Senior news
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 14 years AGO
St. Ignatius
Congratulations to Mary Bick who won the quilt raffle during the drawing in the St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center Friday, Dec. 17.
The drawing was held during the Christmas lunch. The quilt was made by Ayleen’s Thursday Quilters. The money raised by the raffle was donated by the quilters to the senior center. The center will be closed for business Dec. 31. There will be no Wii bowling until Monday, Jan. 10.
The following are the activities at the center for the rest of December and early January. For more information about the center and its activities, call the center at 745-4462 or center president Mack McConnell at 745-4151 or write to St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center, Box 758, St. Ignatius, MT 59865. Bingo is played after almost every lunch.
The schedule is as follows: Dec. 28, beef, tomato and macaroni lunch; Dec. 30, quilters; Dec. 31, center closed; Jan. 4, taco bake lunch; Jan. 5, roast pork dinner, 5:30 p.m.; Jan. 6, quilters; Jan 7, turkey pot pie lunch; Jan. 10, Wii bowling, 10 a.m.; Jan. 10, pinochle, 7 p.m.; Jan. 11, scalloped potatoes and ham lunch; Jan. 13, quilters; Jan. 14, center annual meeting with lunch.
Welcome to the new year. I hope that you had an enjoyable Christmas and are looking forward to the new year.
My e-mails never made it to the papers last week, and so I will include what is necessasry from last weeks column.
We will be closed tomorrow (31st) and since it is the last Friday of the month, the December birthday dinner has been moved to Friday, Jan. 7.
We had 91 people join us for our Christmas dinner on the 15th. A big thanks to our cooks for all the hard work in fixing such a wonderful meal.
Our next evening meal will be on Thursday, Jan. 13 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
The next foot clinic will be on Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 10:30 a.m. You don’t need an appointment for this and it is on a “first come” basis.
For the months of January, February and March, the card games that are normally held at the Charlo center will instead be held at the Ronan center. Therefore, the next card game in Ronan will be on Monday, Jan. 3 and then again on Jan. 17. As usual, these card games are at 7 p.m. and all are invited to attend. There were 26 people at the last card games in Ronan.
I would like to take the time to thank all of you who have donated to or volunteered your time to the center in the past year. Without your help, the center would not be able to function as well as it does.
The COA is still in need of drivers to take seniors to various appointments and shopping. They supply the cars and the gas, all you need to supply is some of your time. Give them a call at 676-2368 if you can help them.
Our menu for the following week is: Fri. (31st) we are closed, Mon. (3rd) is pizza, Wed. (5th) is Swiss steak and Fri. (7th) is our December birthday dinner and we will be serving roast beef.
Come on in and join us for some great food and fellowship. We play BONGO after lunch on Mondays and Fridays, and the pool table is always available.