Heron Bluff trail project gets $25,000 pledge
Herald Staff Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 12 years, 7 months AGO
MOSES LAKE - The Columbia Basin Foundation has announced a pledge of $25,000 to the proposed Heron Bluff walking trail project.
The new trail builds on the existing system as an extension of the Neppel Trail, starting at Blue Heron Park and running along the shoreline about 3,400 feet. The plan calls for ADA accessibility, lighting, benches and bike racks.
The city is applying for a $197,000 grant from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office. The foundation's donation is contingent upon the city receiving state funding for the project.
"Heron Bluff Trail will finish an important pedestrian and bicycle connection between the Westlake area and downtown Moses Lake. One example is that this trail will give children the ability to ride their bikes safely all the way from the Westlake area to the Surf 'n Slide Park," wrote Lori Moholt-Phillips, recreation superintendent for Parks and Recreation.
"We believe this is a very worthwhile project and we are pleased to be a part of it," foundation director Donn Cook wrote.
The project has received support from other local business and organizations, including a $3,000 grant from Columbia Colstor and $1,000 from the Moses Lake Trail Planning Team.
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Central Wash. Home Expo this weekend
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Nurse practitioner program begins in Othello
Application deadline is May 15
OTHELLO - The Columbia Basin Health Association will start a training program for nurse practitioners, beginning in September. The program's application deadline is May 15.