MEDIA: Bias does lean left
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 12 years, 1 month AGO
The recent Press column on media bias contained some interesting statistics and the convenient categories: Conservative, Independent and Liberal; the latter which was defined as open-minded, free-thinking and broadminded. Certainly liberals would define their views in this glowingly positive way, but it’s doubtful that others would be quite so generous.
Additionally, would liberals be so open and accepting of conservative views on the 2nd Amendment, same-sex marriage, military funding, illegal immigration and the use of illegal narcotics? I think we need to quickly jettison open and broadmindedness. The news media makes a point of being fair and impartial in its reporting and all journalists take great pride in being unbiased; this would include everyone from Chris Mathews to Bill O’Reilly — let’s get real!
Noting that the devil is always in the detail, it is questionable to simply ask someone what they are and accept as gospel that any answer they give is absolutely correct. Just ask someone in prison if they are guilty of the crime for which they are incarcerated; it’s horrifying to find that 99 percent of them are innocent. So, let me define the other two categories: Conservative and Independent.
Conservative journalists are generally in favor of the 2nd Amendment and increased military funding and against same-sex marriage, illegal immigration and narcotics. Independents are really liberals who want people to think that they are not biased, but just like openly liberal journalists they too are generally in favor of same-sex marriage, open borders and lax drug laws, etc.
Now, for some fun with the statistics; since liberals and so-called independents agree on most issues let’s put them together. The news media consists of 65 percent liberals plus 23 percent independents for a total of 88 percent compared to 12 percent conservatives. The general population moves back and forth between 48 percent and 52 percent liberal and conservative.
A Gallup poll found 47 percent of Americans say the media is too liberal, 13 percent say too conservative and 40 percent say just about right — which is to say they like the lopsided liberal slant. So, 40 percent + 47 percent = 87 percent which is virtually identical to the 88 percent for liberals and Independents combined above (are we surprised?). In conclusion, the media is about 88 percent liberal and 12 percent conservative but the public is generally about 50/50.
Of course, the only honest way to eliminate bias is to distribute that variable by bringing the media in line with the public — good luck!
Coeur d’Alene