Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Community calendar

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 years, 3 months AGO
| December 6, 2012 11:21 AM

DAR Meet

The organizing Kuilix chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Saturday, Dec. 8, at The Red Poppy on Highway 93 in Ronan at 1 p.m. For more information call Bonnie Huber at 745-3118.

Veterans Claim Assistance

Ms. Roxanne Blanche, Service Officer for the Montana Veterans Affairs Division in Missoula, will be available to veterans and their dependents that have questions or need to file a claim with the Department of Veterans Affairs on the second Thursday of every month. Ms. Blanche will be in Polson on Dec. 13 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Senior Citizens Center, and in Ronan on Dec. 13 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Ronan VFW. For more information call (406) 542-2501.

Choral Society Christmas Concert

The Mission Valley Choral Society presents their annual Christmas concert, with musical offerings ranging from Handel to contemporary pieces. This year the MVCS will be joined by the Copeland Memorial Ringers and the Flathead Flute Choir. The concert will be held on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 3 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Polson. The concert is, as always, free to the public.

Valley View Potluck

Mark your calendars for the Valley View Potluck at the Valley View Clubhouse, 40762 Valley View Road, Sunday, Dec. 9 at 5 p.m. Call Kelly Bailey at 883-2910 for more information.

FJBC Meets

The next meeting of the Flathead Joint Board of Control will be Dec. 11 at the Board office at 11 a.m.

Audubon Program

“Skulls, Furs, Feathers and Feet: Facts and Misconceptions” by Allen Bone and Janene Lichtenberg will be the next program of the Mission Mountain Audubon Society on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. in the Polson Library Meeting Room.  Everyone is welcome.  Join us for an all ages, hands-on presentation about local wildlife. A variety of items will be available for you to observe and touch while learning fun facts and common myths about the animals in our area. We will discuss animal adaptations, characteristics and identification using skulls, teeth, tracks, pelts, replicas and mounts.  This will be an interactive presentation so bring your questions about wild animals in our area. Allen Bone is the seventh grade teacher at Two Eagle River High School in Pablo. Prior to this position he taught seventh grade life science in Butte for fourteen years. He will be accompanied by Janene Lichtenberg, a wildlife biologist with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.

NARFE Christmas Party

The Natural Active and Returned Federal Employees (NARFE) will hold their annual Christmas Party at noon on Dec. 12 at Pop’s Grill (214 Main St., Polson). A program from the “Owl Institute” is pending. If so, the speaker will be Matt Larson. Contact Leonard Dubuque with questions at 319-2054.

Arlee CDC Meets

The Arlee Community Development Corporation will hold their December meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 6 p.m. in the Arlee High School Business Lab.  The meeting is open to the public and we welcome all to attend.  If you have any questions please give Kelley a call at 726-5550.

Masumola Club Meets

 The Masumola Club meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 13, at the Clubhouse. The social gathering begins at 5:45 p.m., potluck at 6:30 and program at 7. The clubhouse is located on Masumola Road.  Turn onto Rocky Point off of US Highway 93 and after  the 3-mile marker turn right onto Masumola Road.  The clubhouse is ? mile on the right.  Anyone in the community of Polson and the surrounding area is invited to attend this meeting as a guest. The only requirement for new guests is to bring your own utensils and a dish to pass if you wish.  For information contact Irene Marchello at (406) 883-6184.

Friendship Table Dinner

A free December Friendship Table Dinner will be held at Polson Presbyterian Church on Dec. 14 from 5 to 7 p.m. This month’s dinner is a true Christmas season feast with ham, green beans, cranberry relish, applesauce, dinner rolls, Christmas cookies and beverages. Polson Presbyterian Church is located across from the Linderman School. Come join us! This dinner is free and open to all.

Christmas Sing

Please join us at the Ronan Christian Church Dec. 16 for the Christmas sing.  Our address is 121 Third Avenue S.W. Ronan, MT (across from the Post Office). Starting at 6:30 p.m. there will be an hour of heartfelt singing of Christmas songs and solos. At 7:30 p.m. we will move downstairs for a potluck dinner, so bring your favorite potluck dish. We hope you can come to enjoy fellowship with good friends and neighbors.  All are welcome.      

Bison Range Winter Hours

The National Bison Range is heading into its winter schedule. The Refuge is open daily, from 7 a.m. to dark, which can come as early as 5 p.m. during the middle of winter.  Scenic drives are located in the flats and are open daily, weather and road conditions permitting, of course.  We suggest people give themselves about an hour to do the drives so they can go slowly enough to enjoy the wildlife and scenery.  As the season advances, roads may become snowy and/or icy, so use caution when driving.  No fees are charged during the winter season. Beginning Thanksgiving week, the Visitor Center will be open at irregular hours throughout the week and closed weekends and holidays.  Please call (406) 644-2211 for current information about road conditions and, in particular, Visitor Center hours.

Celebrate the Season of Light Contest

We invite all Polson residents, churches, businesses, and neighborhoods (at least three homes) to enter the “Celebrate the Season of Light” contest.  Nominate your home or any other home, business, church or neighborhood. Nomination forms are available at the Polson Library, Polson Chamber of Commerce, 10-2 pm, 418 Main, Polson or website: www.polsonchamber.com/community events, or polsonforever.org. All entries need to be returned to the Polson Chamber of Commerce by Monday, Dec. 10.