Reader advocates gun rights
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 12 years AGO
Time we talk about assault weapons. Understand though that "assault" is an act, not a thing. Many "things" have been used as weapons in an "assault." Now because of a senseless act by one person out of over 300 million Americans, who murdered his own mother and stole her lawfully owned firearms, the rights of all Americans, 85 million who lawfully possess firearms are already being threatened by the usual talking heads, seeking to extend their 15 minutes of fame and to expound their utopian vision of what America could be, if only stricter controls could be imposed on how we're allowed to live.
Just as drug dealing, prostitution, child pornography, etc., is not prevented by countless laws, acts of violent assault by any individual with malicious intent is seldom preventable. The unlawful acts above, just like unlawful access to guns, will always be provided by a black market as old as the Bible.
From the first primitive firearm, guns have primarily been for military purposes. After each war was over, soldiers and others would "sporterize" the military "assault" weapons into hunting and shooting enthusiast firearms. The M-16 style weapon used last week to slaughter innocents was designed in 1958 and has morphed into a modern sporting rifle. Millions are owned by law-abiding men and women. To claim that confiscating any firearms legally owned will make this a safer society is beyond pasture patties. Guns will always be in criminals' hands.
May I point out the youthful age of nearly every one of these mass shooters. How about you all do a better job of raising your kids rather than going after lawful gun owners. I'll keep my gun.
Jon Smith
Moses Lake