Help us save our CVFSA
The Western News | UPDATED 12 years, 9 months AGO
To the Editor,
What is needed in the battle that Cabinet View Fire Department’s people are fighting to save their precious fire department is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God.
These truths need to come from the Lincoln County Commissioners and the Lincoln County Sheriff. But that is not what we are getting. Instead, we hear half-truths, innuendos, false accusations, misinformation, misleading statements, character assassinations and false statements.
I have always heard that if you resort to character assassinations that means you have nothing of substance to add to the debate.
Here are some truths that I know for sure:
1. CVFD does NOT want to be an ambulance service. CVFD wants to have a mutual-aid agreement signed with Libby Volunteer Ambulance so that they (CVFD) can best serve and protect their neighbors in their Fire Service Area.
CVFD is experienced, trained, equipped, and willing to improve their fire department with the addition of a Quick-Response Unit which could be used to respond to any hazard in their FSA. LVA refuses to sign a mutual-aid agreement with CVFD. LVA refuses to sit down and explain or discuss why they refuse to sign a mutual-aid agreement .
2. If anyone tells you that CVFD’s Fire Chief, Dan Leavell, is lacking in leadership skills, it is my opinion, that that person must be a fool; that person probably has no clue as to what leadership skills are; and I am pretty sure that that person does not exhibit any leadership skills in their own occupation. Leavell not only is a great leader at CVFD, he also teaches these skills to others.
Chief Leavell has a doctorate in his profession. CVFD is blessed beyond measure to have Dan’s experience, training, knowledge, devotion, and character at her helm. Dan only wants what is best for the neighbors in CVFD’s FSA, and he will fight with all he has to save this valuable asset.
3. The people at CVFD are a family that loves their Lord, and they live their lives under His grace and forgiveness, and they serve Him daily as He empowers them. Robert Mast is CVFD’s chaplain, and he sits on the FSA Board. Robert’s wife, Sarah, is active in CVFD’s Auxiliary and together they make the Heart of CVFD. ALL of the people that are on CVFD’s roster are hard working, dedicated, selfless, and caring. Their children mirror their parents’ traits. These people and their children come to the station to work and play. If you want to find the names of the CVFD’s kids in the newspaper, don’t look in the police blotter, they won’t be there; you will find their names on the honor roll or on the sports page.
4. My husband, Russ Bache, is captain of CVFD’s Medical Unit. He also is a CVFD firefighter and assistant medical trainer, he knows his stuff. Russ brings to CVFD, his experience from 28 years service in the U.S. Navy. Russ trusts CVFD, and so do I.
Together we have been with this excellent fire department for over three years. We want what is best for our neighbors.
What is best for us who live in CVFD’s FSA is a Quick Response Unit and a mutual-aid agreement with LVA.
Please, if you are reading this, get involved.
Talk to the elected officials and hold their feet to the fire to get at the truth, the facts, and the reality of what is happening.
How can dissolving a 12-year-old, equipped and trained fire department be good for anyone?
Help us save CVFD.
— Rhonda Bache
CVFD FSA Neighbor