PFPD honor guard debuts
Brian Walker | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 12 years, 10 months AGO
POST FALLS - The Post Falls Police Department now has an honor guard to call its own.
The group debuted during the recent Mayor's Youth Awards ceremony and will post colors and fold the flag during Monday's Memorial Day ceremony at Evergreen Cemetery at 11 a.m.
"We thought that it would add a professional element to our department and allow us to better participate in local ceremonies," PFPD Chief Scot Haug said. "This does not replace any of the veterans honor guards. We want to complement what they do and partner with them."
Haug said American Legion Post 143 volunteered to train PFPD's honor guard.
"Any success our team has is a direct reflection of the American Legion," Haug said.
Officer Scott Harmon approached the police department about forming its own honor guard.
"Our staff embraced the idea," Haug said.
The Kootenai County Sheriff's Department and Coeur d'Alene Police Department already have them and the intent is to collaborate with those agencies with some events, Haug said.
The group's four members - Harmon and officers Chris Thompson, Troy Moss and J.D. Putnam - have been practicing in recent months to prepare for events.
"There's a lot of formalities involved," Haug said about the startup process. "It isn't as simple as going out and getting uniforms."
Setting up the honor guard cost about $4,000, which was paid for with the department's uniform budget. It is expected to grow as funding is available.
"We wanted to start out small," Haug said.
The group will post colors and be represented at community, civic and school events, police graduations and if emergency responders die in the line of duty. It will be in the Post Falls Days Parade next year.
At some of the events, it will fold the flag 13 times. Each fold represents actions such as honoring mothers and fathers and defending liberty.
"I'd encourage people to come out on Memorial Day to watch; I don't think they'd be disappointed," Haug said.
Here are some of the local Memorial Day ceremonies on Monday:
• Coeur d'Alene - There will be ceremonies at the bell near the boat launch at The Coeur d'Alene Resort at 9 a.m., St. Thomas Cemetery at 10 a.m., Forest Cemetery at 11 a.m. and Memorial Cemetery at 2 p.m. The Marine Corps Auxiliary will serve lunch after the ceremony at Memorial.
• Post Falls - American Legion Post 143 will hold a ceremony at 11 a.m. at Evergreen Cemetery. The new Post Falls Police Honor Guard will post colors and fold a flag. Mayor Clay Larkin will speak. Wreaths will be laid at the veterans memorial representing wars and the 911 attacks.
• Hayden - Ceremonies will be held at 10 a.m. at Honeysuckle Beach and at 11 a.m. at City Hall. The beach ceremony will include the laying of the memorial wreath, trolling of the boats honoring service men and women lost at sea, a prayer, rifle salute and Taps. At City Hall, there will be an A10 flyover at 10:45 a.m. Guest speaker will be Sen. John Goedde, R-Coeur d'Alene. There will also be a rifle salute, placement of a memorial wreath and Taps. Refreshments will be served in the City Council chambers afterward.
• Rathdrum - There will be a ceremony at Pinegrove Cemetery at 11 a.m. Veterans and the city will put up flags throughout the cemetery.
• Spirit Lake - VFW Post 1473 will hold a ceremony at noon at the cemetery.
• Athol - The American Legion will have a flag-raising ceremony at the post at 9 a.m. and hold a service at the cemetery at noon.
• Blanchard - VFW Post 1473 will hold a ceremony at 11 a.m. at the cemetery.
• Regional Veterans Cemetery, Medical Lake, Wash. - An outdoor ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. on the grounds north of West Medical Lake off Espanola Road. Parking is available along Ritchey Road, Northern Quest Casino, Medical Lake High and Denny's Foods. Groups are encouraged to carpool. Seating is limited so chairs are encouraged. Information: (509) 299-6280,

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