Community calendar
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 years, 4 months AGO
Courtesy Dock Reminder
The Lake County Planning Department would like to remind lakefront property owners on Swan Lake and Lake Mary Ronan that floating docks must be removed from the water by December 1st as required by the County’s Lakeshore Protection Regulations. For questions or more information, contact the Planning Department at 406-883-7235 or by e-mail at
PHS Scholarship Opportunity
L. G. Baertsch scholarship applications are available at First Interstate Bank - Trust Department or at the Polson High School guidance office. Applications are due back to the bank by Friday, Nov. 23. Applicants must be former PHS students currently enrolled in an accredited college, university or trade school. They must have at least a 2.0 grade point average for two semesters if enrolled in a four-year college or university, or for one semester at a two-year college or trade/vocational school.
Veterans Claim Assistance
Ms. Roxanne Blanche, Service Officer for the Montana Veterans Affairs Division in Missoula, will be available to veterans and their dependents that have questions or need to file a claim with the Department of Veterans Affairs on the second Thursday of every month. Ms. Blanche will be in Polson on Nov. 8 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Senior Citizens Center, and in Ronan on Nov. 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Ronan VFW. For more information call (406) 542-2501.
Masumola Club Meets
The Masumola Club meeting will be held Thursday, Nov. 8, at the Clubhouse. The social gathering begins at 5:45 p.m., potluck at 6:30 and program at 7. The program will feature Brian Lipscomb who will discuss the history and current status of Kerr Dam. The clubhouse is located on Masumola Road. Anyone in the community of Polson and the surrounding area is invited to attend this meeting as a guest and enjoy friendship, meetings and interesting programs. The only requirement for new guests is to bring your own utensils and a dish to pass if you wish. For information contact Irene Marchello at 883-6184.
Book Signing
Local author Maggie Plummer will be signing her new book, “Spirited Away: A Novel of the Stolen Irish,” at North Lake County Public Library in Polson on Friday, Nov. 9 from 3 – 6 p.m. in the library meeting room. Everyone is invited to attend. Refreshments will be served.
Pachyderms Meet
Linda Reksten, Polson’s new superintendent of schools, will be the guest speaker at the Friday, Nov. 9 meeting of the Lake County Pachyderm Club being held at the Polson Rural Fire Department building on Airport Road. Dr. Reksten is expected to discuss how she believes Polson’s school system can be strengthened and our children adequately prepared for life after high school. Anyone interested in learning more about our school system is cordially invited to attend the meeting that begins with a social time at 11:30 a.m. where brown bag lunches are encouraged. The meeting begins at 12 noon and adjourns at 1 p.m.
Library Birthday Party
North Lake County Public Library in Polson will finish celebrating its 100th birthday with a party for the public on Saturday, Nov. 10. Everyone is encouraged to come join the fun! This community event will take place in the library meeting room from 1-3 p.m. Birthday cake and ice cream will be served, and there will be favors, a puppet show, prize drawings, and games for all ages! The library is located at #2 First Ave. E., in Polson. Call 883-8225 for more information.
Parent/Athlete Meeting
Polson High School will hold its mandatory parent/athlete winter sports meeting on Monday Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. for any students that did not participate in a fall sport. If the student athlete did participate in a fall sport the meeting will begin at 7:30. For more information contact Scott Wilson at 883-6350 ext. 203.
Herb Group Meets
“Thyme for Herbs Group” will meet Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. at the North Lake County Public Library Meeting Room (Polson) 2 First Avenue East (use the east side door). This will be an informal gathering instead of a lesson. Our theme is: Using Herbs in Holiday Foods. We are asking people to bring samples of a food featuring herbs to share with the group and printed copies of the recipe for about 20 people. If you can’t make multiple copies, e-mail the recipe to Linda to print. We will sample and discuss using herbs liberally for nutrients and prevention of disease. Anyone interested is invited to join us. If you have questions please call Linda Peterson 319-2446.
FJBC Meeting Change
The monthly meeting of the Flathead Joint Board of Control will be Nov. 13 instead of Nov. 12 due to Veteran’s Day. The FJBC will meet at 11 a.m. at the board office. Meeting is open to the public.
Polson Schools Committee
The Nov. 20 Policy Committee Meeting for Polson Schools has been re-scheduled for Nov. 13. Time remains the same: 3:45 to 5 p.m., Polson Schools District Office Conference Room – 111 4th Ave. E.
Mission Valley Band Festival
Students from Bigfork, St. Ignatius, Ronan, Arlee, and Thompson Falls will be participating in the Mission Valley Band Festival at the Ronan Performing Arts Center on Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. This year’s director is David Barr of Glacier High School. Concert is free and open to the public.
DAR Meets
The Organizing Kuilix Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet at the Miracle of America Museum, Highway 93 in Polson at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13. The program will be an Honoring of All Veterans presented by Sgt. Chuck Lewis, USMC. Call Bonnie Huber for more information at 745-3118.
Arlee CDC Meets
The Arlee Community Development Corporation will hold its November meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Arlee High School Business Lab. The meeting is open to the public and we welcome everyone to attend. For further information contact Kelley at 726-5550.
Polson Rural Fire Monthly Meeting
The Polson Rural Fire District will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Fairgrounds station. All residents of the Polson Rural Fire District and interested general public are encouraged to attend. Residents’ questions and ideas help to keep the trustees informed and assist them in formulating their decisions. For a full text of approved minutes and the agenda please go to
Free Screening Clinic
A free developmental and preschool screening clinic for children ages 0 to 5 in the St. Ignatius School District will be held at the St. Ignatius Elementary School on Thursday, Nov. 15 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Please call 745-3811 ext. 233 to schedule an appointment for your child’s screening or to receive more information. This free screening will include gross motor, fine motor, language concepts, communication concepts, communication skills, hearing and vision screening.
Presidential Lecture Series Continues
SKC President’s Guest Lecture Series welcomes Karl Rangikawhiti Leonard (Clan Affiliation: Ng ti Rangiwewehi, Ng ti Ngararanui, Ng ti Awa, Ng ti Pahipoto, Ng ti Raukawa) Lecture will be held Friday, Nov. 16 at noon in the Johnny Arlee/Victor Charlo Theatre. The subject of this upcoming session is a history of the Maori people of New Zealand commencing from the migration of the Maori from Rangiatea in the Tahiti region to Aotearoa New Zealand. From pre-European contact through to post contact today showing examples of inter-generational exchange and the role Maori play in New Zealand society today.
Holiday Decoration Contest
Because it is a lot more fun to string up those Christmas lights before the snow starts to fly, the Beautification Committee of Envision Polson is announcing plans for the second annual community-wide holiday decorations contest early. The committee is encouraging people to have their holiday lighting displays completed by Monday, Nov. 26. Contest nomination forms will be available at the Polson Chamber of Commerce and also may be down loaded from the Polson Chamber website, as well as the Greater Polson Community Foundation website, The contest is open to residences, businesses, churches, and neighborhoods if there are at least three residences participating. Judging will take place from Monday, Dec. 10 through Wednesday, Dec. 12. Winners will be announced Friday, Dec. 14. Judges will look for the best use of theme, the best use of lights, originality, and overall appearance.