Senior News
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 13 years, 1 month AGO
We still have a few bowls here at the center left from the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. If you brought a salad and didn’t get your bowl back it is here for you to pick up. Thanks again to all who contributed.
There will be an AARP Driving Class in February. The date is yet to be established but we will let you know as soon as possible. If you are interested in taking the class give me a call here at the center and I’ll get you on the list.
We still have See’s Candies here for sale for the holidays. They make a real nice gift and they are going fast. If you are interested don’t wait too long!
The December Birthday Dinner will be on Friday the 16th. We are a week early because of Christmas, so mark your calendars and don’t miss one of Wanda’s good roast beef dinners.
Not a lot to report on this week so you all be good, stay warm and we’ll talk again soon.
The scores for the Tuesday afternoon bowling are High Games-No Handicap Ray Theiler 276, Jesse Barry 240, Cindy Lawin 224 and Keith Ross 209. High Series-No Handicap had only one person and that was Ray Theiler at 671.
Now for some card scores. Bridge for Dec. 2 had Doris Gorsuch first and Bob Gorsuch second and for Dec. 6 Max Neeley was first and Doris Gorsuch was second. Pinochle scores for Dec. 8 had Alice Grilley first and Carol Daniels second.
Luncheon menu Dec. 15 through Dec. 21: Thursday (12/15) Polish dogs; Friday (12/16) Birthday Dinner roast beef; Monday (12/19) soft shell tacos; Tuesday (12/20) Bone-In-Ham; Wednesday (12/21) spaghetti.
St. Ignatius
The St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center will have its roast beef Christmas dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 21. The center will be closed on Friday, Dec. 23. The following are senior center activities for the rest of December: Dec. 15, quilters; Dec. 16, beef stew lunch; Dec. 20, lunch; Dec. 21, roast beef Christmas dinner, 5:30 p.m.; Dec. 22, quilters; Dec. 23, center closed; Dec. 27, pork stir fry lunch; Dec. 29, quilters; Dec. 30, spaghetti and meatball lunch. Bingo is played after almost every lunch.
For more information, call 745-4462 or Mack McConnell at 745-4151 or write to: St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center, Box 758, St. Ignatius, MT 59865.
Our tree is up at the center, table decorations are in place, holiday happenings are planned — the time is closing in for getting together to celebrate the season and each other.
Our center welcomes all to join us for a turkey dinner on Dec. 15 at noon. Following there will be a party with a present for all. Please wrap a gift (under $10) and label for a man, women or either one. There will be “taking” of gifts, so join in the fun. Bring a plate of special cookies, if you like.
Saturday, Dec. 17, we will have our first monthly flea market, beginning at 9 a.m. There will be cinnamon rolls and coffee, chili and sandwiches available during the day. Please call for more information or to reserve tables. Joey is available at 246-3526 or Delene at 246-3271. We hope this will be a monthly event on the third Saturday. This is a good time to dig out your old treasures, extra holiday decorations, books, baked goods and outgrown items.
There will be a Melon Day meeting at the center on Monday night, Dec. 12, at 6:30. Plans are being evaluated and discussed for next year’s celebration. Please come and offer your input.
The Cancer Network of Sanders County is offering very high-quality calendars for 2012, available at the Dixon Senior Center. There are many pictures of county residents who have benefited from the network’s fundraising generosity. This would be a nice gift for survivors and families. If you’re interested, call me at 246-0050, or come to the flea market on Dec. 17, where they will be on display. This is a great way to donate to a worthwhile, local cause, which has helped so many of our friends and neighbors.
Pinochle scores from our last play-night are: High score went to Mary Howell, low scorer was Ruth Krantz. Ruby Macabee had the most double pinochles and Lila Krantz won the door prize. Dixon will host the traveling group of players again on Dec. 26 at 1:30 p.m.
December menu will include: Thursday, Dec. 14, turkey dinner followed by a party; Monday, Dec. 19, Polish sausages with kraut; Thursday, Dec. 22, cabbage rolls; Monday, Dec. 26, chicken; Thursday, Dec. 29, hot beef sandwiches.
Take a break from cooking and cleaning up — let us do it, plus socialize a bit! Meals are Mondays at 5 p.m. and noon on Thursdays.