Businesses benefit from water project
Herald Staff Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 13 years AGO
MOSES LAKE - The Port of Moses Lake, City of Moses Lake and the ASPI Group are partnering to build a 12-inch water main along Randolph Road, from 19th Avenue to Tyndall Road.
The land is located near the Grant County International Airport.
The $539,230 project increases the water capacity by about 600 gallons per minute, explained Gary Harer, the city's municipal services director.
"It will help the industries out there. It will increase the flows out there," he said. "It's a great project. It not only increases the capacity out there, it's a great partnership between the city, port and ASPI."
ASPI Group owns land near the Grant County International Airport and is prepaying $100,000 to help complete the work.
ASPI is out in a concerted effort with the city, port, Grant County Economic Development Council and the state Department of Commerce to recruit companies like SGL/BMW to Moses Lake, said Kim Foster, ASPI Group's corporate counsel.
"The more we can have the infrastructure ready to go, the better off it puts us in those competitions," Foster commented.
Having additional water provides more fire flow, which helps when recruiting new businesses.
"We would compliment both the city and the port for being proactive for getting these systems in place, so we're not working behind the curve," he said.
City officials are cognizant of the fact that construction costs are low, Foster explained.
Patrick Jones, the port's executive director, told port commissioners this week the port budgeted $162,500 for the project. It is 25 percent of the estimated cost.
The apparent low bidder for the project is Hurst Construction LLC of Wenatchee, with a bid of $807,888.
The project is included with other city work: replacing 1,300 square-feet of water main along Alder Street and Third Avenue and installing 2,600 square-feet of 12-inch water main along Beacon Road.
The city received 13 bids for the project, starting at a low of $807,888 and a high of $1.18 million.

Staatses plead not guilty
EPHRATA - The Moses Lake couple, accused of refusing to take their child to a hospital as the boy was starving, pleaded not guilty Tuesday.

Central Wash. Home Expo this weekend
MOSES LAKE - Basin residents wanting to build a new home, or renovate an existing one, can turn to next weekend's Central Washington Home Expo for inspiration.

Nurse practitioner program begins in Othello
Application deadline is May 15
OTHELLO - The Columbia Basin Health Association will start a training program for nurse practitioners, beginning in September. The program's application deadline is May 15.