Thursday, March 06, 2025

More Q & A about chiropractic

Dr. Amy Spoelstra | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 13 years, 9 months AGO
by Dr. Amy Spoelstra
| May 25, 2011 9:00 PM

As I promised you last week, I'll continue with more frequently asked question concerning chiropractic care.

1. Is chiropractic safe?

Yes, chiropractic is safe, gentle and effective. Chiropractic is the fastest growing drugless healing profession in the world today, serving more than 2,000,000 people every day. Chiropractors maintain the lowest malpractice insurance rates of any primary health professionals in the world which is a tremendous credit to the safety record throughout the entire chiropractic profession. Chiropractors conduct thorough examinations to determine which chiropractic techniques are most appropriate and most effective for each individual. Chiropractic is a conservative and natural approach to health that avoids invasive procedures or addictive drugs.

2. Can we adjust ourselves?

No. Since a chiropractic adjustment is a specific force, applied in a specific direction to a specific joint, it is virtually impossible to adjust oneself correctly and accurately. It is possible to turn or bend or twist in certain ways to create a "popping" sound that sometimes accompanies a chiropractic adjustment. Unfortunately, this type of joint manipulation is usually counterproductive, often making an already unstable spine even more unstable, and can sometimes be dangerous. Adjusting the spine is not for amateurs!

3. Is chiropractic addictive?

No. (If only it were, there would be many more healthy people around!) Although it is possible to get used to feeling more balanced, less stressed and more energetic as a result of regular chiropractic care, it is impossible to become addicted to chiropractic care. So, unfortunately chiropractic is not addictive, but good health is. When you find something that helps you to feel healthier, more vibrant and enjoying life more, why wouldn't you want to continue it?

4. Can I still be treated by a chiropractor even though I've had surgery on my spine?

Yes. It's an unfortunate fact that up to half of those who have had spinal surgery will return to their original symptoms months or even years later. They then face the prospect of additional surgery. This common occurrence is known as "Failed Back Surgery Syndrome." I am not saying that there are not certain situations that would indicate a need for spinal surgery, but I do recommend having your spine checked by a chiropractor before taking that risk. Although techniques may need to be modified to accommodate a person who has had a surgery, chiropractic may help prevent repeated back surgeries. In fact, if chiropractic care is utilized initially, back surgery can often be avoided in the first place.

5. Is it OK to see a chiropractor if I'm pregnant?

Anytime is a good time to improve the functioning of your nervous system. This is what chiropractic care does; it keeps your nervous system working as it should so your body can receive the messages that your nerves carry throughout your body in order to keep you healthy. Pregnant women frequently get amazing results from chiropractic. Chiropractors are trained in special techniques for adjusting pregnant women. Because of the inability to take medication for pain, the natural approaches of chiropractic are a logical choice for pregnant women. Pregnant mothers find that chiropractic adjustments improve their pregnancy and make delivery easier for themselves and their baby. Adjusting tables and adjusting techniques are always adapted to a patient's size, weight, age and condition of health.

If you have questions you would like answered concerning chiropractic, give us a call at Spoelstra Family Chiropractic at (208) 667-7434. You can also find us on the Web at


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