Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 14 years AGO
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Moses Lake issued Mitigated Determinations of Non-Significance (MDNSs) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following projects:
1. Dutch Bros Coffee - Construct a 350 SF coffee drive thru and 5,000 SF retail building at 121 N. Stratford Rd., and short plat the site, including the adjacent Walgreens site at 200 E. Broadway, then divide through a binding site plan. The site is in the C-1 Central Business District. The proponent is GCRR 101 LLC.
2. Favero, 3328 Lakeshore Dr. - Repair and increase the height of an existing concrete bulkhead, construct a 20’ x 15’ concrete patio, construct a stairway from the upper area of the lot down to the patio, and plant native vegetation on both sides of the patio, in the R-1 Single Family Zone. The proponents are Tony & Marcene Favero.
After review of the completed environmental checklists and other information on file with the City of Moses Lake, the SEPA Responsible Official has determined that the proposals will not have a probable adverse impact on the environment if the stipulated mitigation is provided. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-340(2) the lead agency will not act on these proposals for 14 days from the date of determination. Comments on the MDNSs must be submitted by Jan. 26, 2011 to the Responsible Official.
For additional information regarding the MDNS decisions or the proposed projects contact Anne Henning at (509)764-3747. Copies of the MDNSs and information related to these applications are available for review at no charge from the City of Moses Lake, 321 S. Balsam, Moses Lake, WA 98837.
DATED: Jan. 11, 2011
s/Ronald R. Cone
Finance Director
Pub.: January 17, 2011