Thursday, March 20, 2025

Community calendar

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 years, 8 months AGO
| July 12, 2012 11:15 AM

Pachyderms meet

Dan Salomon, who has served on the Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission since his appointment in June, 2011, will be the featured speaker at the Friday, July 13 meeting of the Lake County Pachyderm Club. He also represents HD 12 in the Montana House of Representatives. He will review the reasons for reserved water rights, as well as some of the proposals that have been made involving water rights in all of western Montana, not only the Flathead Indian Reservation. These water rights include irrigation water, in-stream flows for fish, recreation use, power generation, and consumptive uses.

The Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission is negotiating with the Confederated Salish-Kootenai Tribes and the U.S. to recognize the reserved water rights that the Tribes received when the Hellgate Treaty was signed in 1855. Since the Commission is due to sunset or disband on July 1, 2013, the intent of the Commission is to have a compact to deliver to the 2013 Montana legislative session. Lake County Pachyderms meet in Polson’s Rural Fire Station located on Airport Road.

The meeting begins at noon and adjourns at 1 p.m. Social time begins at 11:30 a.m.; attendees are invited to bring a brown bag lunch.

Old time social

The Old Time Social at the Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana will be held Saturday, July 14 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Along with complimentary passes to view the museum, there will be other activities for the family to enjoy.

VBS begins

Vacation Bible School for children ages 5-10 will include crafts, story telling, activities, games and snacks –– and will take place July 16-20, from 9 a.m. to noon at the St. Ignatius Mission in St. Ignatius. Registration forms are available this week. Call Sr. Mary at 745-2768 for more information.

Wildlife board meeting

The Flathead Reservation Fish and Wildlife Board will meet on Wednesday, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Polson City Library. The agenda includes discussion of Pheasant and Hungarian Partridge seasons, waterfowl regulations, and state projects and accomplishments. Board Chairman Whisper Camel invites members of the public to attend and ask questions or express their views.

Track workouts

The Polson High School track team will host open track nights on Wednesdays, July 18 and 25 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Polson High School Track. Interested athletes in 6th through 12th grades are invited to attend. There will be no charge for the clinics. Athletes will have the opportunity to work on speed, agility, and quickness, as well as be able to listen to expert advice and tips from various guest speakers. If you have any questions please feel free to call Mike Ellis at 676-3269.

Ronan Class of ‘77 reunion

The Ronan class of 1977 will have their 35th class reunion on July 20 and 21. The reunion will be at the Valley View Clubhouse, 40762 Valley View Road. Please let us know if you are attending, the Valley View Woman’s club is catering the Saturday dinner and we need a count. July 20, Friday 7 p.m. everyone is bringing appetizers if you want to. July 21, Saturday, some of us will be at clubhouse at 1 p.m. visiting, playing games, breakfast and lunch on your own. Dinner at 5 p.m. Call Kelly Bailey if you want more information 883-2910 or 406-260-6164.

Live History Days

Saturday and Sunday July 21 and 22, visit the Miracle of America Museum just south of Polson on Memory Lane for a treat for the whole family! Food, rides, games, schoolhouse activities, carvers, artists, artisans, quilters, spinners, leather worker, craft people, beaders, engine runs, saw milling, tractors, train, ice cream treats and more.

We can always use more help and participants, particularly with blacksmithing experience and musical talent. Regular museum summer hours 8-8 daily. Live history runs from 10-4 p.m. For more information call 406-883-6804 or 406-883-6264.

Mission Valley Aquatics meets

Mission Valley Aquatics will be having its monthly meeting July 23 at 4 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Construction of the new aquatics facility is moving along, but fundraising is not yet complete and there are a number of events coming up — we are always looking for volunteers! So, join this great effort to bring a swimming pool to the Mission Valley. If you are unable to make it this time please note that we meet on the fourth Monday of each month.

Vacation Bible School

“Going for the Gold” vacation bible school will be from Aug. 6-10 at the Polson Foursquare Church. There will be soccer, art and a cheer camp for students between 9 a.m. and noon Monday through Friday. Please call 883-9347 or e-mail to register and for further details regarding the camp. Friday there will be a family meal and local Tribal Waves strength team.

Polson Class of ‘92 reunion

The Polson High School Class of 1992 will be celebrating its 20-year reunion on Aug. 10-12. To register and get more details go to: For questions or more information contact Danyel at 406-249-3373 or e-mail We are collecting mailing addresses at this time for use in the future. If you are on Facebook, the event can be found by searching: Polson Pirates Class of ‘92, 20th Reunion.

French honor medal

Did you help in the liberation of France during World War II? If so, you could be eligible to receive the French Legion of Honor Medal. Created to honor extraordinary contributions to the country, this medal is France’s highest distinction.

To be eligible for this outstanding award, veterans must have fought on French territory in one or more of the four main campaigns of the Liberation of France: Normandy, Southern France, Northern France and the Ardennes. Call Bert Todd at the Ronan VFW Post 5652 at (406) 676-5652.


Community Notes
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 8 months ago
Community calendar
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 7 months ago
Community Calendar - March 6
Lake County Leader | Updated 11 years ago