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Community calendar

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 years, 8 months AGO
| July 5, 2012 10:50 AM

Scottish Highland dancers perform

The Miles City Caledonian Society is proud to present the Caledonian Dance Tour through the State of Montana. The Dance Tour will be visiting Polson on Saturday, July 7, for a free public performance. It will be held at North Lake County Public Library at 1:00 p.m. in the meeting room. The library is located at #2 First Avenue East in Polson.

GPCF grant application deadline

Don’t delay! To be considered for a 2012 grant from the Greater Polson Community Foundation, your application must be received by Monday, July 9. Grants are typically awarded in the $500 to $2,500 range. Download the 2012 updated application and evaluation criteria at Questions? Please contact GPCF President Penny Jarecki at 883-2248.

Quilters meet

The Mission Mountain Quilt Guild will hold its monthly meeting on July 10, instead of the third, at 7 p.m. at the Alliance Church, east of Ronan. Evelyn will be teaching a placemat class. Materials needed for the class are four different fat quarters, one being a focus fabric, the other’s coordinating; a thin batting and one yard of fabric for the back, plus binding. You will end up with four placemats 14x18 inches apiece.

Don’t forget to fill out your entry forms for the quilt show and return them to Kay. Bring three fat quarters for the raffle basket, bring items for the Country Store, finish your entries for the quilt show to be held Aug. 3-5, and sign up to work at the quilt show. Our theme this year is “Quilts of the American Civil War.” Get your entries ready! Set up begins Aug. 1. Bunny, Pat, Linda and Joyce are on the refreshment committee for July! See you there!

Barbecue and worship concert

Cornerstone Faith Center is sponsoring a free barbecue and worship concert. The concert will feature Hilary Watson and will be held at the Good ‘Ol Days Field in St. Ignatius on July 11 at 6 p.m. For more information, please contact JP at 274-5013.

Big Arm family fun

The 7th Annual Family Fun Day will be held on Saturday, July 14 at the Big Arm Historic School. Come join us and enjoy a delicious beef barbecue and listen to great live music. The kids will have a blast playing many games and those more adventurous will have a wild time competing in the Water Wars. Lots of fun for all including a 50/50 raffle and the chance to win a fabulous king size quilt. Come and enjoy the new pavilion and annex to the school. All proceeds will go the Historic School Building Fund. For more information please call 849-6628.

Murder at the Howard Johnson’s

The Port Polson Players will be presenting the hysterical comedy for adults, “Murder at the Howard Johnson’s,” through Sunday, July 15 at the John Dowdall Theatre. Curtain time Wednesday-Saturday is 8 p.m. and Sunday Matinee is 2 p.m.

Pheasant hearing

The Flathead Indian Reservation Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board announce the availability of Draft 2012 Pheasant and Gray Partridge Hunting Seasons, Shooting Hours and Limits. The board welcomes comments from the public on these draft regulations. Copies of the draft regulations and other information can be obtained by contacting the Tribal Wildlife Management Program, 406 6th Avenue East, Polson, Montana 59860, by telephone at (406)883-2888 or by email at or

A public meeting to receive comments is scheduled at the Polson Public Library Meeting Room at 2 First Avenue East in Polson, Montana on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Comments may be sent to Ms. Whisper Camel, Flathead Indian Reservation Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board Chair, 406 6th Avenue East, Polson, Montana, 59860. Written comments will be accepted through 8:30 p.m. on Friday, July 27, 2012.

Polson students do cherry-art contest

A new event has been added to this year’s Polson Main Street Flathead Cherry Festival. Students from Polson’s high school and middle school are participating in the festival by submitting artwork for first, second and third place prizes in art and poster categories. Cash prizes are $75, $50, $25, respectively, plus 12 honorable mention awards at $10 each. Judges are Polson artists Dick Beighle and Joanna Simpson. They will make their selections this week, with winners to be announced closer to the July 21 and 22 festival dates. A special award ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at noon, in front of the Cove Deli and Pizza.

Flathead Lake Cherry Growers, Inc., local cherry growers, and the Polson Business Community are sponsoring the contest which was developed by FLCG board of director member, Ken Edgington. Matt Holmes, high school art instructor, and Marvin Todd, middle school art instructor, encouraged students to enter artwork in media of their choice, including wood, ceramic and collage, with one specific requirement: cherries had to be depicted in some way. All 86 cherry-art submissions will be visible during July in the windows at 209 Main Street, a vacant building that has been donated for the art project by owners Bill and Colleen Pinkney.

Mission Valley Aquatics meets

Mission Valley Aquatics will be having their monthly meeting July 23 at 4 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. If you are unable to make it this time please note that they meet on the fourth Monday of each month.

People’s Center activities

The People’s Center’s first Annual Family Fun Day will be July 28 from 1-4 p.m. The center is in need of volunteers to help with things. If you can help or know of someone that can please let Marie Torosian know (406-675-0160).

PHS Class of 1962 reunion

The Polson High School Class of 1962 will be holding a class reunion on Aug. 4 at the Kwataqnuk Resort in Polson. All friends and family members of the class are invited to the Kwataqnuk to socialize with the class following the dinner at approximately 8 p.m. For more information contact Tom Farrell at 849-5609.

Free dancing fun

Mission Valley Dance along with Family Matters will be providing free activities for children Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to noon at Riverside Park (weather permitting). Exercise, dance, music and science projects will be available to all ages. Cherry Valley free lunch program will provide lunches as well. Children who consistently attend will receive free kids cones from The Cove. For more information call Julia Roberts at 406-249-0457.

Become a hospice volunteer

Partners In Home Care Hospice focuses on improving the quality of life for patients and families faced with a life-limiting illness. Our Hospice Volunteers provide compassionate support in the Polson area. Duties may include visiting, listening, reading, running errands or office clerical assistance. If you are interested in becoming a Hospice Volunteer or would like to learn more please contact Mimi Werner at 406-544-7545 or by emailing

Life jacket checkout

North Lake County Public Library has life jackets for checkout! Bring in your library card to check out a life jacket on your way to the lake. For further information, please call the library at 883-8225.


Community Calendar
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 8 months ago
Community Notes
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 8 months ago
Community calendar
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 9 months ago