Police at stalemate on Munoz shooting
Herald Staff Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 13 years, 5 months AGO
QUINCY - The investigation into the shooting of Ramiro Munoz is moving forward as police look for people willing to testify.
Police Chief Richard Ackerman reported on the status of the investigation during a recent city council meeting
Munoz, 40, was shot on Sept. 23 near North Park in Quincy. Witnesses reported he was shot after confronting a group of men with gang ties, who were firing guns near the park.
"Obviously I can't reveal some things that are actively under investigation, but we're basically at a stalemate," he said. "We have three people of interest. It's like a puzzle, if you will; we're putting the pieces together. We have a good portion of the puzzle put together."
Police want to speak with two persons of interest related to the case - Gerardo M. Valenzuela, 18, and Erwin Vazquez, 20. A third person, Eddie A. Hernandez, 21, is in custody on a Department of Corrections hold.
The police aren't able to get arrest warrants yet, Ackerman said. He is confident investigators will be able to get the missing pieces fairly soon.
"We know who committed the crime, so it's not a 'whodunnit,'" he said. "We know who is involved. Now we have to, as a law enforcement agency with help from the public, piece it together and come up with the arrest warrant."
Once the police have the warrant, police will go after the people in close proximity, he said.
Councilmember Scott Lybbert heard only one witness was willing to speak to police about the crime. He asked if any more had stepped forward.
"Not a whole lot yet," Ackerman answered. "It's evolving very slowly, but unlike other gang shootings, we're getting more information than we probably would have in years past. So that's very encouraging."
People are willing to give information to the police, but aren't willing to commit to testifying in court. He said the unwillingness of people to testify has contributed to not being able to get arrest warrants yet.
"We've been in close conversations with the prosecuting attorney's office. The prosecuting attorney himself ... came out and did an actual walk-through of the crime scene. He wanted to see it for himself," Ackerman said. "We did a slow walk through as to the chain of events as we knew it."
Police are asking for help from other agencies, Ackerman said. The Columbia Basin Investigative Team has already assisted in investigating the shooting.
"They have their own responsibilities in their own cities," he said. "I'm in contact with two chiefs right now to see (if we) can get a little more help."

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