Community Thanks January 9, 2010
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 14 years, 2 months AGO
VOLUNTEERS: Helped make evening occur
On Dec. 22 the Northwest Sacred Music Chorale performed an evening of two Christmas Concerts at the Kroc Center. The 5 p.m. performance was sold out, while the 8 p.m. concert was nearly a sell out. Knowing that the parking situation is a current issue at the Kroc we sought out the assistance of several nearby businesses. First we would like to thank Legends Park Assisted Living for offering us access to their parking lot, the use of their bus to shuttle our patrons and their employees to drive the shuttle throughout the evening. WHAT A HUGE DONATION. A special thank you is also extended to Gary Henry who volunteered to stand outside all evening and assist as a parking attendant.
Appreciation is also offered to Interstate Concrete & Asphalt for volunteering to bring their loader to the parking lot to remove a huge snow berm to allow for more parking spaces.
Finally, we offer a sincere thank you to the personnel at First Presbyterian Church, Great Harvest Bread Company and Northwest Academy of Music for serving as our ticket outlets.
As you can clearly see there were many volunteers involved behind the scene to make this evening of music occur. Thank you to all who attended and assisted. What a wonderful, supportive community!
Concert Manager
Northwest Sacred Music Chorale
BRYAN PTA: Grateful for
helping families
The Bryan Elementary PTA would like to say thank you to the following businesses, individuals and schools who donated their time and money to make Christmas a bit brighter for more than 80 Bryan Elementary School families this year:
The Kroc Center (Operation Clothe a Child); Coeur d'Alene Assembly of God Church; Target store employees (Tree of Giving); Holidays & Heroes (Coeur d'Alene Police Dept.); Eileen Van Rooy & Peterson's grocery store and customers (Tree of Giving); Hagadone Hospitality; First Presbyterian Church Deacons; Heather Montee; Windermere Foundation (Boots & Socks for Kids); Hayden Meadows Elementary School students, teachers and PTA; Bryan Elementary School staff; and D. Baughman.
Also, fifth-graders at Bryan Elementary donated more than $150 to Mustaches vs. Cancer, while the entire student body donated more than $405 to St. Vincent de Paul in Coeur d'Alene that will be used toward helping the homeless as part of Bryan's December Service Learning/Kindness focus. Finally, Bryan parent and PTA member Jamee Rowley, along with other volunteers, donated many hours gathering donations, purchasing items, staffing and running the Bryan Elementary Santa Shop in December. The Santa Shop allowed Bryan's 420 students to buy very low cost items ($0.50 - $4) for their family members for Christmas.
The Bryan Elementary PTA is proud to have been a part of helping so many Bryan families, and is also grateful for the volunteers and businesses who have helped us in this endeavor. This is what makes Coeur d'Alene such a wonderful place to live, work and educate our children!
Coeur d'Alene
CAREGIVERS: Show devotion to loved one
Creekside Inn Alzheimer's Community: My dear husband Norman Devereux passed away at Creekside Inn Alzheimer's Community on Kathleen Avenue in Coeur d'Alene on Dec. 17. He was lovingly cared for by the nursing staff, caregivers and other staff members. We became a family during the two years of care for Norm. We are so fortunate to have this type of facility in North Idaho. Not only is it a beautiful place but a home for those who live in the fog of Alzheimer's and Dementia. They met my loved one and understood he had been vibrant and productive before this dreadful disease clouded his mind. Norm felt at home from the very beginning. He received hugs and love from every member of this wonderful staff. I would mention each individual name but fear I would miss someone. They worked as a team to lift my spirits, make us laugh and loved us until the end. My family and I just want to recognize them for their loving devotion to Norm. I praise God for having known each of them.
North Idaho Hospice: To the wonderful staff of nurses, social workers and caregivers thank you so much for your help during Norman Devereux's illness and death. You were a wonderful help and support to both Norman and I during these past weeks. God Bless as you continue this much needed support for those who are ill and dying. What would we do without your wonderful care.
Coeur d'Alene
SUPER 1 FOODS: Market gave flowers to ladies
Kudos to the Super 1 Foods market on Kathleen for giving flowers to the ladies on Christmas Eve. It was a nice gesture that was really appreciated.
Coeur d'Alene