Big Bend 'cellarbrates' 50 years
Herald Staff Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 12 years, 10 months AGO
MOSES LAKE - With 2012 representing Big Bend Community College's 50th anniversary, the college's annual Cellarbration fund-raiser offers supporters a blast from the past.
The event is 5 p.m., May 19, in Big Bend's ATEC building.
"We hope people can put together alumni tables from each decade since 1962 to help us with the 50th anniversary theme," said Judy Oakes, co-chair of this year's event. "We want to recognize the accomplishments of Big Bend's students of the last 50 years at the same time we are supporting scholarships."
Cellarbration! For Education is a premium wine dinner and auction that pairs a five-course gourmet dinner with Washington wines and exceptional service and décor.
The event raises funds through cash sponsorships, ticket sales and auction items to support scholarships for recent high school graduates, returning students, and professional and technical students. It also raises money to help students cope with financial emergencies.
The event features a "Bling" raffle for a one carat diamond from Harrison's Diamonds and Designs and a Leonetti wine auction - a chance to bid on wines unavailable to those not on the winery's waiting list.
The committee is soliciting sponsorships and auction items for the event. People can contact the Big Bend Community College Foundation at 509-793-2006 for sponsorship forms, auction donation forms or to make reservations.

Cellarbration event helps Big Bend students foot bill for college
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 11 years, 10 months ago

Staatses plead not guilty
EPHRATA - The Moses Lake couple, accused of refusing to take their child to a hospital as the boy was starving, pleaded not guilty Tuesday.

Central Wash. Home Expo this weekend
MOSES LAKE - Basin residents wanting to build a new home, or renovate an existing one, can turn to next weekend's Central Washington Home Expo for inspiration.

Nurse practitioner program begins in Othello
Application deadline is May 15
OTHELLO - The Columbia Basin Health Association will start a training program for nurse practitioners, beginning in September. The program's application deadline is May 15.