North Idaho award nominees announced
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 12 years, 9 months AGO
COEUR d’ALENE — A host of Sandpoint and Clark Fork athletes were on the list of nominees for college and high school awards as the 50th anniversary of the North Idaho Sports Banquet have been announced.
Clark Fork’s Brocklynn Thornton and Sandpoint’s Maggie Kirscher, both standout three sport athletes, are each up for the Female Athlete of the Year Award.
The banquet will be April 14 at the Best Western Coeur d’Alene Inn. Debbie Buchanan, University of Idaho volleyball coach, will be the guest speaker.
COLLEGE COACH OF THE YEAR — Wayne Phipps, Idaho cross country; Debbie Buchanan, Idaho volleyball; Don Verlin, Idaho men’s basketball.
COLLEGE TEAM OF THE YEAR — Idaho track and field; Lewis-Clark State volleyball; Lewis-Clark State women’s basketball; North Idaho College women’s soccer; North Idaho College volleyball; North Idaho College women’s basketball; Idaho women’s cross country.
FEMALE COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR — Jasmine Stohr, Lewis-Clark State basketball; Allison Walker, Idaho volleyball; Kayla Mortellaro, Idaho golf; Hanna Kauser, Idaho track and field; Korina Baker, North Idaho College basketball; Yang Yang, North Idaho College volleyball.
MALE COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR — Bobby Cowan, Idaho football; Andrew Blaser, Idaho track and field; Kyle Barone, Idaho basketball; Justin Korthuis, North Idaho College wrestling.
BOYS TENNIS — Rafa Hewett-Steiger, Lewiston; Luke Ness, Lake City; Stillman Berkley/Nate Nesbitt, Clark Fork.
GIRLS TENNIS — Katie Smith, Moscow.
BOYS GOLF — Spencer Skipper, Lake City; Derek Bayley, Lakeland; Michael Porter, Cd’A; Kyle Kaufman, Cd’A; Dan Masterson, St. Maries.
GIRLS GOLF — Maddie Dodge, Post Falls; Chelsea Bayley, Lakeland; Kaceelyn Pouttu, Kellogg; Taylor Anderson, Moscow; Sarah Sanders, Lewiston.
BOYS SWIMMING — Kirby Johnson, Moscow; Tanner Anderson, Moscow; Joe Loftus, Lake City; Bryce Kananowicz, Lake City; Bowen Anderson, Moscow.
GIRLS SWIMMING — Suzanne deTar, Post Falls; Hailey Johnson, Genesee; Anastasia deTar, Post Falls; Madeline Barrett, Lake City.
BASEBALL — Jake Helbling, Moscow; Drew Turbin, Cd’A; Joe Roletto, Cd’A; Glade Grunenfelder, Lewiston; Mitch Bevacqua, Lake City; Jason Pattis, Lake City; J.D. Page, Timberlake; Eric Cooper, Lakeland; Jake Pereira, Cd’A.
SOFTBALL — Jessica Lupinacci, Cd’A; Shaundee Garrett, Lewiston; Kyeli Parker, Cd’A; Casey Stangel, Lake City; Katie Rowe, Lake City; Holly Hirst, Priest River; Bekah Kastning, Lakeland; Amy Westberg, Moscow.
BOYS CROSS COUNTRY — Cody Curtis, Cd’A; Michael Dunton, Cd’A; Andrew Regan, Cd’A; Ben Woolley, Cd’A; Kenny Colbert, Cd’A; Leif Fredericks, Cd’A Charter; Sam Levora, Sandpoint.
GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY — Ashly George, Timberlake; Josie Brown, Cd’A; Kara Story, Cd’A; Brooke Nowlan, Timberlake, Natalie Herring, Timberlake.
BOYS SOCCER — Matt Howard, Post Falls; Tanner Horton, Lake City; Adam Borsheim, Cd’A; Colton Grytness, Lakeland; Ryan Schwartz, Sandpoint; Tanner Jones, Moscow; Ryan Kennelly, St. Maries; Andre Zarate, Bonners Ferry.
GIRLS SOCCER — Caelyn Orlandi, Cd’A; Kellsi Parson, Lewiston; Nikki Webster, Lake City; Kelcie Hedge, Post Falls; Bailey Evans, Post Falls; Kassie Torres, Lake City; Kylie Gorton, Moscow; Sam Simmons, Timberlake; Kiana Aros, Kellogg; Hailey Beazer, Bonners Ferry; Meghan Pagano, Sandpoint.
WRESTLING — Drake Foster, Post Falls; Josh Carlton, Lewiston; Ryan Kiemp, Lewiston; James Ost, Post Falls; Tyler Booth, Post Falls; Nathan McLeod, Post Falls; Garrett DeMers, Cd’A; Ryan Rignie, Lewiston; Blaine Invernon, Bonners Ferry; Justin Robie, Grangeville.
VOLLEYBALL (5A-4A) — Allison Meehan, Post Falls; Chelsea Waters, Lewiston; Tori Bertsch, Post Falls; Kylie Curtis, Lake City; Mackenzie Jones, Sandpoint; Talia Candler, Moscow; Maddie Ray, Lakeland; Marissa Payton, Moscow.
VOLLEYBALL (3A-1A) — Marlee Masterson, St. Maries; Jaylee Sines, St. Maries; Taryn Eldore, Priest River; Brooke Murray, Timberlake; Taylor Samuelson, Kellogg; Mattea Bartling, Bonners Ferry; Mackenzie Dire, Wallace; Celeste Komanec, Clark Fork; Brie Benson, Kootenai; Ruth Haynes, Lakeside; Britni Miller, Nezperce.
BOYS TRACK AND FIELD (5A-4A) — David Norris, Cd’A; Cody Curtis, Cd’A; Matt Wardell, Post Falls; Danny Pfeifer, Sandpoint; Wade Shumaker, Moscow.
BOYS TRACK AND FIELD (3A-1A) — Micah Krmpotich, Bonners Ferry; Cooper Simpson, Timberlake; Tyler Anderson, St. Maries; Brian Cronnelly, Timberlake; Jacob Bowman, Cd’A Charter; Justin Lindsey, Grangeville; Tucker Copeland, Kamiah; Blake Warner, Kendrick; Brock Heath, Priest River.
GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD (5A-4A) — Leanne Asper, Lake City; Kinsey Gomez, Cd’A; Morgan Struble, Cd’A; Missy Morris, Lake City; Madison Seaman, Cd’A; Latecia Howell, Lakeland; Jordan Ward, Lakeland.
GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD (3A-1A) — Sam Simmons, Timberlake; Caitlyn Nichols, Timberlake; Megan Sullivan, Grangeville; Megan Deford, Grangeville; Marlyn Brouwers, Timberline; Aspen Jared, Timberline; Felicia Kolb, Clearwater Valley; Hannah Smith, Kendrick.
BOYS BASKETBALL (5A-4A) — Marcus Colbert, Post Falls; Luke Thoreson, Post Falls; Deon Watson, Cd’A; Joe Roletto, Cd’A; Kyle Guice, Lake City; Jackson Olin, Sandpoint; Lane Brooks, Moscow; Derek Pennington, Moscow.
BOYS BASKETBALL (3A-1A) — Satchel Schetzle, St. Maries; Garret Wendt, Kellogg; Brian Cronnelly, Timberlake; Warren Joiner, St. Maries; Sawyer Wahl, Nezperce; Jack Nygaard, Kamiah; Stan Eggars, Nezperce.
GIRLS BASKETBALL (5A-4A) — Tisha Phillips, Lewiston; Caelyn Orlandi, Cd’A; Dani Failor, Post Falls; Taylor Anderson, Moscow; Cieana Close, Lakeland; Maggie Kirscher, Sandpoint; Chelsea Waters, Lewiston; Kyeli Parker, Cd’A; Darby Murray, Lakeland.
GIRLS BASKETBALL (3A-1A) — Kara Wenstrom, Timberlake; Kelly Madsen, Timberlake; Meshel Rad, Prairie; Liz Halcro, Priest River; Brocklynn Thornton, Clark Fork; Lexi Turkenburg, Cd’A Charter.
FOOTBALL (5A-4A) — Chad Chalich, Cd’A; Joe Roletto, Cd’A; Tyson Johnson, Post Falls; Deon Watson, Cd’A; Carlos Martinez, Cd’A; Eric Cooper, Lakeland; Troy Carr, Lakeland; Josh Helbling, Moscow; Cael Wear, Moscow; Adam Couch, Sandpoint; Danny Brum, Lake City.
FOOTBALL (3A-1A) — Devin Smith, Timberlake; Allen Foote, Timberlake; Tyler Morgan, Kellogg; Jordan Stapleton, St. Maries; Alex Awbrey, Bonners Ferry; Casey McKinnon, Wallace; Lewey Wilburn, Wallace; Lamont Higgins, Lakeside; Justin Robie, Grangeville.
NORTH IDAHO COACH OF THE YEAR, FEMALE SPORTS — Robin Barnes, Moscow golf; Jeff Martin, Prairie softball; Laura Tolzmann, Lake City softball; Pat Teichmer, Lewiston basketball; Brian Kluss, Timberlake track and field; Shawn Lawler, Timberlake cross country; Tara Stoner, Troy volleyball; Lori Mader, Prairie basketball.
NORTH IDAHO COACH OF THE YEAR, MALE SPORTS — Shawn Amos, Cd’A football; Cathy Compton, Cd’A cross country; Dave Baldus, Nezperce basketball; Dan Maurer, Lewiston wrestling; Bob Wood, Lake City swimming; Jeff Lindsey, Grangeville football; Jim Sheperd, Potlatch baseball.
NORTH IDAHO FEMALE TEAM OF THE YEAR — Moscow golf, Prairie softball, Lake City softball, Lewiston basketball, Timberlake track and field, Timberlake cross country, Troy volleyball, Prairie basketball.
NORTH IDAHO MALE TEAM OF THE YEAR — Cd’A football, Cd’A cross country, Nezperce basketball, Lewiston wrestling, Lake City swimming, Grangeville football, Potlatch baseball.
FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR — Brocklynn Thornton, Clark Fork; Sam Simmons, Timberlake; Kyeli Parker, Cd’A; Kelly Madsen, Timberlake; Chelsea Waters, Lewiston; Maggie Kirscher, Sandpoint; Britni Miller, Nezperce; Tisha Phillips, Lewiston; Caelyn Orlandi, Cd’A.
MALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR — Chad Chalich, Cd’A; Deon Watson, Cd’A; Jack Nygaard, Kamiah; Joe Roletto, Cd’A; Justin Robie, Grangeville; Casey McKinnon, Wallace.a