Influenza-Like Illness (The Flu) Outbreak at Hearthstone Inn
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 13 years AGO
MOSES LAKE – The Grant County Health District (GCHD) has been notified of an influenza-like illness (the flu) outbreak in the Moses Lake Hearthstone Inn assisted care/retirement facility.
Flu can be a very severe illness in older adults, according to the GCHD. GCHD staff are working closely with Hearthstone personnel to control the outbreak.
According to the GCHD, it is critical that the public follow the Health Officer’s orders listed below:
Do NOT enter Hearthstone unless you absolutely must.
You will not be allowed to enter Hearthstone if you are sick.
It is recommended that ALL visitors wear a face mask.
According to the GCHD, nearly 25 percent of the residents are sick with the flu or flu like illnesses, and two residents were hospitalized as of Friday and tested positive for the influenza A virus. There have been no deaths.
“The Hearthstone staff and residents have been extremely cooperative. We must act quickly and take every measure possible to protect this community or control further spread,” said Dr. Alexander Brzezny, Grant County Health Officer.
He added: “We understand that families want to visit with their families and friends at Hearthstone, but right now it’s important to not expose the residents to any additional sicknesses or take flu home to your families.”