Stop bullying and cyberbullying
The Western News | UPDATED 13 years AGO
Parents are encouraged to recognize the signs their child might be a victim of bullying, cyberbullying and/or sexual harassment:
• Signs of emotional distress during or after using the Internet or the phone;
• Being very protective or secretive of their digital life;
• Withdrawal from friends and activities;
• Avoidance of school or group gatherings;
• Slipping grades and “acting out” in anger at home,
• Changes in mood, behavior, sleep, or appetite.
Students should consider the following if they believe they are a victim of bullying, cyberbullying and/or sexual harassment:
• Don’t respond to bullies — it gives him or her power over you;
• Don’t retaliate — getting back at the bully turns you into one and reinforces the bully’s behavior;
• Save the evidence — you need to do this even if it’s minor stuff, in case things escalate;
• Talk to a trusted adult — if you’re really nervous about saying something, see if there’s a way to report the incident anonymously at school;
• Block the bully — if the harassment’s coming in the form of instant messages, texts, or profile comments, do yourself a favor:
Use preferences or privacy tools to block the person. If it’s in chat, leave the “room;”
• Be civil — treat people the way you want to be treated,
• Be a friend, not a bystander — if you can’t stop the bully, at least try to help the victim and report the behavior. suggests the “Take 5” initiative — put down the mouse and step away from the computer. By not reacting and taking the time to calm down, we can avoid becoming a cyberbullying ourselves. What can we do for 5 minutes to help us calm down? Kids have suggested: throwing a baseball or shooting hoops, baking cookies, reading, napping, taking a walk or a run, watching TV, talking to a friend and hugging a stuffed animal.
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