr. John Weaver is a Senior Conservation Scientist for the Wildlife Conservation Society who has played a key role in the conservation of wolves, grizzly bears, and wild cats in the United States and Canada. Everyone is welcome.
Christmas party
Mission Valley Chapter 1744 of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) will hold their annual Christmas Party on Dec. 14 at noon at the Ronan Cafe. Lunch will be from the menu. After lunch there will be a program featuring Barbara Morin to speak on “Share the Spirit” Please plan to attend.
Around the world
Come join the Polson Business Community for traditions, food and music from countries around the world showcased in your favorite downtown shops on Dec. 16. Festivities will be from 5-7 p.m. Register to win a holiday gift basket!
ShamRocker fun
The Montana ShamRockers, popular vocally-driven Irish quintet, visits Great Falls with their Celtic Christmas Concert at the Urusuline Academy on Sunday, Dec. 18, beginning at 7 p.m. This year’s new show features beloved traditional and original Christmas tunes from around the world (but mostly Ireland) spiced with their customary gusto. Pass the word and come down for a great fun evening of music, food and friendship, and of course, a few laughs!