GOVERNMENT Reader responds to previous writer
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 13 years, 4 months AGO
I would like to respond to a recent letter by Scott Hudson. His letter disagreed with a previous letter to the editor I had written. The reason In my letter I "managed to get in every Democratic talking point" is because I am a Democrat. Small government, less taxes, and less government spending has never helped a struggling economy. and here are the reasons. We actually need taxes, and government spending, because when you reduce all of that, in the hopes of improving the economy. This is the result. The hungry will become hungrier. Our teachers, will once again have to figure out how to make a shrinking education budget last another school year. The poor and elderly, the ones who actually built our cities, and contributed to this great country,lose programs. Law enforcement agencies lose prevention programs,and you will continue to add to the ever-growing number of unemployed Americans, many of whom are former government workers, who I am sure, can tell you what smaller government looks like. Oh and you can also say goodbye to veterans funding, which is a travesty, because the veterans are the real patriots, not the ones who pretentiously call themselves patriots, because they carry a pocket version of the constitution (made in china, gotta love the irony) in their coat pocket. When I see these aforementioned "benefits" of reduced taxes, small government, and less government spending, it's hard for me to feel that swelling national pride. In Scott's letter, he mentions my opinions are "very typical of those who depend on the other half who actually pay federal taxes so the other half can pay nothing." I am a husband, a father, I work full time, and am a homeowner, so your comparison is empty and baseless, just like Tea Party ideology.
Brian Reese
Moses Lake